About PFS CORE-Korin Sangre-Player:Riuk
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)1 Init +4; Senses Perception +3 -------------------------------=DEFENSE=------------------------------- AC: 10, Touch: 10, Flat-Footed: 10 (+0 armor, +2 dex, +0 shield,+0 NA,+0 Magic) HP: 16 {+1d6,+1d10,+2Con,+1race} Fort: +3, {+2Base,+1Con} Reflex: +2, {+0Base,+2Dex} Will: +4,{+4Base,+0Wis} CMD 10 {+ Base + Str + Dex + size + misc} -------------------------------=OFFENSE=------------------------------- Speed: 30 ft. CMB: +0; {+ Base +Str + size + misc} Base Atk: +1; Melee:+3{+1Base,+2Str} Ranged:+3{+1Base,+2Dex} --Melee:+3
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
ACP -0 *ACP applies to these skills
-=Languages=- Common, Dragonic ---===Special Abilities===---:
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=------------------------------- -------------------------------=Sorcerer=----------------------------- -=Bloodline=- {-=Dragon {Gold}=-, Claws{1d4 7/day} -=Cantrips=-, -=Eschew Materials=-, -==-, -==-, -==-, -------------------------------=Paladin=----------------------------- -=Aura of Good=-, -=Detect Evil=-, -=Smite Evil 1/day=-, -==-,
-------------------------------=Spells=------------------------------- -----------------------------=0th (at will)=-------------------------------- -=Acid Splash=-, -=Danceing Lights=-, -=Mage Hand=-, -=Detect Magic=-, -==-, -==-, ------------------------------=1st (4/day)=------------------------------
-------------------------------=GEAR/POSSESSIONS=-------------------------- ----- -=Kit,Sorcerer=- 8gp 19lbs -=Outfit, Cold-Weather=-, 8 gp 7 lbs -=Wand of burning hands =-, 2pp -=Wand of CLW=-, 2pp -==-, -==-, ---------------------------------=Combat Gear=------------------------- -=Morningstar=-, 8gp 6lbs -=Javalinx4=-, 4gp 8lbs -=MW/Cold Iron Great sword=-, 400gp 8lbs -==-, -==-, -=Carrying Capacity=- Light 0-58 lbs Medium 59–116 lbs. Heavy 117–175 lbs. -=Current Load Carried=- 33 lb. -=Money=- 1153 GP 0 SP 0 CP
---===Appearance and Personality===---:
Character look just with out the sword Eyes:as molten gold Hair:black Skin:brown with golden hues Height:6' Weight:230 Man stands at 6' and is about 230lbs an imposing figure to most his brown skin seems to have odd golden hue to it as if small golden scales are right under his skin. His eyes look as two small golden orbs sitting before a fire. His hair is kept tight and trimmed close to his head as it sides and fades into a few inches of growth above his ears.
While Korin does appear eerily calm most of the time, the rough nature he has acquired from his childhood never fails to show itself in one form or another. Sarcasm, open mockery and bluntness are not strangers to him or the people that have come to know him, but he always tries to carefully choose when to let loose a tongue lashing and when to simply keep silent.
Korin was born into a family that was all too familiar with both crime and poverty; his father was a small time thug, who despite being neglectful still held plenty of his son's affections, Korin’s mother on the other hand was a seamstress who grew more bitter and resentful of her life and her decisions with each passing year. At the age of fourteen Korin's father died, which made his mother’s attitude grow worse; she daily told her son that he would never amount to much, that all he could be was a useless thug just like his father. This enraged the young Korin, especially since it was partially true; as he had been mixed in with gangs and street toughs for quite a while now, and since being with his fellow scoundrels meant seeing less of his mother it was only natural that he would sink even deeper into Korvosa's underworld. Three years passed and Korin found himself hitting a high point in his life; he was bigger and stronger than most people in his age group, his gang had grown larger and bolder, there had even been talks of them possibly becoming part of the Cerulean Society, also there was the bonus of drawing the attention of a decent amount of girls his age, of course such attention wasn't always what he expected and wasn’t what one would consider positive. The culprit of these peculiar responses to his activities and presence was called Iris, her fiery red hair and hazel eyes that were constantly locked in a serious, judgmental gaze easily made her stand out among the many people she worked alongside in her father's inn and tavern. Korin frequented her father's establishment, because he felt it was the best place he could hang around in the Shingles district, this lead to her basically berating him on an almost daily basis, but Korin didn't find her words to be as insulting or demeaning as his mother's; simply because she never talked of what he could become or what he was capable of, just what he was doing at the moment and as far as Kroin was concerned she was right he was not what people considered an ideal citizen and he rather appreciated the girl's overly stern reminder of this fact. One thing Kroin didn’t expect to find on his nineteenth birthday was the lifeless body of his mother, hanging from a self-made noose in the middle of their home. The journey to the graveyard, the burial and the lonely walk home all seemed like a blur for the large thug, all this time he thought he would be glad to be rid of his mother’s constant array of demeaning and belittling words, but the only feeling he found within himself was sadness. Days passed with Korin devoting most of his time to the thought of where his life was heading, finally he decided that whatever came his way, he would at least prove his mother wrong. After gaining entry to one of the training grounds of Sable Company that was on the very edge of his home district, Korin was somehow accepted as a potential recruit after he underwent their initial testing phase. That day he walked into his favorite inn, wearing the trainee’s official garb and armor, expecting and actually welcoming the verbal assault of the daughter of the inn owner, but instead she only brought him his order in silence and spoke only three words as she stood a few feet from his table. ”It’s an improvement” Korin’s laughter resounded through the tavern, finding it hilarious that this compliment was by far the best and shortest one he had ever heard. Time marched on and Korin proved to be among the more talented and skilled recruits, he was even told that he would soon be required to move to the Heights District to complete his training there, but that wasn't the only development in the life of the ex-thug; he and Iris' relationship has changed over the last four years from bickering 'acquaintances' to man and wife. The happiness that Korin found was unlike anything he had ever experienced, which made losing it, all the more painful... Finding the corpse of his wife with a single stab wound in an alley with a strange bloody mark across her face left Korin speechless and motionless for what seemed like an eternity, a myriad of familiar emotions he had felt at the death of either of his parents returned with a vengeance, but as the days passed and the melancholy became a regular companion of his, he began feeling something else boiling with him...rage, hatred and a pure, unshakable desire for revenge. Asking the Korvosan Guard to join their search for the one who killed his wife proved difficult, but thanks to his captain asking Marshal Croft for him, he was allowed to assist in the search. Months ran past Korin as he swarmed himself with nothing but clues and signs that could potentially lead to his wife's killer, every time he felt he got close, their quarry escaped them, they had even found his dwelling but the only thing useful there was the killer's diary, which went into great detail of his reasoning for performing his atrocious acts. Six months later saw the trail of their prey growing cold, which along with the fact that there had been no more victims after Iris made the guards more complacent and less concerned with case; for they felt that other pressing issues needed their attention. Korin reacted to that in a way that completely baffled them; he simply walked out and only days later did they hear that he had resigned from Sable Company. That night Korin reasoned that his approach was yielding no results, and if he had wanted to catch this killer then he needed to step into his world, a world he himself was thriving in before he decided to leave it for something better, but now he would return to the life of crime that he had felt at times that he inherited from his father. Another year of searching confirmed one thing to the revenge obsessed man, this killer was either dead or not in Korvosa, his instincts told him that it was the latter, but he could not follow; as he was now in one of the jail cells of the Korvosan Guard. While he was imprisoned Korin had plenty of time to think on his latest approach to finding the man who murdered his wife, and he finally decided that his return to being the lawless scum he was before, wasn't going to help him in his quest, especially if it constantly lead him to be hounded by guards and a frequent resident of jail cells. A year later Korin was released thanks to a final favor from his ex-captain, which he stressed that it was truly final, that if he as much as saw Korin in Korvosa he would personally put him under arrest. After leaving Korvosa and both its law abiding and criminal populaces with plenty of hate for him, Korin took any mercenary jobs he could find and hunted any bounties that he had come across as he scoured the cities and villages for information on his target. Three years of searching have finally gave him a possible location of his hated prey; Riddleport, he wasn’t taken aback by this revelation, as it was known for the large number pirates, outlaws and criminals that called it their home. Without wasting further time Korin made his way to the den of piracy and lawlessness, making use of his criminal acumen to blend right in and not attract attention of the more influential crime lords and pirate captains, as he was sure that his quarry would not forge any alliances; for if that was his nature than he would have done so in Korvosa. Still the search went slower than he preferred, he found signs here and there and even a corpse that had the mark on it but nothing beyond that, until he stumbled on something else…an unexpected partner. Delmar was a bounty hunter who had lived most of his live in the Rotgut District but somehow still tried to be as moral as he could and held an optimistic outlook for a man who grew up in a hive of villainy like Riddleport. He was a few years younger than Korin and was quite eager when it came to his profession, which was something that the Chelaxian found amusing to an extent. His new partner gave Korin as much information as he had on the serial killer that made his new home in Riddleport; the body he had found belonged to a girl who lived with her family in the Leeward District. Delmar insisted he join Korin on this hunt, despite the older bounty hunter reminding him that if he wanted to collect any bounty he’d have to go to Korvosa. Both bounty hunters did what they could, but they could not find any sign of the man they sought after. Broadening their search outside of the District brought them no fortune in finding their intended target, instead they found another body, another girl with the same mark Korin had seen numerous times now. Delmar confirmed that like the first victim Korin found this girl also lived in the Leeward District. At this point the two partners assumed that their killer most likely targeted girls that lived in this particular District, but seeing how their first search proved fruitless they decided that it was best they split up and search different Districts, but once more Korin inquired on why Delmar was helping him when this was clearly not only occupying time he could spend hunting easier bounties, but also meant no reward unless he planned a trek to Korvosa, to this the man from Riddleport answered that he simply couldn’t ignore something harming the innocents of his place of birth, when he could possibly put a stop to it. This Korin did not debate or question and went to the District he chose to inspect. Time passed, Korin and Delmar met again, the former having searched every place he could reach in Lubber town, while the latter returned to his home District having presumed that he could possibly find their quarry in a place like the Rotgut District, but both came up without results. It was at this time that Korin expected Delmar to give up like every other person who helped him in the past, this was not the case though, if anything the younger bounty hunter was throwing out ideas and making suggestions on other possible areas they could search. In the end they decided to keep watch in an inconspicuous manner in the district this killer chose his potential targets from. After a few months passed they were ready to move to another course of action, but this all changed when they found a new corpse…and a witness. The frightened man they found, could barely put two words together, but he gave them something they could make use of; the killer had on his belt tools that appeared to be used in leather tanning. This was just the kind of clue that Korin and Delmar needed, they finally had a firm idea of where the killer could be: The River District. Wasting no time the two began searching every possible location their prey might be hiding, while paying specific attention to places that sold or crafted leather based products, and then they fell upon him. He attempted to escape his two persistent pursuers, and they split up in an attempt to corner him. Delmar found him first but could only slow him down, before the murderer slipped through his fingers. This was enough for Korin to catch up with him in a dark alley. The vengeance fueled bounty hunter lunged at his target, his axe kept rising and falling even after the killer’s heart stopped beating. Finally obtaining his much sought after revenge was not something Korin considered, he never thought past what he would do after it was all done. He was not naive, he never thought once that it would make him feel better or it would dissolve the pain and loss that clung to him like parasites. Far from a home he had no hope of returning to and with no clear goal in sight; Korin went about surviving day to day, he continued hunting bounties with his new found partner, who if anything was a decent distraction from his morbid thoughts and probably the most loyal friend he had. A few years passed and by that time Korin was only concerned with bounty hunting and finding what enjoyment he could outside what few moments of melancholy he allowed himself. He was also happy for Delmar who had found himself a girl he was in love with, and had expected to see less of his partner, but was yet again surprised by how welcoming he and his wife were, and he knew he wasn’t exactly the best of house guests. Korin did not expect for things to change, not anytime soon. If anything he thought about finding a more permanent place of residence in Riddleport; yes, it was a cesspool of crime and corruption, but that meant more work for him and besides he wasn’t perfect either. His real reason for not returning to Korvosa though was not because his pseudo-exiled from it, but because it held too many familiar places that would further empower memories both happy and tragic, and even though he wouldn’t admit it, he valued working with someone trustworthy again, someone who didn’t abandon him even when his quest seemed out of reach. It was as he was putting the final touches to his new home that Delmar knocked on his door, on his face was an expression that Korin knew all too well; the kind of expression that could only come about from mixing pain, grief and emptiness. Delmar explained to him in a monotone how his wife was killed, her throat slit and her body left to rot in an alley. Hearing his pained friend tell the tale caused Korin to immediately think back to his own wife’s death and how he explained the matter to his former captain. It almost sent shivers down his spine when he saw in his mind’s eye a younger image of himself sitting where Delmar was now, so he remained silent, knowing the request his friend would make, and there was only one answer he could give. Unlike the challenge they faced with the serial killer they hunted previously; their prey cared little for hiding or keeping a low profile, for he held an important enough position in the Sczarni crime family to warrant a sizable amount of protection. Korin could not see why though, the man appeared little more than a thug in both looks and mannerisms. He was all too familiar with such individuals; pushing people around with their strength, making use of their large frame and intimidating posture to get they wanted, just like he was as a teenager. Approaching him with his gang around him would be suicide, which was something Korin had to convince his now vengeful friend of. They began stalking him, watching for a chance for him to be with less security. Months later a chance presented itself, but by then Delmar was restless and filled with an uncontrollable rage, which made the plan he and Korin put together fall short in the end because of his unpredictable and hasty actions. The man they sought was able to escape and Delmar turned his anger towards his partner; not only blaming him for their failure but even accusing him that he could be in league with them. Korin knew of the rage that was within his friend, so he didn’t let his own anger get the best of him, but the more he denied the accusation the more his partner was convinced of it. A tragic battle ensued between the two companions, at first Korin tried to remain on the defensive, but after seeing that Delmar was lost to a madness and obsession that had almost fully consumed himself, he fought back harder knowing he wouldn’t survive otherwise. The fight ended abruptly when a disarming strike from Korin instead buried itself in his unintended opponent’s chest. The bounty hunter watched as his friend breathed his last, a sadness he knew all too well returned to him without mercy, but he’s been a host to it enough times to collect and compose himself, all the while pushing whispers that claimed that he murdered his friend intentionally aside. With the corpse of Delmar in the ground, Korin found himself falling back to his routine of bounty hunting, which was distracting enough to keep his thoughts away from the guilt that tried to convince him that he hasn’t changed, that he was still the same selfish thug from Korvosa.