PConcept 5's page

6 posts. Alias of Black Dow.


Grand Lodge

The big labourer is tending to the Company’s animals – feeding and watering the beasts, he greets anyone with a smile and waves at the children enthusiastically;

”Hoi little ones! Save some kasha for Jacobi!”

Grand Lodge

Jacobi hands over his empty bowl with a smile to Anna, before wiping his chops on a sleeve.

The porter lumbers to the wagon and mumbles his intentions to all an none;

"I'll be checkin' o'er the animuls and 'quipment iffen ye needs me..."

Grand Lodge

As your company pass the Striga Pit Jacobi mimics the children and makes a ward of his own whilst offering a inaudible oath;


Knowledge (Religion) DC10:

Though quick you are sure the ward the big labourer made was one of the Green Faith, albeit steeped in the auld traditions...

Grand Lodge

Jacobi doffs his cloth cap at Keara;

"My pleshure mi'lady"

before loading the last of the Company's gear and supplies under the scriviner's baleful gaze.

Grand Lodge

In the background Jacobi returns the smile of Niklos with a doff of his hood.

The porter then lumbers over with a sack slung over his shoulder and a smile upon his ruddy face;

"Beggin' yur parduns me Lurds an Ladies... I uin't one fer bickerin o'er coin. Whene'er und whate'er ye can suits Jacobi like..."

Grand Lodge

At the mention of his name, the burly man hefts another sack and gives you all an enthusiastic wave;

"Lords... Ladies... A pleasure t' serve..."