Female Fighter

Onagella Sunpath's page

24 posts. Alias of Craig Shackleton (Contributor).


Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella looks over in the direction of the inn. "I hope Droga is okay." She looks at her companions. "I wish I could do something for your injuries. If we find any more goblins, let me take point." She looks back over her shoulder. "Sunshine! Heel!"

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella closes with the goblin dog and swings her axe in a fierce arc.

Attack: 18+3=21
Damage: 4+2=6

"Did that get your attention, ugly?" she shouts.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1
Onagella Sunpath wrote:
"No point letting him gat back up to fight" she says.

whoops, "get," obviously

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella marches over to the prone goblin and pounds her axe into his skull.

To hit roll 10+3+1=14
Damage roll 2+2+2=6 points.

"No point letting him gat back up to fight" she says.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella raises her axe and advances 40 more feet towards the goblins.
I believe that brings her to 30 feet away as well.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella advances another 20 feet trying to keep an open line to charge the goblins.
Single action only, correct?

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella points. "Sunshine, defend that man." She then begins moving forward, calling back over her shoulder "That singer had a crossbow. Get his or find another, or find something to throw."

Handle animal check roll 5+4=9 (fail)

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

"We should go to the fire. Even if we can't do much to put it out, we can protect other people who can. Sunshine, Heel." Onagella shoulders her axe and sets off at a brisk pace, scanning from side to side for goblins as she marches.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella charges the nearest goblin, careful to avoid the grease patch.

Attack roll 11+3+1+2=17
Damage 4+2+2=8

Sunshine moves forward ready to attack any goblin that attacks Onagella.

As a side note, I had given sunshine Intx3 tricks. If she only knows two, then I'll trim my list.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella advances carefully (20' move). "Sunshine! Defend me!" (Handle Animal 11+5=16. Sunshine 'defends').

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella closes to a flanking position if possible and attacks with her axe. 9+4=13 (15 if flanking) Damage 4+4=8

"Filthy dog-murderers!" she growls.

She gives no orders to Sunshine, which I believe means he contnues to attack apparent enemies.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella once more tries to get Sunshine's attention "Sunshine! Goblins! Attack!" Handle Animal 11+4=15 Finally!

As Sunshine finally responds and charges the remaining goblins, Onagella moves up with him.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Sorry for the delay!

Onagella once again calls Sunshine to attack, and swings her axe at the nearest goblin.

Handle Animal Roll 5+4=9. Sunshine can't hear Onagella amid the chaos.
Attack Roll 14+4=18
Damage Roll 2+4=6 hp

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella closes with the goblin, axe ready.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

with a BAB of +1 I should be able to draw my axe while advancing, shouldn't I? Not a big deal, but I want to be clear in case it comes up later.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Made both checks!

Onagella growls "Sunshine. Goblins. Attack!" Handle Animal Skill roll 5+4=9

She readies her axe and advances on the nearest goblins.

Over her shoulder she says "Find the fire and get it put out."

I don't actually know what kind of action it is to command an animal. If I have time I will also attack this round (attack roll 2+4=6)

Female Dwarf Ranger 1
Vaclav Rennet wrote:
You speak fairly, madam dwarf. I am Vaclav Rennet. I wander from temple to temple seeking my place. I feel marked for service to Deadeye, but ... don't know what to do. If you truly walk the path of the Provider you are one step ahead of me.

Well I wouldn't claim an special holiness; I just do what i love, which happens to be working caravans. I work with animals, sometimes I hunt, I guard folks, and facilitate commerce. Seems to me, in my nonscholarly way, that I'm doing what Erastil wants. But that's not why I do it. It's just what I want to do. So I always say thanks to Erastil for the job, I guess.

I'm called Onagella. I'd be happy to take you on as an assistant on a caravan, but I suspect you're seeking a different path. If you find it, follow it! If I see a priest of Erastil around, I'll steer him in your direction.

Female Dwarf Ranger 1
Tzoltan Devreen wrote:
["Are you an engineer? I've learned dwarf to read your engineering manuals. They're the best"]

Onagella replies in her native tongue. "Engineer? Ha, only if you consider a mule an engine! I work Caravans. My father wanted me to be an engineer of course... I imagine yours wants you to be a drover?"

Funny thing: I derived the name Onagella by feminizing/diminishing the latin word 'onager' which means wild donkey. It is also the name of a roman siege engine that kicked like a mule when fired. It kind of gives this conversation a double meaning...

Female Dwarf Ranger 1

Onagella wanders through the crowd after the ceremony, particularly looking for travellers. She inquires about conditions on the roads, and any caravans that may be leaving or arriving soon. She will give everyone a friendly smile, and chat with anyone who seems interested in doing so. She keeps Sunshine close by her.

EDIT: To Vaclav: I believe that last fellow to speak at the ceremony was the high priest, although he is not particularly a follower of Erastil. I would be happy in joining you in paying my respects, although I usually express my faith by living as I feel Erastil desires, rather than ceremony. Meaning no disrespect, of course.

EDIT: To Tzoltan: You look lost young man. I am astranger here myself, but I visit frequently. Can I help you find your way somewhere?

Onagella and Sunshine (her guard dog) rise early and stroll out along the cliff top, past the old light house and then down to the beach by the docks by the docks. She throws sticks for sunshine (who won't bring them back) for a bit, and then head along the docks area to the market. She will give a cheerful greeting to anyone she sees, especially travellers. She keeps an eye on what merchants are arriving and getting ready to leave, and will discuss job opportunities when possible. From there she will wander up fiestival way and check out the preparations, and then return to the inn for breakfast. She hopes to find a place to watch the festivities not far from the inn, and will be there 15 minutes before things start. Sunshine accompanies her to the festival as well.

On her morning stroll, she carries all the equipment she normally carries on a trip (to keep up her fitness), but at the festival she will only have her axe and armour (she wants to maintain her image of competence in case there is a prospective employer), no shield or other weapons.

Okay, I think I'm done.

Can I train (or have trained) Droga (my mule)?

Hmm... I'm also thinking a guard dog suits Onagella's nature. Is that problematic for the PbP format? If not I'll buy one.

There was supposed to be a question mark at the end of "what's avaialble."

That's okay though. I'll be staying at the "White Deer." It has a nice view and is less crowded than the rusty dragon.

Bio and traits done. I'll be staying at an Inn. What's available.

Just got my player's guide (and Burnt Offerings) in the mail!

I'll do equipment shortly.

Here's my character, stats are in the profile. I still need to buy equipment and write her background.

I'd like to buy a mule or donkey, but don't see a price. Eventually I'd like to have a mule or donkey as my animal companion, although they're a little weak compared to a warhorse.

I'll get on that background and gear!

Craig Shackleton,
The Rambling Scribe