
Ol'Willy's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


can't seem to be able to retry this transaction now that you have fixed my piazo advantage discounts.
would also like to confirm i am not paying for my pathfinder society subscription that I get for free in the advantage deal.


Order 36263958 why no piazo advantage discount put on this order it's just regular price

Order 36263958 why no piazo advantage discount put on this order it's just regular price

Hello I have 2 orders #36256030, and #14718601 there are a lot of items in my side cart and I realised that getting the 4 subscriptions would be worth the savings, and so I am subscribed to 4 viable subscriptions, but it seems that there is no discount on the items in my sidecart. Was curious if when these ship they will have the discounted price, and if not then I do not want them and would reorder with the subscription discount.