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Orson the Seeker's page

41 posts. Alias of Derz.


Sphere Wizard 5 | SP: 11/12 | HP: 16/23 | AC: 12 / T: 12 / FF: 10 / | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +5 | M. Atk: +2, R. | CMB: +2, CMD: 14 | Init: +2, Perception: +2

About Orson the Seeker

Male Human Sphere Wizard 5
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid, Human
Initiative +2; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 [+2 Dex]
HP23 X (5 HD; 1d6+1)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff +3 (1d6/*2)
Ranged None
Sphere Wizard Spells Known/Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +10)
Spheres: Mind, Conjuration, Divination
Spell Points: 12
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Cantrips, Extra Magic Talent (Mind Sphere), Craft Rituals, Ritual Caster
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Abyssal
[b]Other Gear

+2 Conjuration Staff
Commoner's Outfit
Appraise (Int), 5+3+3=11
Craft (Int),
Fly (Dex),
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), 5+3+3=11
Knowledge (Local) (Int) 5+3+3=11
Knowledge (Planes) (Int), 5+3+3=11
Linguistics (Int),
Profession (Wis),
Spellcraft (Int) 5+3+3=11
Special Abilities
Somatic Casting Drawback You must gesture to cast spells—a process that requires you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure. You may select this drawback twice. If taken a second time, you cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure. X2
Elongated Summoning Drawback Summoning a creature requires 1 minute of concentrated effort, rather than only a standard action.
Painful Magic Drawback Your magic consumes you the more you rely on it. You must pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the ability’s Caster Level) whenever you use magic, or be sickened for 1 round. If you use magic while sickened, you must pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the ability’s Caster Level) or be nauseated for 1 round.
Summon Companion (Andrealphus, Biped: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor+4; Saves Fort (good-4), Ref (bad-2), Will (good-4); Attack 2 slams (1d4); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11 Feats - Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Power Attack, Evasion
Armored Companion Your companion gains armor as appropriate for its form and appearance (a suit of armor, a tougher hide, buffeting winds, etc.). Your companion gains a +2 armor bonus, +1 at every odd Hit Die beyond 1st. - +4
Battle Creature Your companion is learned in the ways of war. It gains proficiency with all simple weapons and when summoned, appears with up to 2 weapons it is proficient with (masterwork, but of unremarkable composition). These weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 Hit Dice possessed to a maximum of +5. A companion may gain this form talent twice. If gained a second time, it gains proficiency with all martial weapons and treats its Hit Dice as fighter levels when meeting the prerequisites for feats. X 2
Lingering Companion - Andrealphus When you spend a spell point to allow this companion to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration, you may spend an additional spell point to allow it to remain for 1 hour per level instead. If you also possess the Greater Summoning talent, your companion instead remains for 1 day, only disappearing when you rest to regain spell points. Once you have spent a spell point to summon such a creature for a full day, you may dismiss and re-summon this companion at will without having to spend any additional spell points that day.
Divine You may divine to gain information. To divine, you must spend 10 minutes meditating, although you may spend a spell point to decrease this time to a single standard action. Divining always has a duration of concentration, but you must spend a full-round action concentrating (you can take no other action, not even walking); you are flat-footed while divining.
When you divine, you detect the strength and location of all magical auras within Medium range. You do not know the exact caster level of an item or spell, but you may sense the aura’s general strength according to the chart below. To determine the spell school or sphere of the effect, you must pass a Knowledge (arcana) check with a DC equal to 15 + 1/2 the caster level.
Alternate Divination: Divine Unnaturals If you possess the Conjuration Sphere, you may divine the presence of outsiders and aberrations. In all other ways, this functions as divining for undead.
Sense As a standard action, you may grant yourself paranormal senses for 1 hour/level. When you gain the Divination sphere, you gain the following sense.
Read Magic You may spend a spell point to gain a sense that allows you to decipher all magical writings, such as those found in books, scrolls, on weapons, or in other places intelligible to you. This does not invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed or trapped scroll. Furthermore, once you have read a magical inscription through this ability, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing even without this sense. You can read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. You can identify glyphs, runes, and symbol spells with a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + 1/2 caster level).
Some talents are marked (sense). These talents grant you additional senses you may bestow upon yourself. There is no limit to the number of different senses you may have active at a time.
Greater Divine Your divine ability works out to Long range instead of Medium range.
Object Reading You may perform psychometry on a target object you touch gaining information about its history or previous owners. In addition to the information you acquire below, you gain a circumstance bonus to appraise checks with that object equal to 1/2 your caster level for as long as you continue to divine the object. For every 1 minute you divine the object you gain one additional piece of information found in the following order: Last owner’s race, last owner’s gender, last owner’s age, last owner’s alignment, how the last owner lost or gained the object. Upon learning this last piece of information, you may spend a spell point, if you do you begin to learn information on the owner before the last at the same rate in the same order. Should object reading be interrupted for 2 or more consecutive rounds, you must start again at the beginning unless you spend 1 spell point per past owner.
Viewing You may spend a spell point to divine, transferring your point of view to any point within range. You may see and hear from this location. You do not need line of sight or line of effect, but the locale must be known—a place familiar to you, or an obvious one such as a distance and direction. Once you have selected the locale, the sensor doesn’t move, but you can rotate it in all directions to view the area as desired, in all ways as if you were standing where your sensor is located. This ability creates a scrying sensor, which can be detected (Perception DC 20 + caster level) and dispelled.
Mind Sphere, Charm

You may place charms on creatures. Charms require a standard action to use and have a range of Close. You may only use charms on targets that possess your own creature type (humanoid for humanoids, etc.) although the Expanded Mind talent changes this. Each charm has three strengths; lesser, greater, and powerful. Lesser charms are at-will abilities, but you may not target an individual creature more than once in a day with any individual lesser charm. Greater charms cost a spell point to use and powerful charms cost 2 points to use. You must possess the Powerful Charm talent before you may use any powerful charms.

When you gain the Mind sphere, you gain the following charm:


You may plant thoughts into a target’s mind.

Lesser Charm: You may plant a suggestion in a target’s mind, which they obey as if the thought had been their own (Will negates). The suggested course of activity must be limited to a sentence or two and must be a very simple request. The creature performs the suggested action until it finishes, or for 1 hour per caster level, whichever comes first. If you choose, you can instead specify conditions the creature should look for, (i.e., “you should search the next person who enters this room, looking for weapons.”) If the condition is not met before this duration expires, the activity is not performed.

Greater Charm: This is the same as the Suggestion lesser charm, but may be up to a basic request. Very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty. The target cannot be asked to do anything it would not normally do.

Powerful Charm: This is the same as the Suggestion lesser charm, but the creature obeys any course of action given, so long as the suggestion is not obviously fatal or against the target’s nature. Basic requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty, while very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -4 penalty.

Some mind talents are designated (charm) talents. These talents grant you additional charms you may place on targets.