Arcane Addict wrote:
Regarding your specific situation you should be fine. The Warpriest is a good class and, from what I hear, the Sacred Fist Archetype even more so. I wouldn't worry too much. That said, 3/4th BAB classes do require a lot of stuff (feats, items and what have you) to keep up in combat. What you're noticing is more or less intentional.
Your notion that these changes 'target early game play and hurt the late game' is false. I mean, obviously 3/4th BAB is worse than Full but the difference is hardly noticeable in the early game. Its only 1 or 2 points on the same number of attacks as a Full BAB class. So those changes probably have little to nothing to do with the early game.
Well, its 3/4 bab along with Recent change to Flurry at 3/4 BAB -2 as sacred fist no longer treats its WP lvl as it's Monk lvl for Flurries attack bonus. Im just trying to understand Paizos logic with this as it makes the SFWP extremely underwhelming. Yet they let other caster/Martial classes maintain full BAB. I get that swift action buffs are great and all but it still takes valuable time for me to make myself less than useless.