Erudite Owl

Occasional's page

* Starfinder Society GM. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


I just did a Ctrl-F for the phrase "Nanomachines son" and got 0 hits.

I am very disappointed.

May I please have my Starfinder Adventure Path subscription cancelled as well.

As it's name suggests, it's a thing that floats..

It can be anything from a stand-alone 'island' like this:

To a rough, jury-rig pier:

A typical mooring float nowadays looks something like this:

I assumed the first one, made out of timber, acting as a platform to disembark from rowboats onto the ship proper.

Fantastic idea!

If nothing else, getting my players to listen to a recorded message might get them to quit interrupting my speeches!

Me wrote:
"And that's the problem you see. The vaults are....."
Player wrote:
What do you want us to do?
me wrote:
If you let me finish my monologue I'll tell you!... Oh bugger, I've lost my place now!

It consists of 1x Human Swashbuckler, 1x Orc Fighter, 1x Halfling Cleric, 1x Elf Swordsage and 1x Grippli Warlock...

They're about to trundle into the Lotus Dragon's Den, and so far have no way of finding and disarming traps...

Have your gaming groups got psychotic make-ups? Can you see a problem arising in the party's future, but find yourself powerless to avoid it?

How many other Grippli Warlocks are there out there?

PC: Alain Desh, Human Sorcerer 2
Adventure: There is no Honor
Location: Under Parrot Island
Catalyst: An extremely lucky Ravenous Zombie Pirate.

He had barely begun to use his powers.

A powerful man, Alain lived most his life as a sailor, however near the end of his life, strange happenings began to occur around him. Objects hurtling through the air while he dreamed, beams of light sprouting from his hands when he became enraged at his foes. Alain was shunned by his crew and was forced to take up with mercenaries on the land.

With his trusty cutlass in hand, Alain cut his way through goblins and pirates in several daring adventures with his comrades: Captain Solomon Trenchcoat (Human Swashbuckler) and Grug McGrug (Orc Fighter [Thug]).

His last adventure saw him fending off hordes of zombies as he and his friends were trapped beneath Parrot Island by the villainous Vanthus Vanderboren. After felling one attacking undead monster, and fighting hard alongside his allies, his throat was torn out by a ravenous zombie pirate in a single vicious bite, Alain was dead before he hit the floor.

[The zombie Criticaled with an natural 20, and confirmed with another natural 20.. he then proceeded to roll exactly 1 point below maximum damage.. and Sorcerers, regardless of how unnaturally high their con scores are, are still not known for their abundance of hitpoints. The blow took Alain down from full to -10 in a single roll. The characters player spent the rest of the game working out the probability of those fatal rolls... apparently they're very unlikely!]

I think I missed that editorial, so I'm not sure if these references have been covered, They're pretty well known..

Futureama has many many D&D references in it... (Rust Monster at the vets, Beholder guarding the 'Central Beaurocracy', Even Gary Gygax has a cameo as one of Al Gore's team of Supergeeks.)

Personally, my fave is from 'Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors', where D&D becomes one of the kids weapons with which to try and fight off the dreaded Freddy Kruger...

He fails, unfortunatly...