PDB's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (386 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


I would like to apply to join, and like that this could be a longer term commitment. CORE is my preference, and I would like to create a character specifically for this game.

Character: Antal Strongheart
PFS#: 28901-10
Faction: Scarab Sages
Character Concept: A halfling ranger with divided loyalty, to the scarab sages and to the church of Irori. A seeker of knowledge, history, and treasure. Antal would like to remain neutral, but against his better judgement he will side with the colonists and become involved in their conflict.

Roleplay/Writing sample: (from recent CORE game, playing a pregen!)
Hell's Rebels - Merisiel

Also note, I am involved with just the one PbB game above and would take this on as a second. I will likely only play these two so that I can stay focused on good posts and immersion!

I am interested (this is the referral from Jeydahvu). Checking which PFS characters I have in the 3-5 range.

*Edit - unfortunately, I have two level 2s, and the rest of my PFS characters are 1's and 7+. Thanks for the invite, however it appears that I will have to skip this.