PKelley's page

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I am working on a four-scenario Adventure designed to be run after “Spires of Xin-Shalast”. Everything is based solely on the contents of the Base Set and the six Adventure Decks; essentially, it is just a set of (fairly complex) Adventure and Scenario cards that allow players to try out the Loot and abilities gained by the end of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. Once I’m done playtesting it, I would like to make it publicly and freely available.

Assuming the inclusion of the “official notice” from Paizo’s Community Use Policy in the posted materials, is there any way in which this might violate their intellectual property rights, or otherwise transgress against the written-but-indecipherable-to-mere-mortals law? Also, where might be the most effective place to post the final materials? (This message board, somewhere on BGG?)