Oscar Wallace - The Accountant |

In the den...
A skinny, sniveling man paces frantically back and forth across an exquisite carpet, threatening to wear a hole down the middle. He lets loose a horrific sneeze before asking in a quaking voice, "Who am I meeting again? Where are you sending me? How long. Are the hellknights going to kill my family? You've got to keep them safe. Oh dammit to the eighth hell, why did I ever start working for you again?" he says, referring to Lanvi, but directed at no one in particular.
"Sorry, my allergies act up when I get nervous. It's not every day you find out a cadre of hellknights is looking for you because of your choice in jobs. I should've taken that government accounting job. Oscar is my name." Oscar, when not rambling on, chews on his nails while worriedly staring at the floor immediately in front of his next nervous pace.