Neolandis Kalepopolis

Oliver Woodcock's page

22 posts. Alias of WreckTall.


Livestock provide only stillbirth. The water in the streams and ponds is no longer sweet. The wild game have scattered. The air is as still as death. All bad omens.


The moons become as blood. The insects no longer sing at night. A star flares in the night sky. Now brighter than anything in the night sky, and second only to the sun in the morn. The heavens are of fate and prophecy. What unalterable path does this light illuminate?


You as chief are plagued by dreams. Emotions hardly contained. The urge to travel undeniable. The guiding star beckons you. Faces of your ancestors scream for attention. No peaceful rest can be had.

What do you do? Follow the star? Alone? With an army? with your village? Is this a prophesy of your destiny or portents of your oblivion?

You can start with any backstory you want. You may know the other tribes well to not at all. Understand their customs, or barely speak the same language. Start near one another, or never see a soul. I'll leave that to you.

talk, grunt, growl or whatever

The land of your ancestors is being nibbled at the the edges, like worms eating the vegetation off a tree. Soon nothing will be left for your seed to grow and be strong. The soft races call you savages. They don't know the meaning of the word. For too long the weaklings have pushed at your boundaries. It's time to push back.

You are the leader of a tribe with a small army. A call to war echos across your land. Will you join the other tribes or unite them under your rule? Will you look for allies to work with you or will you enslave them to work for you? Will you prepare or push for surprise?

Character Creation:

25 point Buy
2 traits or 3 traits + 1 drawback
Level 6
HP max first level and roll or use average. Once method is picked, you must stick with it.
We will be using Background Skills. Highly Recommended: Profession(Soldier)
See Mass Combat

Orc or half-orc
changes to Orc:
Ability Score Racial Traits: Orcs are brutal and savage. They gain +4 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.

Remove one mental stat reduction. players choice

Orcs do not have light sensitivity weakness

All paizo are available.However, no guns or gunpowder exist.

Each PC will start with a Tribe of 500. Of them, 100 are an army of 2nd level fighters. The rest are Support or Children.You will decide their flavor/morals/laws/customs.

Mass Combat:

We will be using Mass Combat Rules

You will each start with the following army:

Alignment dependent on leader of Tribe

Orc Horde

XP 400
Medium army of orcs (Fighter 2)
hp 5; ACR 1
DV 11; OM +1, ranged
Special Ferocity, Darkvision
Speed 2; Consumption 0


Background: Tell me how you became leader

Tribe: Tell me about your tribe. Customs/Laws/morals/flavor

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You are the leader of an Orc tribe. The lands of your ancestors shrink year after year to the humans and their allies as their farms, hamlets, towns, and cities grow like choking weeds. It is time to push back. It is time to take back what is yours by birthright. The time of humans is over. It is your time.

PCs will choose either Orc or Half Orc as a race. Each PC will start with a tribe. Each PC will decide whether to work together or stand alone.

No guns or gunpowder exist.