
Oxzu's page

***** Venture-Captain, Denmark—Fyn 8 posts (118 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters.

I have English as a second language, and though I am fairly competent, there were some words in the Playtest that I did not know. The best example of this is "Anathema" when describing the deities on 288-289. This was the first time i had to google what a word meant, the other times I've just skipped over them. It if worth considering what kind of words are used in the text, so the meaning is clear for everyone.

4/5 * Venture-Captain, Denmark—Fyn

I have a character, which is a very old, teethless gnome. After encountering a toothfairy she got really jealous at the other party members and now want a set of fake teeth. does such an item exist? and how much would it cost?