
OssumPawesome's page

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To be honest, I thought the Elohim was meant to be kind of a reference to GMs who like to homebrew (hence the D12). In a short amount of time, generations can pass in the blink of an eye thanks to the fantasy world and there's more than one home brewing GM who would make a world, shelve it for a few years, then scrap it and make a new one.

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Not only that, but there are some enemies that are such massive blood knights (or have high enough spell resistance) that they prefer to attack the fighters with the massive swords.

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He sounds like he doesn't think strategically. Point out some of the uses for his spells. If that doesn't work, he either needs to make a martial so he can whine how weak he is compared to the wizard after 4th level, or play a rouge so he can whine how weak he is outside of skill tests.

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I was playing a game with a rogue who's backstory was essentially "I want to build a bunker to be safe." Erm, ewkay. Apparantly his character was also a coward. The party would be exploring caves and he would be "guarding the cart" (never ran off with it, thankfully) and almost got himself whacked when he pulled his sword on some hoochies the witch sent to him as a joke. He was like a really cowardly Batman, always brooding about something.

Now here's another one from a friend who was in my game and played a halfling inquisitor. He wanted to make the most ridiculous backstory as a joke. So he made up a cult called the Truth of the Beard or something which had different orders depending on how the beards were cut. Longbeards ran everything and his character was part of the assassin order called the Goatees and he got in trouble for sleeping with the Longbeard High Priestess who was the Great Longbeard's daughter. So he was on the run from the Great Longbeard and the Goatees. I allowed it.

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To be honest I'd say the only fair Drow Noble race is the standard Drow. Nobles look like they were meant for GM's only for creating encounters. If I were your GM I would simply not allow it.