
Oshmear's page

Goblin Squad Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

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Always happy to wait for quality gaming, take your time, get it right.

Goblin Squad Member

Oshmear wrote:
leperkhaun wrote:

A person who wants to do evil things but maintain a good rep and alignment is going to have to be sneaky. You wont be able to hit kill someone in the heat of battle and get away with it, you will be auto flagged and chat logs will out you quick. You are going to have to do things like use middlemen and throw away characters to interface with say a group of mercs to take out your crafting rival.

however in this game there is magic and in the TT some of the spells are undetectable alignment and some others like align weapon. it would make sense to me that an evil person could get away if they were able to keep undetectable alignment up. However a town may say your alignment as to be visible, so in that case i would love to see align person spells, so that a person can actively mask their alignment.

then disguise and such.........

however i do think that some evil folks will be deep undercover cops. They will never let their true intentions be known for years then BAM.

Exactly! Not saying I'd do it you understand...just saying. ;)

Yes...peasants are fun to torment from time to time...but lets face it, evil people like to torment and kill people of....shall we say an equivalent skill level? Not to mention...peasants don't have coveted magic items! Again...not saying...I'd be doing anything of such an appalling nature...just...saying.

Goblin Squad Member

leperkhaun wrote:

A person who wants to do evil things but maintain a good rep and alignment is going to have to be sneaky. You wont be able to hit kill someone in the heat of battle and get away with it, you will be auto flagged and chat logs will out you quick. You are going to have to do things like use middlemen and throw away characters to interface with say a group of mercs to take out your crafting rival.

however in this game there is magic and in the TT some of the spells are undetectable alignment and some others like align weapon. it would make sense to me that an evil person could get away if they were able to keep undetectable alignment up. However a town may say your alignment as to be visible, so in that case i would love to see align person spells, so that a person can actively mask their alignment.

then disguise and such.........

however i do think that some evil folks will be deep undercover cops. They will never let their true intentions be known for years then BAM.

Exactly! Not saying I'd do it you understand...just saying. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

OK wait, I'm very much a newbie to Pathfinder, so I apologize for my immediately obvious ignorance of the game. I'm assuming this game has character classes of a...shall we say nefarious nature? Thieves, assassins, villains, etc...

If say, someone were of evil intent, but wanted to hide that to better increase his/her ultimate goal, they're not going to be running around with little icons over their heads giving away what were really about are they?

For instance, my good friend Bilbo has secretly hated me for years and has coveted my ring of invisibility to the point of near pathological obsession. He's successfully fought his urge to bash me over the head with a shovel in my sleep, but today we were attacked by goblins. In our heated battle with said creatures, just as I was about to do away with the last of them, he clobbered me over the head with one of the fallens cudgels, and then finished the last one off.

No one was there to witness this, and while this would certainly affect his alignment (no arguement from me on that one) how would it affect his reputation in a negative fashion? If no one is the wiser, than why fault the guilty with something everyone can see to prove his guilt.

I guess what I'm saying is, crime should pay, until of course you get caught. I'm not saying I'd do something like this, I'm just saying don't make life undeservedly bad on those that have gone to the trouble to successfully hide their true nature. Evil, psychopaths, and despots are the spice of life people, and they give good people a reason to struggle, rise up, and do justice upon the guilty.

OK in truth, I've done this...I'd played good characters for years, and then one day my DM dared me to bring an evil character to play in his new campaign. Spurned by his challenge, I rose to the occasion. I created an Anti-Paladin but in the guise of a righteous fighter type. I came to the first day of gaming, and stated to friends that we needed to stop being so suspicious of each others characters, and to prove so I suggested we pass our sheets around the table for...what's the word...transparency? They all of course thought it was a fantastic sign of trust when I tossed my fake character sheet on the table, and thus the ruse began. I of course made careful mental notes of strengths and weaknesses, and began to devise the order that each would meet with their demise.

It was delicious while it lasted, and yes after the third...or was it the fourth party member fell victim to my ways...the last one on the razor edge of a recently won (with the parties unknowing help) Unholy Reaver, I got caught. Well...found out, needless to say...that character is now very hated by the surviving members of that failed (glorious) campaign.

Goblin Squad Member

OK, it's after March and nothing. Not a PDF, not so much as a sticker to put on a bumper. If no announcement is made by the end of this week, I will simply no longer look for my promised KS rewards. I'll just be dissapointed and take that into account the next time I'm asked to donate to the cause.

I didn't give my $100.00 dollars for the promised rewards, I gave it for the promise of being part of the game. Promised rewards came after and were used to lure as many possible donators to the cause.

It's easy to understand the sheer magnitude of work that has had to go into processing all of the rewards, but it seems to me that at this point we should all be able to have access to the promised PDF files. That alone would serve as a measure of good faith.

Just saying...