Old Mammoth's page

62 posts (1,472 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 aliases.

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??? Hydrahead Flame Oracle/7 || HP 45/45 || AC 21 (Touch 15, FF 17) || Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +4
Spells Left:
1st: 4/8 2nd: 6/7 3rd: 5/5

"It's the staff making him better at influencing people, obviously."

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Blockheadd wrote:
Old Mammoth wrote:
Blockheadd wrote:

Uh oh :)

We may or may not have had a Head that at one point burnt the rest of us with a fireball... I was on the "Face-half-Burnt" side of things :p (so it wasnt me ^_^) You have been warned >:)
Hey, not my fault if people neglet their Reflex saves. :D

Very good answer! Its always the victims fault!

I mean, why were we even there in the first place??? We could have been floating ANYWHERE else and we would have been FINE!

If you can't detach your head from the rest of your body at will you are simply not trying hard enough.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I once wrote up a Paladin who grew up in Andorra. Having grown up under democracy, she dislikes the very concept of monarchy, and does not trust royalty. She knows better than to openly disrespect aristocrats or start revolts (She actually thinks Andorra got lucky, and Galt is a more typical result), but she is no friend to the gentry. She also believes that law goes both ways, and that governments have responsibilities to their people and must be held accountable (which democracy is a tool for doing). This has actually made her increasingly critical of Andorra itself, which seems increasingly not accountable. She doesn't really have a solution to any of this or a way to spread democracy, however, which worries her. So she spends most of her effort on helping authorities maintain law and order at the low level where people slip between the cracks, and tries to avoid politics.

I'm pretty sure that Andorra is a monarchy though. :D Fairly unusual one, but still a monarchy.

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Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Carmina had planned to say something, but the sheer charisma oozing from Horven strikes her speechless.

Nice roll! :D

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F Tiefling Bard (Arcane Duelist)/4 HP 22/22 AC 18 (T: 13 FF: 15) Init +3 Saves: F +2; R +7; W +3

Faeleen stares at Grrazz with platter-sized eyes. "You... you can ralk- I mean, talk?"

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F Tiefling Bard (Arcane Duelist)/4 HP 22/22 AC 18 (T: 13 FF: 15) Init +3 Saves: F +2; R +7; W +3

Knowledge (Planes): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 To identify the demons.

"This is hopeless," Faeleen thinks. Only the large demon would probably be a tough fight, but all those little ones and two freaking gun turrets? It is apparent that they are intended to die here in this arena, so why provide them more enjoyment by fighting back? Trapped in these dark thoughts, she stares at the demons... And realizes that they are standing awfully close to one another. Perhaps there was still hope after all, if she'd just get lucky with a spell...

She extends her hand, sending forth a glowing mote of light that flies over the heads of the fiends before exploding into a cloud of golden particles that make everything in the vincinity sparkle like vampires in direct sunlight.

Casting Glitterdust into the intersection of C8, C9, D9 and D10. That should catch all of the demons. Will save DC 15 or be blinded for 4 rounds.

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A shadow will need about three hits to bring down someone of average strenght. Plenty of time for the guy to start running away while screaming: "Shadows! Everybody run to the church!" The shadow may manage to kill a few persons, but during that time everyone near them has ran away to alert the town wizard/cleric/guard force.

Now, let's take a look at these two pages. We'll assume a small town that has a population of 1240 people (the population of Sandpoint!). This means that spellcasting of 3rd level can be obtained, so at least one 5th level wizard and cleric can be found. (For this thought exercise, let's assume that there are also two 3rd level clerics and wizards/sorcerers each and four 1st clerics and wizards/sorcerers. Not an unreasonable amount by any measure.) It will also have 12 regular military personnel and 62 militiamen. The regulars will probably each have an oil of Magic Weapon each, and a single casting of Greater Magic Weapon from the wizard will be enough to enchant fifty pieces of ammunition, enough for a majority of the militiamen.

In a few minutes, most of the people are either in the local church or hidden in basements under 5 foots of terrain. The militia and spellcasters meet at the church, as has probably been agreeded upon in cases of undead attacks. If the shadow(s) decide to attack the church, in one round of combat they'll face 11d6 of Channel Energy, 11d4+11 of Magic Missiles, a few dozens of crossbow bolts dealing from one of three points of damage if they hit, and a comparable amount of vials of holy water dealing one point of splash damage each, potentially to multiple shadows. The initial shadow will have to raise quite a formidable amount of minions to overcome those odds.

And so the verisimilitude has been saved, if only from the shadows. ;)

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Xbox One won't support current headsets.

And gaming headsets can be expensive.

Besides, Steam isn't always-online.

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GeraintElberion wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:
1) The idea of a country based on ethnicity is not racial discrimination, it is actually rather common in this world. On the grand scale of things the French are a people and the British are a people, and they don't want to share the same country, for example. You can see how the super liberal Europe is reacting to the Muslim refugees for proof that people seek to live with their own.

Yes, we call those people racists.

It's slightly more complicated than that of course, people in Europe had long hundreds of years to develop a very specific kind of society, and one of the outcomes of that society is very low birth rate. Suddenly their lands are flooded (this process took much less than a decade) with people from a VERY diffrent kind of culture, a culture that in many places dosen't coincide very smoothly with it's European counterpart. Those people come in great numbers and breed fast. Europeans have a right to feel intimidated that their way of life might be coming to an end.

Writing as a European, I don't recognise this at all.

It is worth noting that the people who use words like 'flood' are definitely not in the mainstream.

After the Brievik massacre many Norwegians actually argued that the very idea of 'ethnic purity' was un-Norwegian.

In the UK we have had immigration from poor countries as long as we have been rich and powerful, a lot longer than ten years.

So much agree!

First, Islam is not a new thing in Europe at all. Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania for example have had large muslim populations for centuries.

Second, the supposed "overrun" by muslims is not going to happen. About 6% of Europeans are muslims. By 2030 the estimated percentage is... 8%! Not to mention that the fertility gap is projected to narrow in the coming years, so the growth will be even slower after that.


Third, in the end, does it matter if the muslim population in Europe grows a lot? The majority of Europeans are christians, yet the society is largely secular. Who says that muslims do not understand separation of church and state? Especially the second- and third generation muslims, who will be educated by the largely secular system? My uneducated guess would be that by 2030 half of Europe's muslims are drinking beer.

Most of the "intimidation" that some of the europeans feel is plain old xenophobia fuelled by ignorance. Two things that I consider much more dangerous to the european way of life than islam.