Iron Dragon

Owen the Eidolon's page

25 posts. Alias of wesF.

Full Name




Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 11
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 10
Charisma 11

About Owen the Eidolon

Alternatively, any one of these base forms can be used to make a Small eidolon. If the eidolon is Small, it gains a +2 bonus to its Dexterity score. It also takes a –4 penalty to its Strength and a –2 penalty to its Constitution. It also gains a +1 size bonus to its AC and attack rolls, a –1 penalty to its CMB and CMD scores, a +2 bonus on its Fly skill checks, and a +4 bonus on its Stealth skill checks. Reduce the damage of all of its attacks by one step (1d6 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d3). If this choice is made, the eidolon can be made Medium whenever the summoner can change the eidolon's evolution pool (which causes it to lose these modifiers for being Small).

Small Quadraped:Medium 40' +2 Nat, Fort(good, Ref (good), Will(bad) Bite: 1d4
Ability scores: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
-1 SIze CMB, CMD
Fly 60'

AC: Armor bonus +2, +1 size
Max attacks=3
F:+3 (base+3, Con+0)
R:+6 (base+3, Dex +3)
W:+0 (base+0, Wis+0)


1-Skill focus UMD

Evolution pool: 4
Scout Eidolon:
Resembles a small winged gecko like centaur
Free: Bite Limbs(legs)X2
(1)Skilled: UMD
(1) limbs arms
(2) Wings

8 pts
Bluff (rank+1,Cha+0,+3 Class)
Knowledge(planes) (rank+0,Int-2,+3 Class)
Perception +6 (rank+1,wis+0,+3 Class)
Sense Motive (rank+0,Cha+0,+3 Class)
Fly +9(rank+1,Dex+3,+3 Class,+2 size)
Stealth+11(rank+1,dex+3,+3 Class,+4 size)
- Acrobatics+7(rank+1,Dex+3,+3 Class)
- UMD+16(rank+2,Cha+0,+3 Class+8 skilled+3 Feat)
- Climb+7(rank+1,Dex+3,+3 Class)
- Escape Artist+7(rank+1,Dex+3,+3 Class)