Argus Wall

P@trick's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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I posted the Gnome with Kukris and Drunken Master Monk Dwarf in general discussion. Then someone said I should probably post this kind of stuff in this section instead.

Today I am adding my Svirfneblin here too.

These aren't any characters I play. Just drawings for fun.

David knott 242 wrote:
P@trick wrote:

Thanks. I typed the symbol wrong. I think I fixed it.

Is this post off topic? In the wrong section? :-/

For future reference, I would put character artwork here.

Thanks David. Will do. I have a picture of a svirfneblin I wish to post.

ObsessiveCompulsiveWolf wrote:
P@trick wrote:

Thanks. I typed the symbol wrong. I think I fixed it.

Is this post off topic? In the wrong section? :-/

Eh. Maybe. Who cares. I found it here.

If you and someone else found it, I must have done it right! :-)


“Not professional level”? I’d hate to see what you think of anything I drew. These are fantastic.

“ But the more I draw and paint, the better I'll get.” True enough. Keep at it.

And I hate dwarves and gnomes. ;)

Thanks! I appreciate your encouragement. I may post more soon.

Thanks. I typed the symbol wrong. I think I fixed it.

Is this post off topic? In the wrong section? :-/

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I don't know where to post this to be honest. I drew these two concepts and thought, "Why not share them?"

Just sketching some concepts... These aren't professional level by any stretch of the imagination. But the more I draw and paint, the better I'll get.

Dwarf Drunken Master Monk

Gnome with Kukris

Just click on the picture to enlarge them.

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At Gamer-Printer: Your page is amazing by the way. That explains the influx of work.

Thanks Gamer-Printer,

That post was super helpful! I have never heard of G+ before. I will check that out.

And I realize low pay is where you have to start. Once you pay your dues, then you can negotiate higher pay.

Thanks again.

Kiteran wrote:

I wish you all the best in your artistic endeavors.



Thanks Kit.

I have a pretty thick skin. And I don't imagine anyone judging me harder than I can judge myself. If it hurts, it's probably true and stuff I need to work on. If it's "BS", I will likely see through it.

I am like you - working in an office to pay bills. But I think I just gave up on the idea until I realized I have nothing to lose and should try again. Sure I lost a lot of time letting my skills atrophy too. The milk is spilled and right now I have a mop in my hands. :-) That's my new attitude.

I only have some educational / anatomical drawings up so far. But hopefully soon I will have other "fun" stuff up.

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Laithoron wrote:
Welcome to the boards, P@trick!

Thanks. I just now discovered this reply. Better late than never! But thanks for taking the time to write me.

I am probably going to close this request. I fulfilled one drawing for someone who was kind to request my help. But as I soon discovered that the request was less to do with what I was looking for thematically and keeping me on focus with my eventual submission. I think if there are any obvious errors with my drawings I could get feedback at that point in time. But it was fun helping this individual out.

So I will keep working on stuff in my spare time and probably post to Deviantart like you suggested. I am already signed up there and have a few fans of my practice anatomical drawings. I suspect when I get more "personal" and fun work there, people will have more suggestions for me.

Thanks so much for your feedback Laithoron.

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Hello all,

This is my first post. I am happy to be here.

But I would like your help if you can. I have a few questions and concerns. If you can do anything to address them, it would be greatly appreciated.

I am an aspiring artist and fan of fantasy art (DnD, MTG, Pathfinder, and more). I have been kicking around the idea of doing a submission of artwork. But I am possibly not ready in terms of skill to go the official route and submit via the site. So I am slowly building up a portfolio while working a full time job. It’s hard to find time, but I’m trying. I am not a Pathfinder player either, so certain fine details about gameplay will be lacking (although I do read pages and comments). And that’s where I am hoping you can help me streamline the process.

I am wondering has anyone ever posted their own artwork here or links to artwork here?
Is it completely unrelated to do so?
Would it be annoying or fun to be involved?
Anyone able to give any artistic / style critiques?
Would people be able to provide feedback on things obviously wrong with a picture that a newb would miss? -- Example: “No a wizard cannot equip a sword”.
Must haves - "A halfling ninja MUST have a wakizashi as his weapon".
Or feedback on what they would love to see in artwork? -- Example: “I would like to see a half-orc sorcerer instead of the typical barbarian / fighter role”.
Give suggestions on how to make characters look less cliché? Example: "Wizard always wearing a long robe". Fantasy fashion lessons, lol.

I am currently sketching / playing around with these concepts right now since they don’t seem to have been done yet by other artists:
Mounted gnome summoner
Half-orc scarred witch doctor
Halfling ninja

Of course all of this would be voluntary and not paid (remember, this is a hobby for me at this point). And I will probably not be able to fulfill most, if not, all suggestions depending on how many come in. But I figured this is a route nobody has tried before and it would be fun to see what kind of suggestions I get. It can’t hurt, right?

So let me know what you think. Your feedback is appreciated.