
OldGamer2000's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


That was a very cool story.

Anyhoo. I began playing as a middle school kid in and around 1978 in Wheaton, Illinois; the home of Billy Graham and the "city of Churches".

My poor Mom was totally snowballed by the church into thinking that D&D was somehow "Satanic". As if Satan himself was going to waltz right off of the pages and lead me to hell.

Well. At the time I was too young to win any sort of debate with her. She gathered up all the books I'd purchased with my lawn mowing money and threw them into the trash. An hour later they were out of the trash and safely stowed in a waterproof backpack hidden in a recess under my bedroom window where some thick bushes kept those books out of view and out of the worst of the rain and weather.

A few years later when I was a little older and wiser I sat down with my Mom and we had a long discussion about how she, as a college graduate, a chemist no less, who believed in evolution and SCIENCE could think that a game book could "Magically" transform her son into Satan's spawn by rolling dice to battle Orcs and Goblins.

She grudgingly agreed that she'd allowed herself to act irrationally and after that point I no longer had to hide my D&D hobby from her.

It still boggles my mind to see so very many people in the USA thinking like people from the 16th century and believing that the boogeyman hides around every corner. Sometimes I think it is a miracle that we don't still have witch trails in this country.

All this crazyness in the nation that put men on the moon.



WaterdhavianFlapjack wrote:
Chris Manos wrote:
I'm tempted to throw away arcane and divine magic and run a homebrew world with psionics and incarnum.

Wooooo! Mo' power to ya! :)

(But seriously, this is a really good idea!)


My own homebrew d20 Dungeons and Dragons setting is built around Psionics as the first and natural supernatural power available in the setting. Magic and Arcane / Priestly magic comes in later in the history books and is often considered "unnatural" or "evil".

In my campaign psionics is not described as "psionics" so much as persons perception of what psionics might be. In one culture a psionic character might be a gifted priest, blessed by the saints with the ability to perform miracles while in another culture it might be viewed as a form of witchcraft...people in my setting get burned at the stake for "witchcraft" wielding the same psionics that the uneducated followers of the "holy orders" believe are the blessings of the saints.

Hi all,

I hate to say this but I think the answer rests in the ongoing effort by some folks to reprint the old game modules and the old rules.

I began play when I was barely in middle school back in 1978 and I have to admit that plenty of the hard core rules were lost on me. The basic rules of you roll x dice for combat and you gain experience for killing monsters was clear enough for us back then though and got us rolling.

I am afraid that even a scaled down 3.5 version would be hard to learn. As a kid I really liked the "I'm a fighter" "I'm a wizard." simplicity of things. I do agree that whatever you work with should take the kids at least to 10th level.

Adventuring to 10th level the old school way can take years honestly, even given entire summer vacations spent on the D&D campaign trail. It took our little group at least three years to work our characters up from first level to level eight.

By the time the kids top at tenth level they should (hopefully) be old enough to start up with the main books.

salcor wrote:

Old Gamer,

I am actually from Topeka, KS (no longer a resident though). You need to look up the GateKeeper. It is a great gaming store, one of the best that I have seen in my travels. Go there and ask around, and you will find someone.


OldGamer2000 wrote:

Hi there. I am a long time GM / DM with roots that go all the way back to the first little white box edition of D&D and the Chainmail rules.

I am moving to Topeka, Kansas and I am looking for players for a d20 Dungeons and Dragons campaign and a Hero system, science fiction campaign.

Hopeful to find gamers in Topeka, Kansas,


Thanks. It is a very nice store to be sure. I will see what I can do about meeting some players there. =)

My first, ever D&D character was created using the rules out of the little white box edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Back when the rules were in little pocket book editions...shortly after Chainmail was in the game store.

The year was 1978 or 1979 I believe.

Arthnek (later Arthnek the Boar as he contracted lycanthrope)

Human, Fighter who I played the hard way up through the ranks to level eight..nearly level nine if I remember correctly.

A really wonderful campaign run by some high school friends. We were thrilled when the first blue box set, the first ever large boxed edition of Dungeons and Dragons came out and played through that first adventure so many times we (all of the players) had every passage and secret door memorized.

I played Arthnek through a number of campaigns and different incarnations until he ultimately retired around 1984 as high school came to an end.

Fun days, very fun days.

Hi there. I am a long time GM / DM with roots that go all the way back to the first little white box edition of D&D and the Chainmail rules.

I am moving to Topeka, Kansas and I am looking for players for a d20 Dungeons and Dragons campaign and a Hero system, science fiction campaign.

Hopeful to find gamers in Topeka, Kansas,


Full Name

Arion Duvamil


LG Angel-Blooded Aasimar


Holy Tactician Paladin/Warsighted Oracle 2/2- HP 29/29- AC 19/T:13/FF:16 - Perception: +5 - Fort: +9, Ref: +5 Will: +9 - CMB: +7, CMD 17 - Speed 20 ft. - Init. +0







Special Abilities

Alter Self 1/day | Spell Resistance 9




Common, Celestial

Strength 18
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 7
Charisma 18

About Arion Duvamil


The Confirmation (1xp, 2pp, 430gp, 10gp day job)
The Cyphermage Dilemma (1xp, 2pp, 532gp, 10gp day job)
Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (1xp, 1pp, 512gp, no day job)
Emerald Spire level 2 (3xp, 4pp, 1536gp, no day job)
Emerald Spire level 3 (3xp, 4pp, 3711gp, no day job)
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun (1xp, 1pp, 2252gp, no day job)

Male Angel-Blooded Aasimar Holy Tactician Paladin/Warsighted Oracle 2/2
humanoid (human), outsider (native)
Dark Archive
LG Medium Human
Init +0; Senses Perception +5

Str 18, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 18
Base Atk +3

AC 19; Touch 13; Flat-footed 16; (+6 armor, +3 Cha)
HP 29 (2d8 base + 2d10 paladin + 4 Con)
Fort +9; Ref +5; Will +9;
CMB +7; CMD 17

Speed 20 ft.

+1 Cold Iron Greatsword +8 (2d6+7, 19-20/x2, S, magic)
Silvered Lucerne Hammer +7 (1d12+6, x2, B or P, Brace, Reach, +2 Sunder vs. med/hvy armor)
Spear +7 (1d8+6, x3, P, Brace)
Cestus +7 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2, B or P, ALWAYS EQUIPPED)
Cold Iron Dagger +7 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2, S or P)
Armor Spikes +7 (1d6+4, x2, P, ALWAYS EQUIPPED)

Sling +3 (1d4+4, x2, B, 50ft.)
Cold Iron Dagger +3 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2, P or S, 10ft.)
Spear +3 (1d8+6, x3, P, 20ft.)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Extra Revelation (Prophetic Armor)
Power Attack

Magical Knack (+2 Oracle CL)
Arcane Archivist (+1 UMD, class skill)

+2/6 Oracle Level for Lunar Companion revelation (freaking nerf-errata!)

SKILLS (20 ranks from 2*4 Oracle + 2*2 Paladin + (4 * 2 Int))
+8 Climb** (1 rank + 3 class + 4 Str),
+8 Diplomacy (1 rank + 3 class + 3 Cha),
+8 Handle Animal (1 rank + 3 class + 8 Cha),
+4 Heal (1 rank + 3 Class - 2 Wis + 2 Skilled racial bonus),
+8 Intimidate, (1 rank + 3 class + 8 Cha),
+6 Knowledge (History) (1 rank + 3 class + 2 Int),
+6 Knowledge (Nature) (1 rank + 3 class + 2 Int),
+6 Knowledge (Nobility) (1 rank + 3 class + 2 Int),
+8 Knowledge (Planes) (1 rank + 3 class + 2 Int + 2 Skilled racial bonus),
+6 Knowledge (Religion) (1 rank + 3 class + 2 Int),
+5 Perception (4 ranks + 3 class - 2 Wis),
+6 Spellcraft (2 ranks + 3 class + 2 int),
+12 Use Magic Device (4 rank + 3 class + 4 Cha + 1 Trait)
**add -3 Armor Check Penalty

Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal

Exalted Resistance - Spell Resistance 9 (5 + level) vs. spells and spell-like abilities with the evil descriptor, as well as any spells and spell-like abilities cast by evil outsiders.
Scion of Humanity - counts as Outsider (native) and humanoid (human) for any race-related effects (include feat prerequisites and spells). Can pass for human without using the Disguise skill.
Skilled - +2 Heal, +2 Knowledge (Planes)
Alter Self (Sp) - 1/day (1/1)
Darkvision 60ft.

Legalistic Oracle Curse (Ex) - Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.
Lunar Oracle Mystery
Prophetic Armor (Lunar Revelation) (Ex) - You are so in tune with your primal nature that your instincts often act to save you from danger that your civilized mind isn't even aware of. You may use your Charisma modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) as part of your Armor Class and all Reflex saving throws. Your armor's maximum Dexterity bonus applies to your Charisma, instead.
Martial Flexibility (4/4) - (via Warsighted Oracle) Use a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat for 1 minute.

Oracle Spells 4/day (5/5 left) (CL 4th via Trait)
Divine Favor, Fumbletongue, Shield of Faith, CLW
Light, Guidance, Resistance, Detect Magic, Enhanced Diplomacy

Aura of Good (Ex)
Detect Evil (Su) at will
Weal's Champion (Su) 1/day (1/1) - Once per day as swift action, a holy tactician can call on the powers of good to aid her against evil. +4 attack, +1 weapon damage against evil targets for 1 round. In addition, for 1 round after successfully striking an evil creature, all non-evil allies within 30 feet gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against that creature as well as a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls. To gain this benefit, the holy tactician’s allies must be able to see or hear her, and she must be conscious.
Lay on Hands (Su) 4/day (4/4) - With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the paladin targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, a paladin only needs one free hand to use this ability.

MWK Spiked Breastplate (400/40lbs.)
+1 cloak of resistance (1000gp)
+1 Cold Iron Greatsword (4400/8lbs.)
Silvered Lucerne Hammer (195/12lbs.)
Cestus (5/1lb.)
Cold Iron Dagger (4/1lb.)
Spear (2/6lbs.)
Sling (0/0lbs.)
20 Cold Iron Bullets (.4/10lbs.)
10 Silvered Bullets (2.1,5lbs.)

CLW Wand (bought w/2PP) 44/50
Shield Wand (bought w/2PP) 46/50
SPENT - Oil of Bless Weapon (50) - SPENT
Oil of Bless Weapon (50)
Potion of Jump (50)
Potion of CLW (50)

Acid [2] (20gp/2lbs.)
Alchemist's Fire [1] (20gp/1lbs.)
Antitoxin [1] (50gp/0lbs.)
backpack MWK [1] (0gp/0lbs.)
bedroll [1] (0.1gp/5lbs.)
Bell [1] (1gp/0lbs.)
belt pouch [1] (1gp/0.5lbs.)
Caltrops [2] (2gp/4lbs.)
Candle [2] (0.02gp/0lbs.)
Chalk [2] (0.02gp/0lbs.)
Crowbar [1] (2gp/5lbs.)
Earplugs [2] (0.6gp/0lbs.)
Fishhook [2] (0.2gp/0lbs.)
flint and steel [1] (1gp/0lbs.)
Grappling Arrow [1] (1gp/0.5lbs.)
Grappling Bolt [1] (1gp/0.5lbs.)
Grappling Hook [1] (1gp/4lbs.)
Hammer [1] (0.5gp/2lbs.)
Magnet [3] (1.5gp/1.5lbs.)
Manacles [1] (15gp/2lbs.)
Oil [3] (0.3gp/3lbs.)
Paper [5] (2gp/0lbs.)
Parchment [5] (1gp/0lbs.)
pitons [10] (1gp/5lbs.)
Powder [6] (0.6gp/3lbs.)
Sack [1] (0.1gp/0.5lbs.)
Sewing Needle [1] (0.5gp/0lbs.)
Signal Whistle [1] (0.8gp/0lbs.)
Silent Whistle [1] (0.9gp/0lbs.)
Silk Rope (50ft.) [1] (10gp/5lbs.)
Small Steel Mirror [1] (10gp/0.5lbs.)
Spring-loaded wrist sheath [2] (2gp/2lbs.)
String/Twine (50ft.) [2] (0.2gp/1lbs.)
Sunrod [2] (4gp/2lbs.)
Tindertwig [3] (3gp/0lbs.)
torches [10] (1gp/10lbs.)
trail rations [5] (2.5gp/5lbs.)
Vermin Repellant [2] (10gp/0lbs.)
Wandermeal [10] (0.1gp/5lbs.)
waterskin [1] (1gp/4lbs.)
Weapon Cord [1] (0.1gp/0lbs.)
Whetstone [1] (0.02gp/1lbs.)

6'1" tall
200 lbs.

78.5 gp
158lbs. EQ weight (less than 200lb. Medium encumbrance, which matches Medium armor)

1474 gp
- (1026.5) weapons and armor
447.5 gp
- (200) potions
- (169) mundane equipment

+446 + 3711gp Emerald Spire level 3

- (4000gp) magically enhance Cold Iron Greatsword
- (50gp) oil of Bless Weapon

+ 2252gp Dawn of the Scarlet Sun



83 lbs. Combat EQ weight
75 lbs. mundane EQ weight


1000gp cloak of resistance?
2000gp amulet of natural armor?
2100gp +1 mithral chain shirt?