OneBoot's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Thank you very much for the information, I'm super excited to see what panels and events will be there this year! :) *crosses fingers for more Nick Logue awesomeness*

--OneBoot :D

I quite like the flexibility of your spell system, and also how logical it is. I remember reading your other post about it, and I appreciate that you took the time to test it out (I was the one that requested that). It sounds like you took every precaution in balancing it, and I look forward to trying out your system and seeing how it functions in actual gameplay.

relativemass wrote:
I have also not associated elements to specific classes yet, so you will need to use your best judgment for that.

Interesting; so you don't have positive energy as cleric-only, fireball as arcane caster-only, that sort of thing?

I like your ideas, and I'd be curious to see how these rules fare in actual gameplay. Have they been playtested yet?

As far as balance goes, I'd have to try these out myself to say for sure whether they're there's any issues with it, but looking over it I can't see that it's likely to be a problem. Also, thank you for saying what some of the effects are based on; that gives me a basis for comparison.

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask this (trying to find detailed info about Paizocon can be a bit frustrating sometimes), but will we be notified by email when the event lottery goes live? This is only my second time attending Paizocon, and I didn't even find out about the lottery for last year until a week before the con itself. :(

Thank you,
--OneBoot :D

Goblin Squad Member

I've read through a lot of the posts here, and I still don't feel like the issue brought up by Carlos Cabrera regarding un-looted item destruction has been adequately addressed.

That exact issue is something I find very concerning, unless there is some system in place where I can rent storage space in town. Does anyone recall such a system being mentioned? If not, I'm seriously considering withdrawing my pledge (and I've been incredibly excited about and supportive of this project since the beginning), since it would not be enjoyable to me at all if I will have to spend all of my time huddled in the safe confines of town so my non-threaded stuff won't keep getting destroyed.

Another idea is to not have un-looted items destroyed, but make it such that only one player can open the "looting" screen once; after that, only the player whose husk it is can access the screen. Meaning, Bob kills someone or finds a husk. Bob can only open the looting screen once, and once it's closed, neither he nor anyone but the husk's owner can get back into the looting screen. This means that un-threaded items are still very much at risk for disappearing, but it doesn't mean that everything is lost every time.