Osranger |
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I’ve been thinking about Life Tap. It is a spell that I like, so I want to judge its power to see if it’s actually weak or not. And then I remembered Soul Siphon exists and is the perfect analogue.
Soul Siphon does 1/2 1d4 void damage per rank on a successful save, 1d4 void damage per rank + drained 1 on a failed save, and 2d4 void damage per rank + drained 2 on a critical failure. The spell grants temp HP equal to half the damage it does including drained.
Compared to Life Tap that is
1.125 vs 1 damage per rank on a successful save
3.5 vs 2 damage per rank on a failed save
7 vs 3 damage per rank on a critically failed save
.625 hp (rounded up) vs 1 hp healed per rank on a successful save
1.75 vs 2 hp healed per rank on a failed save
And 3.5 vs 3 hp healed per rank on a critically failed save.
Okay, so it looks like soul siphon easily had the advantage in damage, while life tap has the advantage in healing between the additional flexibility and mostly better numbers.
Except Soul Siphon is only one action. I think that really illustrates the problem with Life Tap. These abilities shouldn’t be roughly equivalent while Soul Siphon has half the action cost. Life Tap either needs its damage/Healing buffed or its action cost nerfed.
I would prefer the former because I would rather not have a near carbon copy of Soul Siphon on two different classes.