
Owen Zakefein's page

83 posts. Alias of wesF.


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Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Didnt realize I was the one shooting

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 135d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 2, 2) = 16

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Owen snaps and points for Boreanas to check.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Miijoka Jikawe wrote:
After the rush from the pill fades, Miijoka looks over the weapons on the rack. He decided to take the rifle and Frost Longsword.

revolver. Not rifle.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
No, you don't need to take the feats since you aren't getting any benefit.

Cool thanks.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Owen makes some improvements to his cabin door. Arcane Lock and a flap over the handle that says "Do Not Lift."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:

If you paid full price, that would be fine. I just don't want you paying half-price. So you can craft if you're paying full price.

Also, I don't think I mentioned this. I don't do XP.

Would I need to still take the feats since there's really no benefit?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
Don't worry, an enchanter will be available soon. It isn't the tailoring I'm worried about. The reason I restrict it is because I don't like players getting cheaper magic items.

I get that. Though, this seems to be a high powered game. What if I just paid full price for stuff I crafted?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
Also, if anyone wants a 3pp mythic path, just post in discussion.

I don't usually do 3pp, so i'm not familiar. I think Archmage should suffice.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

I just like tailoring my gear, but I get it.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
It does, but enchanters are rare, and I don't allow magic item crafting for players.

I'll be seeking someone who can do the enchant.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
It does, but enchanters are rare, and I don't allow magic item crafting for players.

Ahh. Then I guess I won't be taking the mythic feat that effectively gives all crafting feats.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

As the others look on curiously Owens eyes briefly light as energy courses across his skin momentarily. Then he looks the same.

"I feel...different. Energized. It's hard to explain, but it's good. There are fragments of information I've always known, but they seem more significant now. As if I've been looking at things wrong and now my mind is open. Take the pill. " Owens says all without looking anyone particular in the eye.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Does the twilight armor enchantment exist in this world? Basically minus 10% to arcane spell failure chance.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
In the room is also a cabinet filled with food. You each gain an extra 5 days of rations. There is also 4 tablets with a note from Xanaver. "Each of you should eat one of these"

Owen examines the tablet and shrugs.

"In for a copper ..." Owen trails off without finishing the thought as he swallows the tablet.

what happens?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:

There is also a rack of several magical weapons. Each weapon has a label about their enchantment. They are as follows:

1 Vorpal Greatsword
A +3 Longbow
A Revolver that can't misfire
A +2 Quarterstaff
A Wand of Fireball with 3 charges
A Quicken Metamagic Rod
A Frost Longsword
& a Flaming Longsword.

Next to the rack is several armors. They are as follows:
Glamered Full-Plate
A Mithral Buckler
Leaf Armor
A Mithral Chain Shirt
A +2 Tower Shield
A +3 Heavy Steel Shield
A +1 Spiked Light Steel (The +1 applies to AC as well as attacks)
And a Wizard only robe which grants +3 AC.

Owen claims:

Quicken metamafic rod (up to 6th level spells I assume)
Mithral buckler
Wizard robe

He also expresses interest in the mithral chain shirt, but only if he can get it enchanted with a very specific enchantment.

Will consider other items when everyone else chooses

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:

On a bookshelf in the captain's room, you find a bookshelf containing history books dating back to 11,000 years ago, and a map of the northern hemisphere (the one you're in) dating the 1793, which was exactly 3000 years ago.

The bookshelf also has a book labeled To Mijoka which appears to be a documentation on the ship, and a book labeled To Owen which is a spellbook detailing every wizard spell.

Owen blinks in dumbfounded disbelief at the book.

Every wizard spell? Every one that exists level 0-9?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Seerus Forstee wrote:
Seerus nods at Owen's suggestion. "Lets look at a map and see what the potential best target will be."

Owen assists in reviewing the map.


Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

What are the ships capabilties? Speed, armament, etc?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"Perhaps instead of a suicide mission we could pick a lesser target. A trade route or outpost of some kind. That way we can pick them off with relative ease while maximizing profit and minimizing risk."

Owen suggests

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"Also, we're not all human. "

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Mid flight at some point when the key crew is gathered Owen asks,

"How are we planning on doing this anyway?"

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

As it turns out I have no useful spells to lock and secure a room or otherwise upgrade the ship. However, I'll be drawing some scary looking, but ultimately non-magical symbols on the door.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

I'm traveling for work, but when I get to my home computer Friday I'll see what ship improvements I can make based on available spells.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Seerus Forstee wrote:
Seerus chuckles, "I understand Owen. I've seen foolish sailors 'interfere' with wizard's business before. One was turned into a sea cumber. I'll just take the Captain's Quarters, I sort of like my privacy."

"He was fortunate."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

To the PCs:

"I'll defer the captains quarters to whomever takes that role. However, if this is going to be or home for a time I'll have some specialized equipment brought aboard that's best left secured. To that end I'll need to take the first mates cabin. Also, expect the door to always be secured. It's in everyone's best interest not to muck about a wizards sanctum. Hopefully everyone understand the logic of that. If it eludes anyone I'm happy to arrange a demonstration. "

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"Dare to dream" Owen says a bit bitterly

"However, destroying some ships for high profit is the best offer I've heard so far. I'm in. "

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"and Will there be any protections from Drake as part of this deal, which is admittedly otherwise quite appealing?"

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:

Looking at Seerus he says:

"So you like gold I see, but what if I told you there was more for doing the job well?"

"You have our attention."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:

The Magi dismounts, and approaches you.

Initiative won't be necessary if this goes peacefully.

"Amethyst told us you were coming to kill Xanaver, which we can't exactly let you do. So if you're willing to work for us instead of Drake, this can go along peacefully. Otherwise, Gorok' Nall over here will make ale out of your blood."

"As you've never kidnapped us you're currently the highest bidder. We'd be willing to hear more. "

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"incoming. Also, The short woman next to him is his secretary. "

"As we are woefully unprepared it may be beneficial to speak. They may be open to an accord. Either way, we'll find out shortly"

*Casts mage armor

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Arther Winn wrote:

"Well, Would you look at that? The ruler of all Magi come to see little old us. I hope he doesn't know we got press ganged to murder him. That would be...awkward. "

"Magic man! Gimmie those wings so I can get over there!" Arther shouts to Owen while loading his axe-musket.

If there was any downtime I'd have already performed the ritual. Alternately, if it's quick I'll go ahead and do it now.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Lowering the spyglass (which I assume is onboard),

"Xavier Owen points

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"shove off, avast, and other aerionautical terms. Let's get the hells out of here."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Arther Winn wrote:
"A great many things..." says Arther, not fully knowing what the other want to discuss, but he doesn't want to appear out of the loop.


Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Miijoka Jikawe wrote:
"Speaking of which," Miijoka says as he sets off to warm up the engines, "We need to discuss a few things at that time as well."

"Many things." Owen nods in agreement.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Arther Winn wrote:
"I'll take those wings if no one else wants them"

"As you wish. I'll perform the ritual once we're sufficiently underway."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
Arther Winn wrote:

"I have a feeling that we better get going. Does anyone know where to find this tribes leader?"

I'll take those wings if no one else wants them

make the request in character and I'll use the scroll.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"As I feel it may have gotten lost in discussion I'll repeat and simplify. Does anyone want some of these metal flying wings? First pair is effectively free."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"I understand the basics of a regular sailing ship, but this flying ship is a bit different. "

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Just curious: what's the mechanical penalty for stealth with those wings? Also does it apply if you're invisible?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"If anyone is interested we can give you a pair of those wings immediately. Anyone else who is interested can get a pair, but I'll need some supplies. "

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Owen contemplates the magic and resources surrounding the flying metal wings.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but we can immediately create and attach one pair of wings using the ritual and that scroll. Others we can craft by attaining the requisite materials and then doing the ritual? Correct? Is there any downside to having these wings?

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

FYI: starting Tuesday evening I'll be going to Australia for two weeks. Expect my posting to be minimal. Feel free to bot me as needed.

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

Examining the glowing runes a moment Owen replies,

"It is a spell to give you the items to craft Valkyrie wings."

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:
"I meant the tribe leader's head, not the Queen's head."

"Which one is that?"

Detect magic and search the queen so long as she's here.

Owen Perception 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4

Boreanas Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"Anyone have a particularly sharp sword?" motioning to the body

Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43
DM Forgedawn wrote:

The man is still in the room.

He looks at Owen and says:
"Of course not. This Orc tribe was at war with another tribe, whom we should be able to get to join us. Take the leader's head, and we will give it to them as a gift."

Looking at Boreanas Owen says something in Auran.



Wiz 5 (Mythic 1) Init +2 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 AC 18 Touch 12, FF 16 (10+2 Dex +6 Mage Armor+Fortification 50%); HP 43/43

"I second Seerus' words. A direct confrontation is suicide and I assume if that was your goal there are easier ways to go about it. Do you have any semblance of a plan beyond gathering this band of 'plucky' adventurers and hoping for the best? Do you have any intel or assistance for us? Surely you dont believe your seething hatred is enough of a weapon. " Owen scoffs at the idea.

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