About Ogren BoundPFS Information: ===================
PFS Number: 108507-2003 Experience: 24 Fame: ?? Gold: 0 gp 5 sp 9 cp Training: Scrolls, Major Factions
Minor Factions
Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 16 Purchased Boons:
Character sheet: ===================
Ethnicity: Unbreakable Goblin
=================== Goblin (Unbreakable)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Perception: +4 (0 wis) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
=================== DEFENSES HIT POINTS: 46/46 ARMOR CLASS
Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [T] SAVING THROWS
=================== OFFENSE Class DC: 19 (10 + (4 key stat) + (5 prof) + (0 item)) [T]
Melee Strikes
[dice= “You’re making me use my pointy weapon! D-:” Longsword]1d20+9[/dice]
~~~~ +1 Striking Mace Shove
[dice=“You won’t stop, so I have to put my mace in your face.” +1 Striking Mace]1d20+10[/dice]
~~~~ Shield Boss Attached to Shield
[dice= “Back off! ….please?” Shield boss]1d20+9[/dice]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ranged Strikes Sling Propulsive, 50 ft. 1 hand
[dice= “Come back here!” Sling]1d20+6[/dice]
=================== ABILITY SCORES STR +4 (18), DEX +1 (12), CON +2 (14), INT +0 (10), WIS +0 (10), CHA +2 (14)
Skills and Languages: ===================
Skills: Acrobatics: +6 = (1 dex) + (5 prof) + (0 item) - (0 armor) [T]
Feats: ===================
Ancestry Feats and Abilities Special 1st: Darkvision, Heritage: Unbreakable Goblin Racial hit points are 10 instead of 6, reduce falling damage by half. 1st: Bouncy Goblin =================== Skill Feats Background: Lastwall Survivor
=================== General Feats
=================== Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Champion's Reaction Glimpse of Redemption
=================== Bonus Feats
Equipment: ===================
Combat Gear:
Magic Items/Consumables:
Other Gear:
Bulk: Carrying 9 Bulk 0 Light of 10 Bulk Maximum Coins: 0 gp 5 sp 9 cp Temporary Items: ===================
Pathfinder Training Items 2x Minor healing potion Discovered in Scenario
Scenarios and Tracking: ===================
Chronicle #1: Port Peril Pub Crawl Sheet Purchases: Starting equipment (No post to point to) Downtime: Earn Income (See Chronicle) Chronicle #2: Unforgiving Flame
Chronicle #3: 1-07 Flooded Kings Court
Bought: Mace Sold: Dagger Downtime: Earn Income Chronicle #4: 1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road
Chronicle #5: 1-14 Lions of Katapesh
Bought: Full plate -30 Sold: Hide armor +2 Net sales -28 Downtime: Earn Income Chronicle 06: 1-10 Tranbreaker’s tale
Bought: Lesser Antiplague 3 GP Cheetah's Elixir 3 GP Playing Cards 0.5 GP Water Purifier 0.5 GP Wax Key Blank 1 GP Cold weather outfit 0.4 GP Pup tent 0.8 GP Snowshoes 10 GP Downtime: Earn Income Chronicle ##: Blank form