Oserath's page

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We had a fun dose of irony in the first book:

Upon learning that Nualia was consorting with Lamashtu, our paladin bit the bullet and learned Abyssal. When we found Nualia in Thistletop, the paladin demanded, in Abyssal, that she surrender. She just looked at him weird and swung at him, b/c she doesn't even know Abyssal as a Cleric of a demon lord.

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Warmongerer wrote:

Remember that when converting gp to pp that platinum actually weighs less than gold. By that I mean 5000 gp in platinum weighs even less than one tenth of 5000 gp in gold. You can also have an equal value of silver and it would only weigh 5 not 10 times as much ( because silver is about half the mass of gold per mole). And an equal value in copper coins would only weigh 25 not 100 times as much because copper is about a quarter the mass of gold per mole.

*there is probably not that big of a difference in platinum to gold for most cases. There is only about a one gram difference per mole between the them.

** that one three oz gold coin would weigh approximately 9.5 g which would be about .05 moles of gold.

*** the above assume equal moles of the various metals in each respective coin

5000gp in platinum weighs 1/10th as much as 5000gp in gold, because platinum is valued at 500gp/lb. Moles don't factor here. You dont exchange 10 moles of gold for 1 mole of platinum.

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Currently, Nualia is a Fighter 2/Cleric 4. I'm thinking she might be nicely redone as an Inquisitor (Preacher) 6 with the Anger Inquisition. It drops her base attack bonus by 1, but adds some pretty cool things, while still leaving 2nd level spells as an option.

This will be for my friend's game, which may have 5 or 6 players, almost definitely 3rd level when they fight her.

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc.?