Ovidiu, the Repentant |

Further analysis of the prison confirms that it is still extremely haunted.
We seem to have accepted a mission from the ghost of Vesorianna, the wife of the former warden, to rid the ruins of the prison of five, powerful evil presences. She claims to be able to hold the rest of the prison in check if these are eliminated and her husband’s symbol of authority is returned to her. Frankly, it all seems a bit suspect: many people in Ravengro believe Vesorianna may have started the fire at Harrowstone. This could all be some sort of ectoplasmic turf war, and we could be unwitting patsies—or, witting patsies at a complete loss for anything else to go on. I’m not inclined to do everything Ms. Vesorianna says without some measure of caution. It’s possible I don’t trust her because she’s a ghost. Ghosts suppressing ghosts: I’m not sure Our Lady would approve.
We’ve finished searching the first floor. We opted not to make a thorough examination of the laundry room lest we be attacked by animate wash basins, but we did check the infirmary for medical supplies. These we were able to recover after having some of them forcibly dispensed onto us by a poltergeist. I must say that among our group, myself included, Miri V is probably the most proficient ghost slayer. Her stories remind me of my time with the Aljiba family caravan. Arlyxxanah, on the other hand, appears to be some sort of lycanthrope. I don’t know much about shapeshifters, but as she seems more intent on biting into me with pithy remarks than fangs, I’ll have to assume she has some measure of … control. I’m keeping silver close at hand.
We’ve made a brief attempt to scout the second floor. As we tried to establish the “lay of the land” we began to hear eerie flute music. All at once, skeletons began breaking out of the cells all around us. I managed to destroy the first wave of them with a burst of holy energy, but they kept coming. I spent most of the battle running interference and protecting our flank while Miri V disrupted them from a distance. Meanwhile, Isinwen attempted to counter the song that animated the creatures with music from what we assume was the Piper of Illmarsh’s instrument. This was only partially effective in that, while it slowed the undead, it also caused Isinwen to bleed from the eyes, ears and nose in a manner suggestive of cerebral haemorrhage. After waking up, she seemed disoriented and far away: apparently suffering no permanent damage.
We will continue to search the second floor of Harrowstone, hoping to make as much of a survey as possible before our resources run out.
Arlyxxanah — shape-shifting investigator
Ka'kutah — cleric-deafening gunslinger
Isinwen — un-brain-damaged witch
Miri Magave — skeleton-bashing fighter
Miri Vishki — story-telling sorcerer
Ovidiu — ground-holding cleric