P.B.'s page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts (32 including aliases). 72 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 19 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Very excited for SF2!


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Before the crossbow ace feat added +2 for all crossbows and increased damage dice for simple. So now +2 damage bonus is going away? That will make crossbow less competitive with bows and thrown weapons imo. Maybe consider giving ranger a class damage bonus like gunslinger?

Also not sure what is the point of arbalest when sukgung exists?


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That's great.
But what happens to alignment damage?

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Qxal down to 30%

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benyar wrote:

My BBEG is facing 4 PCs.

The minions fall in round 1.

In round 2, everything focuses on the BBEG.

One hits once and invokes Allied Offensive.
One rolls two Nat 20s.
One rolls another Nat 20.

All of these are cold iron.

My PCs are now standing over the BBEG's corpse.

I got to cast Lightning Bolt and force about 6 Will saves. AND I WENT FIRST. :D

Mine is going much "better/worse". Two casters stupefied. One poisoned/bleeding/grabbed/prone. One more caster holding against aura for now. The gunslinger running out of silver bullets. Qxal about 20% damaged.

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GM Tiger wrote:

I'm at Shifted and have Animal to go.

Do the optional encounters count for any of the needed successes?

Yes they get assigned to any of the main 6.


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"playable character stats for the iconic paladin Seelah"

What does that mean? Isn't she already a pregen?