Samaritha Beldusk

Octavia Reborn's page

36 posts. Alias of eriktd.


Init +6+1 Per +9 (low-light vision) SM -2 | AB 1/1, TF 9/9 | spells 1st: 3+1/4+1 2nd: 1+0/2+1 |


effects/conditions ashen path 190r, mage armor 291r, obscuring mist 27r, reduce person 22r


F CG Half-Elf Arcane Trickster 1/Rogue 1/Wizard 3 | HP 40/40 | AC 14+4+2+2* T 14+2+2* FF 11+4 | CMB +1-2 CMD 15+2* | F +4 R +9+1 W +6+2* |

About Octavia Reborn

Name: Octavia
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: CG
Class(es): Arcane Trickster 1/Rogue 1/Wizard 3

Str 8 (-1), Dex 17+1* (+4), Con 14 (+2), Int 17+2+1+2 (+6), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 7 (-2)

HP 40 (1d8[8]+4d6[6,6,6,4]+10[CONx5])

AC 15* (10+4[DEX]+1[armor], +2[*vs ranged])
AC, touch 14* (10+4[DEX], +2[*vs ranged])
AC, flatfooted 11 (10+1[armor])

Initiative +6 (+4[DEX]+2[trait])

Speed 30' (no armor)

Fortitude +4 (+1.33[base]+2[CON]+1[resistance])
Reflex +9 (+4[base]+4[DEX]+1[resistance])
Will +6* (+4.33[base]+0[WIS]+1[resistance]+1[trait], +2[*Enchantment])

BAB +2 (+2.75)
CMB +1 (+2[BAB]-1[STR])
CMD 15 (10+2[BAB]-1[STR]+4[DEX])
CMD, flatfooted 11 (10+2[BAB]-1[STR])

Weapons and armor
+1 composite shortbow: +7* (-1[*DA]) attack, 1d6* (+2[*DA]) piercing damage, 70' range increment, 20/x3
ranged touch attack (spell): +7 attack, 20/x2 critical
touch attack (spell): +7 attack, 20/x2 critical

Half-Elf Adaptability, Arcane Training (bard) (use magic items as 1st level bard), Elf Blood, Elven Immunities (+2 vs Enchantment, immune to magic sleep), Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision

Traits Bastard (Campaign, +1 trait Will, -1 Cha skills vs Brevic nobility), Clever Wordplay (Intimidate) (Social, use INT for Intimidate), Elven Reflexes (Race, +2 initiative), Magical Lineage (disintegrate) (Magic, -1 spell level when using metamagic with this spell), Meticulous (Drawback, -2 on untrained skills)

Feats Combat Expertise* (EitR), Deadly Aim* (EitR), Frightening Ambush (level 1), Power Attack* (EitR), Scribe Scroll* (Wizard 1), Skill Focus* (Intimidate) (Adaptability), Weapon Finesse* (EitR); Weapon Focus* (spells) (Rogue 1); Accomplished Sneak Attacker (level 3); Signature Skill (Intimidate, level 5)

Skills Acrobatics 0+2, Appraise 1+9, Bluff 0-4*, Climb 0-3, Craft 0+3, Craft (alchemy)* 5+9, Diplomacy 0-4*, Disable Device 5+7*, Disguise 0-4*, Escape Artist 5+7, Fly 0+2, Heal 0-2, Intimidate 5+9, Knowledge (arcana) 5+9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1+9, Knowledge (engineering) 1+9, Knowledge (geography) 0+4, Knowledge (history) 1+9, Knowledge (local) 3+9, Knowledge (nature) 3+9, Knowledge (nobility) 1+9, Knowledge (planes) 1+9, Knowledge (religion) 1+9, Linguistics 0+4, Perception 5+5, Perform 0-4*, Profession 0-3, Ride 0+2, Sense Motive 0-2, Sleight of Hand 5+7, Spellcraft 5+9, Stealth 5+7, Survival 0-2, Swim 0-3

Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Giant, Hallit

Arcane Trickster 1
ranged legerdemain

Rogue (Rake, Unchained) 1
blade's bravado (forgo 1d6 sneak attack damage for free demoralize check, +5 for each additional 1d6), finesse training, sneak attack 2d6

Wizard (Transmuter) 3
CL 4, spells 4/2+1/1+1, arcane bond (weapon: shortbow), arcane school (Transmutation; opposition schools: Abjuration, Evocation)

Transmutation school powers
Physical Enhancement: +1 enhancement Dex
Telekinetic Fist: ranged touch attack deals 1d4+half level bludgeoning damage, 3+INT/day

Wizard Spells (prepared) CL 3, DC (spell level + 5)
cantrips (4): acid splash, detect magic, disrupt undead, message
1st (5+1): mage armor (1/1), obscuring mist (2/2), reduce person (1+1/1+1), empty (1/1)
2nd (3+1): acid arrow (2/2), ashen path (1+1/1+1)

Wizard Spells (in spellbook)
cantrips: acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, chameleon scales, daze, detect fiendish presence, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, ghost sound, grasp, haunted fey aspect, mage hand, mending, message, oath of anonymity, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, scrivener's chant, sotto voce, touch of fatigue, vacuous vessel
1st: heightened awareness, keep watch, liberating command+, mage armor*, obscuring mist, reduce person+, sure casting, true skill, true strike, vanish
2nd: acid arrow, ashen path+

+1 composite shortbow (bonded item), belt lantern, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1, headband of vast intelligence +2 (Craft: alchemy), potions of cure light wounds 4/4, potion of vanish 1/1, scroll of mage armor 0/1, travelers' clothes, The Nymph's Gift (+2 dodge vs ranged attacks), thieves' tools (masterwork)