Othinnson's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

I missed the why should we care part of this post.

I'm a casual player who has bought numerous books and loves playing with Michael--looking to sit at a table with him intentionally.

but I don't know what the point of the VC and VO and VA are other than being the people who create the warhorn signup page and organize conventions--people who help us non-volunteers play. What is actually gained or lost being in these roles? How are casual players affected by who is the VC or VO?

Where can I find a list of roles and responsibilities of VC VO and this Tonya person I keep seeing? Are these all paid positions at Paizo and this is an internal HR personnel issue? Or are these just an associated group of volunteers that get some undefined benefit other than a title?
Does this group have bylaws, rules committees, elections, judicial committee? I've heard tell of an NDA whose contents is a secret which I assume would just pertain Paizo's storylines not yet released, or books and mods etc not yet published (no spoilers), but what else could be in that? I can't imagine it would be a "behavior detrimental to..." statement because you'd want that list of banned behavior public so people know to not do it.

Just seeking some clarification on what matters vs what does not.