So my players ended up in a bit of a limbo between Book 1 and Book 2. They hadn’t finished exploring, but they had already killed the Stag Lord. So I decided to throw this mod into the mix.
I ran this in conjunction with a heavily-modified A Wedding Knight and it went pretty well. One player went full completionist and tried to talk with everyone to see what deals they would offer.
I stole a lot of ideas from this thread, and it ended up being a lot of fun. Now the party has a whole host of obligations and political ties to deal with!
The way I ran it, a faction would offer BP in exchange for the players accepting certain terms. They could refuse terms, but needed to either accept, bypass or compromise on a minimum number of terms or they would receive no deal.
There were two opportunities to make deals, albeit with some overlap: Receiving the Charter and The Wedding Knight
Receiving the Charter
The players went to Restov to receive their Charter. But as they entered the city they were intercepted by a representative of the Swordlords, who led them to Lady Jamandi Aldori. On behalf of the majority of the Swordlord Council, Lady Aldori extended the party the basic deal:
Offer: 20BP
Terms: (only 1 term)
1> Create a stable territory in the Stolen Lands to the South of Brevoy independent of the Dragonscale Throne
However, Lady Aldori informed the party that there were holdouts on the Council who would chip in more if they had greater certainty of the players’ loyalty.
Swordlord Council
Offer: 5BP
Terms: (minimum 4 terms)
1> No deals with Issian Houses [compromise: no deals with House Surtova].
2> House Surtova does not learn about Swordlord involvement.
3> Sow dissent between Surtova’s allies.
4> Develop an Aldori dueling school within 5 years.
5> No alliances with Mivon.
This business finished, the players were free to go to Restov’s Trade Hall, where they were met the other charterers, representatives of House Surtova and Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius and received their Charter of Rule. But with all these nobles around, scheming inevitably ensued.
House Surtova
Lord Suvarian Surtova and his younger siblings Radomir Surtova and bride-to-be Nadya Surtova (who takes the role of Sylvie Harte).
Offer: 15BP
Terms: [minimum 2 terms; must accept fealty to House Surtova]
1> Swear fealty to House Surtova
2> Two Council Positions
3> Build watchtowers at North & South borders
4> Trade with & build road to Drelev
House Lodovka
Uthred Lodovka, nominally here out of friendship for House Surtova, actually here because he’s sleeping with Nadya Surtova (takes the role of Ser Etan Hogg)
Offer: 5BP
Terms: (only 1 term)
1> Accept Surtova’s deal with no compromises, rejections or bypasses
Together, House Surtova and House Lodovka offer a significant chunk of BP, but doing so means accepting a lot of foreign control upon their burgeoning kingdom. The players politely decline both offers. The Charterers have their own kingdoms to build and so make no offers.
However, as the players chat with the nobles, one of them is confronted by a Swordlord: Vadim Rost-Aldori.
Vadim Rost-Aldori
a warrior at heart, Vadim doesn’t give a damn about the differences between Rostland and Mivonese Adlori. He just wants to see the Issians driven out.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: (minimum 3 terms)
1>connect waterways to Restov & grant Rost-Aldori exclusive shipping rights
2>ally with Mivon militarily
3>accept a deal from Gorum for Major Religion
4>High promotion edict
Vadim seeks to use the PCs’ kingdom as a diversion, directing northern aggression towards the fledgling kingdom and away from Restov long enough for the Swordlords to rally their strength. By discussing a deal with them in front of the Surtovas, he is trying to force the PCs’ hands: simply talking to Vadim reflects poorly on them in the eyes of the Surtovas and the Lodovkas.
Before they leave the party also gains the chance to speak with Jerribeth, Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius.
Lord Mayor Ioseph Sellemius
The Lord Mayor is a fat jovial man whose merry manner disguises a keen mind seeking to juggle the interests of a bustling city, powerful nobles and Swordlords prickly with pride. He sees in the party an opportunity to do some business and secure a safe border.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: (minimum 4 terms)
1> Build a road connecting PC’s capital to Restov (this can be upgraded by stealing Vadim’s idea and offering to build a lock system connecting the rivers and/or by offering to connect the capital by highways rather than roads; either of these increases the deal by +2BP)
2> Adopt trading post charter (now the players need to govern Oleg’s trading post)
3> Build a market within 1 year
4> Keep open communications with Restov (requires building an aviary or some other messaging system)
5> Establish a trade edict with Restov
an elven patron of the arts, Jerribeth bores of the scene in Restov, so is looking for somewhere new and exciting to enjoy herself. Also, she’s not really and elf but a disguised Leannan Sidhe, eager for some new artists to “inspire,” as she’s drained most of the interesting ones in Restov dry.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: (Will grant 3BP if Term 1 is accepted; if Term 2 is also accepted, will increase by +2BP)
1> One hex of her choice to do with as she pleases
2> Clear and claim any elven sites for her
That evening, the PCs are sought out by Lord Walder Garess. Without the backing of the Golka Clan, House Garess has fallen on hard times and now Lord Garess seeks to make a deal.
House Garess
Lord Walder is shrewd, but a little desperate. Walder’s stonemason will send back word of the layouts, weakenesses and secrets of any buidligns he builds for the PCs. Also, Walder doesn’t know about the wedding. No one bothered to invite him. Walder is Kesten Garess’s father, and if the PCs accept Walder’s deal, Walder will offer to accept Kesten back into the folds of the family in exchange for seeing House Garess’s interests carried out in this new country.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: (minimum 4 terms)
1> Grant House Garess title to the Oaktop Silver Mine (The Garess’s will exterminate any kobolds they find, so this term is a problem for any parties that made nice with the Sootscales)
2> Allow House Garess to serve as broker for any future mines
3> Hire Garess’s Golka-trained stonemason
4> Build a smithy & refinery
5> Build mines in the Tors of Levenies
Over the next few days, the party has a chance to make deals with any of Restov’s religions.
Church of Gorum
Ratibor the Shatterer, a warrior dwarf looking forward to the coming conflict between Rostland and Issia
Offer: 5BP or 10BP
Terms: (minimum 4 terms or minimum 7 terms & must accept Official Religion)
1> Build a barracks within the first year
2> Build a temple to Gorum
3> Position on Council as General or Warden
4> Official religion & High Priest
5> Build Large-size army within 2 years
6> Defence must be your highest city-statistic
7> Confront foreign relations with strength rather than diplomacy
8> Kingdom alignment must be Chaotic
9> Destroy or Conquer monstrous races
Church of Abadar
First Banker Vidrim thinks expanding civilization into the Stolen Lands would be for the good of all, but investments requires compensation, even for ventures such as these.
Offer: 5BP or 10BP
Terms: (minimum 4 terms or minimum 7 terms & must accept Official Religion)
1> Build a temple to Abadar
2> Build a market or bank within the first year
3> Never let taxes be two lowest levels
4> Kingdom alignment must be Lawful
5> Positions on Council as Treasurer or Diplomat
6> Official religion & High Priest
7> Economy must be your highest Kingdom Score
8> Give rights to Lumber Consortium
9> Civilize or Eradicate monstrous races
Church of Pharasma
Intercessor Urban is a quiet man, almost demure. He had not considered the idea of sending out some young Sexton into these wayward lands, but then again, is not Pharasma’s influence everywhere?
Offer: 5BP
Terms: [minimum 3 terms]
1> Build a Graveyard within the first year
2> Build a Temple to Pharasma
3> Position on Council
4> Adopt policy of completely destroying any undead encountered
Church of Erastil
Orin and Fenna Nesterov worry that in the coming conflict it will be the common folk who suffer. They are eager to see that the interests of the common folk (and their chief Deity) are represented in the PCs new kingdom.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: [minimum 4 terms]
1> Build a temple to Erastil
2> Don’t abuse the common folk (don’t withdraw BP for your own profit & never let taxes go to highest level)
3> Position on Council
4> PCs married within 5 years
5> Keep festivals at least Quarterly level
Church of Hanspur
Mal is a prophet of freedom, a charismatic whose followers are reborn through drowning. He has a creed: find a crew, get a raft, keep floating.
Offer: 3BP
Terms: [minimum 2 terms]
1> Adhere to the Six River Freedoms
2> Allow Hanspur freedom of religion
3> Maintain freely flowing riverways
Church of Sarenrae
Tu-An, a tiefling, is a firebrand. A populist, she has wandered the land spreading the gospel of Sarenrae’s redeeming light. She has a small following, but worries that the lords and powers-that-be will try to chase her band of misfits, monsters, paupers and “troublemakers” out of Restov
Offer: 3BP
Terms: [minimum 2 terms]
1> Build a shrine to Sarenrae
2> Attempt redemption before punishment
3> Entreat with monstrous races
A few days later comes the Wedding!
Nadya Surtova (a distant relative of the Crown family) and Damien Drelev (son of Hannis Drelev and Pavetta Stroon-Drelev) are too be wed! Damien is just now meeting Nadya, but already he has fallen head over heels in love. Unfortunately for him, Nadya is pregnant by her lover Uthred Lodovka. Nadya plans to see the wedding through, see that both Hannis and Damien suffer “accidents” later on, and rule a kingdom of her own.
House Medvyed
Lord Garl Brezeki and his wife Genevieve Medvyed-Brezeki are here out of Genevieve’s friendship growing up in New Steven with Nadya, though she has not seen her in some years. Garl just wants to hunt, feast and dote on his two-year old daughter, but Genevieve has an eye for politics. The pair are accompanied by Genevieve’s sister Faelbrin Medvyed, who is frustrated at the constraints of patrilineal descent. Her parents have nine daughters and yet her father is still trying for a “true heir.”
Offer: 5BP
Terms: [minimum 4 terms]
1> Build 2 royal reserves
2> Appease & Respect the Fey
3> Align with each Spirit of the Land
4> Upgrade 4 farms to apiaries
5> Establish a village in the Narlmarches
Bonus: (+1 BP if Erastil becomes main religion)
House Lebeda
Old Sabine Lebeda is here with her granddaughter Saska Lebeda (newly returned from her studies at Absolom’s Arcanamirium). Saska is just here to party with old friends, but Sabine is all too aware of he daughter Sarronna Lebeda’s schemes.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: [only 2 terms]
1> Keep the peace
2> Remain independent
As offers go this one is easy. This is intentional. The PCs appreciate the easy win, the Lebedas get to make friends with their new neighbours.
House Orlovsky
Lord Aedan’s invitation to this party was meant as a sleight against him by Lord Suvarian Surtova, a chance to show off House Surtova’s ever-increasing influence. Still, Aeden is too proud to refuse such an invitation, even if he hates every minute of it.
Offer: 5BP
Terms: [minimum 4 terms]
1> No deals with Surtova or Lodovka (+1 BP if PCs ruin the wedding)
2> Build an observatory or an academy
3> Search for evidence of Iluthiak & other dragons; allow House Orlovsky to be primary purchaser of dragon parts/bones/scales
4> Build a black market
5> Restore any ruins
The PCs can also make deals with Jerribeth, the Surtovas or Uthred Lodovka if they failed to do so earlier but wish too now.
The Wedding plays out, offering the players a chance to ruin it (and so prevent House Surtova’s influence from further spreading across the land) or seeing it through (in which case, Lord Hannis Surtova drinks a flask of mumia-laced wine (which won’t register as poison to any paranoid spellcasters in the party with <i>detect poison</i> since it is a drug). Given Hannis’s high saves, it will kill him verrry slowly, but since it is a curse as well as a disease he won’t be able to shake it. He, and Damien, will eventually be replaced by levelled-up versions of Nadya Surtova and Uthred Lodovka.)