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Liberty's Edge

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In September of 2012, my brother and I released a blog post discussing the issue of feat taxes in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Although the post was intended to be a one-off thought experiment based on our experiences building characters for organized play, it gained an inexplicable amount of traction online.

In response to the continued interest expressed by the Pathfinder community, we’ve decided to publish an updated and expanded version of our feat tree. This document, titled The Elephant in the Room after the original blog post, includes a reimagined version of the entire feat section found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

We’re publishing the revised rules on the Hearth & Blade website, as our (in progress) campaign setting was largely inspired by these feat tax rules - albeit adjusted for the P6 rule set. The document provides a good idea of what our upcoming core rulebook will look like when it is finished.

More than anything, however, we hope that this document continues to spur interesting and lively discussion of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, just as the original blog post did.

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On behalf of the Ontario Pathfinder Society, I would like to let you all know that Gryphcon 2015 is just around the corner! From February 27 to March 1, the University of Guelph will be hosting one of Ontario’s largest gaming conventions. We'll be hosting 25 tables of Pathfinder this year, and there will be all sorts of other gaming events happening across the weekend too!

Full convention details can be found RIGHT HERE.

Last year we ran over twenty tables of Pathfinder in the Royal City, but this year we’re planning on at least twenty five. Schedule highlights include six tables for the Legacy of the Stonelords convention special, a bevy of Season 6 scenarios, as well as some well loved classics such as Sewer Dragons of Absalom and The Penumbral Accords.

You can check out the full schedule on the Gryphcon website RIGHT HERE.

Gryphcon is a venerable convention and a really great event, and I strongly encourage you folks to participate as both game masters and players. If you have any questions, feel free to list them below. I’m more than happy to answer queries regarding the event.

Liberty's Edge

23 people marked this as a favorite.

My brother and I have always been interested in world building, and a few years back we began toying with the idea of a campaign setting steeped in Slavic folklore. The project started as a conversation, grew into random fragments of documentation, and is now being aggregated into a Wiki as we start to refine our ideas.

The working title for project is the (rather unimaginative) World of Ruin, but the name of the world itself is Yavmir. Our ultimate goal is to create a fully fleshed out Pathfinder campaign setting based upon Slavic mythology; a type of folklore that interests both of us greatly, and which doesn't seem to get its fair share of the spotlight. At the moment the project is very much incomplete - somewhat of an "alpha build" with very few Pathfinder-specific rules integrated - but there is still enough information present for people to get a grasp on the world, and even run a relatively small campaign.

The Wiki is a bit scattered at the moment, but here are a few good jumping in points if you are interested in checking it out.

World Map
A map of Yavmir in its current state, including most major cities and locations.

Abridged History
A brief record of past events, including an outline of the three ages, and the origins of the gods, races, and conflicts that shaped the world.

The Complete Wiki
Take a look at all of the content that has been created so far; including a pantheon of gods, a roster of races, and an ever-growing bestiary.

We've been working on this project on-and-off for a long while and decided that now would be a good time to get some outside feedback. Comments, criticism, and questions are all welcome!

I'll post in this thread whenever any major updates are added to the Wiki. We generally add at least one or two new Wiki entries a week, and my current obsession is researching and creating new monsters (which I also post on my blog) to help flesh out the bestiary. All content is protected under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike, so feel free to share and adapt the materials with accordance to the license.

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On behalf of the Ontario Pathfinder Society, I would like to welcome you all to Phantasm, Gamer’s Equinox at the Peterborough Public Library. Gamer’s Equinox emerged from the ever popular Phantasm gaming convention, and features everything from Warhammer to Zombicide. And of course, we’ll be running lots and lots of Pathinder Society Organized Play!

We’ll be mustering tables at the convention, so there will be no sign-ups ahead of time. But don’t worry about finding something to play! Even in the unlikely event that you have played through every scenario that every GM has prepared (something I would be very impressed with), there will be dozens of other games to try out at the convention.

Doors will be opening at 9:00 am on March 29th, with the first games starting at 10:00 am, and the fun doesn’t stop until 8:00pm on March 30th. You can see the full schedule of events online RIGHT HERE.

In addition to all of the great role-playing games, Phantasm will be offering a large board game library (with free tutorials), a Toy Shop, and a Phantasm Yard Sale, where you can bring your old gaming goods and sell them while you play. There really is something for everybody at Phantasm, Gamer’s Equinox!

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On behalf of the Ontario Pathfinder Society, I would like to let you all know that Gryphcon 2014 is just around the corner! From February 28 to March 2, the University of Guelph will be hosting one of Ontario’s largest gaming conventions. There will be everything from board games to NERF warfare – and of course - plenty of Pathfinder Organized Play!

Full convention details can be found RIGHT HERE.

Last year we ran twenty tables of Pathfinder in the Royal City, but this year we’re upping the ante to thirty. Schedule highlights include five tables for the Siege of the Diamond City convention special, and a running of the notoriously murderous The Waking Rune. There are also a bevy of Season 5 scenarios, as well as some well loved classics such as We Be Goblins Too and Voice in the Void.

You can check out the full schedule on the Gryphcon website RIGHT HERE.

Gryphcon is a venerable convention and a really great event, and I strongly encourage you folks to participate as both game masters and players. If you have any questions, feel free to list them below. I’m more than happy to answer queries regarding the event.

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It’s a new year, winter is in full swing, and that can only mean one thing: Gryphcon 2014 is just around the corner! From February 28 to March 2, the University of Guelph will be hosting one of Ontario’s largest gaming conventions. There will be everything from board games to NERF warfare – and of course - plenty of Pathfinder Organized Play!

Last year we ran twenty tables of Pathfinder in the Royal City, but this year we’re upping the ante to thirty. Of course, more tables means more GMs! I need a cadre of brave game masters to travel out to Guelph with me to make this con happen. Whether it be for a single day or a the entire weekend, I welcome any assistance that is offered.

What perks are there for participating in this convention? The good folks at Gryphcon have offered up the following boons for intrepid game masters:

1 Game Slot
Access Pass ($5 value, all weekend open floor access, 1 closed slot to play in)
2 Game Slots
Gamer Pass ($10 value, all weekend open floor access, 3 closed slots to play in)
3 Game Slots
Insomniac Pass ($20 value, all weekend open floor access, no slot restrictions)
OR Gryphcon 25 T-shirt ($15 value)

Additionally, I am looking for 4 super dedicated game masters to run 4 or 5 games each. In addition to receiving an Insomniac Pass, these heroic GMs will be given a hotel room to split for the entire weekend. The hotel room is being provided by the Gryphcon organizers, and will be a double-queen room at the Delta or Best Western located directly across the street from the University.

I may get quite a few requests for this deal, in which case I will pick game masters that I feel can contribute the best to the convention (and who can share a hotel room without strangling each other.)

Instead of making an ordered list for the game schedule, I have embraced the future that is Google Docs. Below is a link to the tentative games schedule, which is somewhat fluid and will almost certainly change a bit over time.

Gryphcon 2014 Schedule

Schedule highlights include demos of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, six tables for the Siege of the Diamond City convention special, and a running of the notoriously murderous The Waking Rune. These are also a bevy of Season 5 scenarios, as well as some well loved classics such as We Be Goblins and Voice in the Void.

Please contact me via electronic mails or via this forum thread if you are interested in journeying to Guelph to aid our presence at Gryphcon, or if you have any questions about the event. In your messages please let me know what slot(s) your are interested in running, and also let me know the email you use for your Paizo account. This is necessary to receive your scenario downloads! Also take note of repeat sessions on the schedule; I put them there on purpose so individual GMs could save on some preparation time.

If you are able to join me on this adventure, please contact me as soon as you can. I am currently aiming for a January 19th deadline to have the schedule complete. With your help, this will be another event to remember!

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The Ontario Pathfinder Society is happy to release the final schedule for the second-ever Wizard’s Cache Mini-Con! Hosted at The Wizard’s Cache – local game store and OPS venue – we will be offering 18 tables of Pathfinder Organized Play from January 24th to 26th.

Highlights of the weekend include a large GM 101 event on Friday evening, Blood Under Absalom (convention special) on Saturday evening, and a gaming auction on Sunday afternoon. The gaming auction will be “fan-driven”, meaning that anyone can submit a gaming item for a $2 listing fee, set a minimum bid, and have it sold at the auction. George (the store owner) has promised a wide selection of items beyond those sold by the con-goers, so it should be a great event!

Events will NOT be posted via this website or through Warhorn. Instead, George is keeping things old-school and will be accepting sign-ups via telephone, drop-in, or email. Contact and admission information is listed below.

Contact Information

Address: 333 Bloor Street West
(inside Willow Books, on the bottom floor)
Phone: 647-748-3433
Email: moderator@wizards-cache.com

Admission Information

Friday & Saturday: $5
Full access to GM 101 on Friday evening, and all Sunday games.

Sunday: $5
Full access to Sunday games, plus a bidding paddle for the auction.

Both veterans and newbies are welcome, with pre-generated characters available for those who do not have their own. We’ve tried to maintain a good mix of old and new scenarios for this convention so there should be something for everyone. And of course, Paizo has been generous enough to donate some wicked-awesome prizes for the event as well. So take a look at the schedule below, pick your games, and join us for a great weekend!

Friday January 24th, 2014 (7:00-11:00)
GM 101 (Table 1)
GM 101 (Table 2)
GM 101 (Table 3)
GM 101 (Table 4)

Saturday January 25th, 2014 (10:00-2:00)
#5-11: Library of the Lion (1-5)
#4-03: The Golemworks Incident (5-9)

Saturday January 25th, 2014 (2:30-6:30)
#5-10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (7-11)
#45: Delirium’s Tangle (1-5)
#39: The Citadel of Flame (1-5)
#4-EX: Day of the Demon (3-7)

Saturday January 25th, 2014 (7:00-11:00)
Convention Special: Blood Under Absalom (1-3)
Convention Special: Blood Under Absalom (3-5)
Convention Special: Blood Under Absalom (3-5)
Convention Special: Blood Under Absalom (5-9)
Convention Special: Blood Under Absalom (9-11)

Sunday January 26th, 2014 (10:00-2:00)
#5-09: The Traitor’s Lodge (3-7)
#3-19: Icebound Outpost (1-5)
#5-03: Hellknight’s Feast (5-9)

Sunday January 26th, 2014 (2:00 Onwards)
Special Event: Gaming Auction

So come on down to Wizard’s Cache Mini-Con 2014 for a ton of gaming goodness hosted at a great venue. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below, or on the Ontario Pathfinders website.

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Fall is in full swing and that can only mean one thing: Gryphcon Shadow in Guelph!

Gryphcon Shadow is a lead-up event, meant to build hype for the much larger Gryphcon in March. This year it will be taking place on October 19th from 10am to 11pm at the University of Guelph, in the basement of the university centre. It is a fairly small event compared to Gryphcon proper and the expected attendance is between 25-50 people.

Play will be focused around drop-in players and low-level adventures. The schedule is very malleable (for slot 2 we’re going to run adventures based on player demand), but here is a rough idea of how things are going to shake down.

Slot #1 (10:00am – 2:00pm)
The Glass River Rescue (1-5); GM’d by Michael

Slot #2: (2:00pm – 7:00pm)
Adventure By Committee; GM’d by Eric
Adventure By Committee; GM’d by Michael

Slot #3 (7:00pm – 11:00pm)
The Stolen Heir (1-5); GM’d by Michael

There are no formal event sign-ups, but if you are heading in from out of town and want to make sure you get a chance to play just pop me off an email. If you’re bringing a group of players, feel free to let me know if you have an adventure preference. I know that we have some established groups in Guelph and I certainly wouldn’t mind running something to accommodate them.

If you have any other questions or comments, you can respond to this forum thread. Hope to see you all out at the event!

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As many of you already know, FanExpo is just around the corner. FanExpo is a yearly event held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre focused around five major themes: Comics, Sci Fi, Horror, Anime, and Gaming.

The Ontario Pathfinder Society is very happy to present 32 tables of organized play across the four day event. This is the most tables we’ve offered at a single convention thus far, and we’re hoping for a good turn-out from veterans and newbies alike. All of our games will be taking place in ROOM 711 at the convention centre, so drop on by and enjoy some PFS goodness.

Highlights include the Siege on the Diamond City convention special on Saturday evening, and half-slot offerings of Kid’s Track, We Be Goblins!, and Ambush in Absalom on both Saturday and Sunday morning.

Official sign-ups can be found on the Ontario Pathfinder Society website. We're capping table sizes at 4 for pre-registration, to allow for drop-ins at any given slot. The full schedule can be found below:

Thursday Evening (7:00pm – 11:00pm)

  • Severing Ties; GM Linden (Tier 1-5)
  • My Enemy’s Enemy; GM Paul (Tier 3-7)
  • The Hellknight’s Feast; GM Blaise (Tier 5-9)

Friday Afternoon (2:00pm – 6:00pm)

  • First Steps 1; GM Wolf (Tier 1)
  • The Night March of Kalkamedes; GM Geoffrey (Tier 1-5)
  • Halls of Dwarven Lore; GM Jordan (Tier 5-9)

Friday Evening (7:00pm – 11:00pm)

  • The Glass River Rescue; GM Nathan (Tier 1-5)
  • The Frostfur Captives; GM Geoffrey (Tier 1-5)
  • The Wardstone Patrol; GM Dave (Tier 3-7)
  • The Price of Friendship; GM Brian (Tier 5-9)
  • Words of the Ancients; GM Jordan (Tier 7-11)

Saturday Morning (11:00am – 1:00pm)

  • Ambush in Absalom; GM Brian (Tier 1-5)
  • We Be Goblins!; GM Nathan (Tier 1)
  • Kid’s Track: GM Emma (Tier 1)

Saturday Afternoon (2:00pm – 6:00pm)

  • The Glass River Rescue; GM Wolf (Tier 1-5)
  • The Wardstone Patrol; GM Dave (Tier 3-7)
  • The Secrets Stones Keep; GM Paul (Tier 5-9)
  • The Waking Rune; GM Andy (Tier 7-11)
  • Kid’s Track; GM Emma (Tier 1)

Saturday Evening (7:00pm – 11:00pm)

  • Siege of the Diamond City; GM Linden (Tier 1-2)
  • Siege of the Diamond City; GM Andy (Tier 3-4)
  • Siege of the Diamond City; GM Jordan (Tier 5-6)
  • Siege of the Diamond City; GM Dave (Tier 8-9)
  • Siege of the Diamond City; GM Adam (Tier 10-11)

Sunday Morning (11:00am – 1:00pm)

  • Ambush in Absalom; GM Brian (Tier 1-5)
  • We Be Goblins Too!; GM Nathan (Tier 3)
  • Kid’s Track; GM Emma (Tier 1)

Sunday Afternoon (2:00pm – 6:00pm)

  • The Glass River Rescue; GM Wolf (Tier 1-5)
  • The Wardstone Patrol; GM Paul (Tier 3-7)
  • The Hellknight’s Feast; GM Jason (Tier 5-9)
  • Day of the Demon; GM Adam (Tier 3-7)
  • Kid’s Track: GM Emma (Tier 1)

Special thanks for all the GMs who volunteered their time for this expansive games schedule. If you have any questions about the event feel free to post them here.

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Greetings Ontario Pathfinders, and a very special salutation to the Guelph gaming community!

In order to build support for Gryphcon and help develop the PFS community in Guelph, we will be holding a very special game day on February 3rd this year. The event will take place at The Dragon gaming store between the hours of noon and 5pm, and will feature two tables of Pathfinder gaming goodness.

The first table will be a newbie session of Mists of Mwangi, and will be designed to appeal to walk-in players. Emphasis will be put on teaching game mechanics and explaining the organized play format. There will be no formal sign up for this table.

The second table will be a mid to high tier running of The Blackros Matrimony, as per the request of several avid Guelph Gamers. I will be adding a sign-up for the event this weekend.

Adam and I will be driving down to Guelph for the day, and we could potentially take another person (or two) with us if they'd really like to game in an exotic locale. Remember though: table preference will be given to Guelph locals.

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As we did last year, the Southern Ontario Pathfinders will be supporting Gryphcon, a venerable gaming convention taking place in Guelph, Ontario. Gryphcon is expecting about 250 visitors this year, so we will be trying our very best to make it an event to remember!

The main obstacle I am facing so far is getting enough GMs for the convention. I can probably corral a handful of Toronto GMs to accompany me for the weekend, but I would really love to have some local game masters helping out as well.

So, if you are a local Guelph GM or were planning on attending Gryphcon anyways drop me a line at michael@ontariopathfinders.com. There are perks for GMing (free admission and the such), and I would be very grateful for people who can run even one or two tables.

Not a GM? Well then come down and play! The current plan is to have 19 tables of gaming goodness spread across the three day convention. You can check out the tentative schedule on the Ontario Pathfinders Forum to see if anything tickles your fancy.

I will posting further details (including the finalized schedule) as they develop.

Liberty's Edge

I got a bit of a twinkie question for all you rules-minded people out there.

Is it possible to cast the Fireworks application of the Pyrotechnics spell on a Bullseye Lantern, to create a 120 foot cone of blinding light? The spell requires that players have line of sight to be affected, and the Bullseye Lantern effectively locks out 3/4 of the light.

Fireworks Description:

Fireworks: The fireworks are a flashing, fiery, momentary burst of glowing, colored aerial lights. This effect causes creatures within 120 feet of the fire source to become blinded for 1d4+1 rounds (Will negates). These creatures must have line of sight to the fire to be affected. Spell resistance can prevent blindness.

Bullseye Lantern:

A bullseye lantern provides normal light in a 60-foot cone and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that, out to a 120-foot cone (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A bullseye lantern does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A lantern burns for 6 hours on one pint of oil. You can carry a lantern in one hand.


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ARRG Game Day. January 19th, 2013. Thomson Lounge, Oakham House, Ryerson University.
Location Information

For those of you who were with us last year, you may remember that we participated in a game day featuring the Association of Ryerson Roleplayers and Gamers (ARRG) and the Toronto Area Gamers (TAG). It was a good event, which was diminished by a rather disappointing attendance. Apparently the event conflicted with the release of Skyrim and a lot of students were entranced by their computers.

We are participating in the event once again this year, and are predicting a higher attendance. Last year we ran around 6 tables, and this year we will be aiming for 9. I don't know the exact hours of the game day yet, but I'm moving ahead with the assumption of three slots of three tables each.

I have been recruiting GMs on the Ontario Pathfinders website, and currently the game listing looks like this:

Morning Slot

  • Penumbral Accords or Master of the Fallen Fortress (1-2) GM Pending
  • First Steps 1 (1-2) Paul
  • Tier 3-4 or 5-6 Scenario

Afternoon Slot

  • Rise of the Goblin Guild (1-2) Paul
  • First Steps 2 (1-2) Linden
  • City of Strangers 1 (3-4, 6-7) Michael

Evening Slot

  • We Be Goblins (1-2) Cap'm Adam
  • First Steps 3 (1-2) GM Pending
  • City of Strangers 2 (3-4, 6-7) Michael

I still have a few GM slots open, so if you'd like to volunteer just let me know!

Once I have finalized the GM situation, I will be posting events that people can RSVP to. ARRG and TAG should be running tables of other RPGs and board games too, so don't feel like you have to sign up for every slot of Pathfinder. There will be lots to do!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been thinking of making a wizard that was really good at dispelling enemy enchantments, while still capable with other wizardly pursuits. I like the flavour of the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class, so I designed an Abjurer that switches over to Arcanist after level 5. This gives him access to some druid spells, a few bonuses to good descriptor spells, spontaneous casting, and another bonus to dispel magic. Druid spells allow him to become even more supportive to allies (curing, restoration, etc...), which I think synergies well with the build.

Spell Mastery and Scholar are feat taxes for the Magaambyan Arcanist prestige class, otherwise I wouldn't take them. I'm not too bummed about Scholar (I love bonus skill points), but unless I'm missing something Spell Mastery is pretty useless.

I would love some feedback on this (keeping in mind that this is for Pathfinder Society). Let me know what you think!

Race: Elf

Class: Abjurer (5) Magaambyan Arcanist (7)
Stat Spread: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8

Traits: Gifted Adept (+1 caster level to dispel magic), Reactionary (+2 Initiative)

Racial Abilities:

  • Elven Immunities(immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects)
  • Elven Magic (+2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items)
  • Fleet-Footed (Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks.)
  • Low-Light Vision (see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light)

Abjurer (1)

  • FEAT: Scholar (+2/+4 bonus on two knowledge skills)
  • FEAT: Spell Focus: Abjuration
  • EX: Resistance (5 resistance to a single energy type)
  • SU: Protective Ward (+1 AC to nearby allies for INT rounds, 1+INT times a day)
  • Arcane Bond or Familiar

Abjurer (2)

Abjurer (3)

  • FEAT: Spell Mastery (prepare spells without a spellbook)

Abjurer (4)

Abjurer (5)

  • FEAT: Extend Spell (+1 spell level to make a spell last twice as long) OR Varisian Tattoo (+1 abjuration caster level, resistance 3/day)
  • FEAT: Spell Specialization (dispel magic)
  • SU: Protective Ward (+2 AC to nearby allies for INT rounds, 1+INT times a day)

Arcanist (1) / Abjurer (5)

  • EX: Aura of Good (see detect good; equal to class level.)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Arcanist (2) / Abjurer (5)

  • FEAT: Spell Penetration (+2 on spell checks to overcome a foe's spell resistance)
  • EX: Superior Spell Mastery (change the spells involved with the Spell Mastery Feat)
  • SU: Virtuous Spells (+1 caster level to spells with the good descriptor)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Arcanist (3) / Abjurer (5)

  • EX: Intoned Recollection (take one minute to put any spell in a spell slot that was left empty at the beginning of the day)
  • SU: Lasting Goodness (spells with the good descriptor have their durations extended by a number of rounds equal to class level)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Arcanist (4) / Abjurer (5)

  • FEAT: Selective Spell (exclude INT number of targets from an AoE spell)
  • EX: Spontaneous Spell Mastery (once per day, lose a prepared spell to cast a spell of the same spell level or lower which she has mastered with the Spell Mastery feat)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Arcanist (5) / Abjurer (5)

  • SP: Blessed Warding (constant Protection From Evil on self)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Arcanist (6) / Abjurer (5)

  • FEAT: Destructive Dispel (sicken or stun targets of your dispel magic)
  • SP: Immediate Spell Mastery (once per day, cast any spell mastered with the feat, even if no prepared that day)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Arcanist (7) / Abjurer (5)

  • SU: Righteous Contravention (+2 bonus on checks to overcome the spell resistance of evil creatures or evil objects, and on checks to dispel spells cast by evil creatures, spells with the evil descriptor, or evil magic items.)
  • SU: Halcyon Magic (add a single druid spell, at least levels lower than you can currently cast, to your spell list)

Liberty's Edge

I have always wanted to play a Druid, and ever since I received the Tiefling race boon I thought it might be neat to make an unconventional one. I welcome any advice on how to optimize this potentially interesting character build.

Just as a note: I play Pathfinder Society, so this character must be PFS legal.

Race: Tiefling
Heritage: Asura-Spawn (Faultspawn)
Stat Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Int
Spell Like Ability: Hideous Laughter once per day as a spell-like ability.
Other: Scaled Skin (Resist Fire 5, +1 Armour), Darkvision (60ft), Soul Seer (Deathwatch at will), Beguiling Liar (+4 to Bluff)

Class: Druid
Archetype: Blight Druid
Domain: Darkness (Night)

Strength: 8
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 19
Charisma: 10

Traits: Reactionary (+2 Initiative), Gifted Adept (undecided spell)
Starting Feat: Spell Focus: Conjuration
Later Feats: Augment Summoning, Natural Spell, Combat Casting

Character Strategy
To act as a support caster, specializing in crowd control, debuffs and summoning spells. The Darkness (Night) domain’s abilities (sleep, blindness, deeper darkness, shadow conjuration) and the Faultspawn’s Hideous Laughter help augment staying power.

Once Wildhape and Natural Spell are gained, then the druid becomes incredibly mobile and less of a liability in melee combat (should he be forced into it).

Any thoughts on the build, or suggestions?

Liberty's Edge

I am currently running a PFS Ranger (6) who is a very dedicated archer. He's got all the standard abilities (Rapid Shot, Point Blank, Improved Precise, Deadly Aim, etc...) and once he hits (7) we can add Manyshot to that list as well.

The general idea is to put as many arrows in the air as possible with reasonable accuracy, and maintaining damage output with Deadly Aim, Gravity Bow and possibly an elemental enchantment.

I was wondering if you folks had any suggestions for bow enchantments! I'm currently equipped with a Mastercraft Composite Longbow (+3 Strength Bonus Enabled). There are a lot of options for enchantment, and I would relish any sage advice you all might have.

Budget = 12,000 GP. I could potentially wait a few adventures to get up to 18,000 GP as well, to allow for an additional +1/enchantment.

My first thought was to simply get an elemental enchantment (Corrosive jumped to mind) and end it there. Critical "burst" abilities seem wasted on a weapon that only crits on a 20, and I'm inclined to get Dex boosting gear rather than add to-hit bonuses.

I was also toying with the Seeking enchantment, but it seems a little situational (especially since I already have Improved Precise Shot).

I look forward to your feedback!

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I was wondering what sort of restrictions are placed on mounts in regards to Spider Climb. The PFS group I game with has a couple members interested in halfing/gnome mounts, and it was mentioned that Spider Climb could be used on the mount to overcome obstacles (vertical ascents, for example).

Spell Description wrote:
The subject can climb and travel on vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings as well as a spider does. The affected creature must have its hands free to climb in this manner. The subject gains a climb speed of 20 feet and a +8 racial bonus on Climb skill checks; furthermore, it need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). A spider climbing creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.

The rules seem to indicate that the creature must have its "hands free", but mounts don't have "hands". Should I assume that if a creature, such as a wolf, has its paws free then it can spider climb?

Furthermore, it seems unlikely that a mount would even have the foggiest notion that it could climb walls as a result of the spell. Should a handle animal check of some sort be necessary to coax your mount onto a vertical surface?

I'm not a huge fan of having mounts in dungeons in the first place (personal preference beyond anything else), but I would like know how to properly handle them when they are in there.

Also, I apologize if this question has been answered elsewhere. I'm still a bit of a rookie in regards to the messageboards and Pathfinder in general.