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RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4. 246 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

I'm not one for a lot of technological gewgaws to help run my game (I still statblock by hand, mostly), but this is actually a really good idea. Sounds like implementing it would be a piece of cake.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Great book. Very practical and well designed. It will see a lot of use during my prep time.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Do they want...tea?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Unsheathed Revolution

Galt is a nation on the edge. For decades, Galt has been eaten from within by sedition and protest. Invariably, whenever a new revolutionary flame sweeps across Galt, its spark is struck in Woodsedge. Radicals, abolitionists, and anarchists of all stripes call Woodsedge home, and a fresh generation of nascent treasons are furtively nurtured within its borders. Now there is a new rebellion growing in Woodsedge, a rebellion not of men and ideas, but of lost souls and hammered steel.

The Unsheathed Revolution is a Pathfinder module designed for four 9th-level characters. Using the medium XP advancement track, characters should achieve 10th-level by the end of the adventure.

The Unsheathed Revolution is an urban investigation taking place in the anarchist enclave of Woodsedge. The party must investigate a sudden influx of intelligent magic weapons that threatens to engulf Woodsedge in violence and undeath. During the investigation, the party contends with over-armed criminals, diseased cultists, and sentient traps, finally confronting the cult's leader within a thorny labyrinth.

Adventure Background
For years, a secretive cult dedicated to the goddess Urgathoa has flourished in small cells across the Inner Sea region. Called the Pallid Way, these leprous zealots have quietly traded in exotic and supernatural diseases, gathered grotesque specimens, and funded their exploits with carefully prepared plagues sold to the unscrupulous. The organization's high priestess, Zaszmarkana, recently completed development of a potent supernatural disease, one that spreads not through flesh, but through metal. This powerful curse-like agent, which Zaszmarkana has named "yellow scythe," infuses metal weapons, carrying with it magical enhancements and a malignant undead spirit. Although wielders of these corrupted weapons revel in their newfound power, they are doomed to be consumed by it and become undead servants of Urgathoa.

Zaszmarkana has travelled to the town of Woodsedge to test yellow scythe in real-world conditions. To facilitate her plan, the high priestess acquired access to one of Galt's fabled final blades, Friar Sharpness, a viable source of the disquiet souls needed to create yellow scythe. She has also acquired a local counterfeiting concern, whose equipment she uses to create yellow scythe-infused coins. The first batch of these coins has been released among the criminal populace. As a result, dozens of potent magic weapons, called unsheathed weapons, have emerged in the hands of Woodsedge's disenfranchised. This has resulted in a deadly upswing in sectarian violence. Woodsedge has no organized town guard, and counts on loose militia groups called "Bluecaps" to provide paid protection for its citizenry. The Bluecap militias have been stretched to the breaking point by this outbreak, and without outside assistance, Woodsedge will fall to Urgathoa.

Unsheathed Weapon:

A metal weapon corrupted by yellow scythe is called an unsheathed weapon. It acts in most ways like a typical intelligent weapon. It does not react to detect magic, but it does react faintly to detect undead. Each unsheathed weapon has identical mental ability scores, senses, speech ability, and ego score. They possess diverse enhancement bonuses, special abilities, powers, alignments, and personalities. The purpose and dedicated power they all unknowingly share is to transform their wielders into undead creatures known as risen blades. This transformation takes several days, during which time yellow stains creep up the wielder's hands and arms. As the stains progress, an unsheathed weapon becomes more difficult to discard. If an unsheathed weapon fails to transform its host, it loses all of its yellow scythe-gained abilities permanently.

Chapter 1: Ancestral Voices
Challenge types: ethical, investigation
The party begins ten miles north of Woodsedge near a small inn built in a fashion common to Tian Xia, but unusual in Avistan. A small stone shrine dedicated to the goddess Desna stands by the roadside. The party is beckoned to the inn by a nervous young Tian man. He desires that the party speak to the inn's owner, his grandmother Yubi, who is greatly distressed. The young man wishes for someone to calm her fears, which he contends are a "trivial matter of spirits."

Assuming she is treated with respect, Tadamori Yubi begrudgingly relays her story to the party. In her youth, Yubi-san was a samurai in the service of a minor lord of Jinin. After her lord was executed for dishonor, she became ronin, traveling across the crown of the world with the intent of returning to the land of her elven ancestors. Finding Kyonin unacceptably chaotic, she established her inn and hung up her daisho. However, in traveling with her grandsons to Woodsedge for supplies, she carries her swords for protection.

After a recent such trip, Yubi-san began to hear voices when she grasped her swords, and feel a vulgar power within them. She is now convinced that she has dishonored her ancestors in some way, because as she puts it, "My blades speak to me, but they do not speak with the voices of my ancestors. They do not speak the language of my homeland." She is inconsolable, and stoically wishes to redeem herself with a ritualized suicide known as seppuku. She asks that one of the party act as her kaishakunin, whose function is to behead her during the ritual so that she does not suffer.

The party can handle her request in a number of ways. Becoming Yubi-san's kaishakunin is a noble decision, by her cultural standard, but is probably considered abhorrent by a good-aligned party. The party can refuse her request, which may result in her talking her own life without a kaishakunin. Using Diplomacy to calm her fears and/or offering to resolve the situation is a superior solution. Examining Yubi-san's daisho provide the first clues as to the nature of yellow scythe. Unfortunately, it also exposes the party to its effects.

Yellow Scythe Exposure:

At many times during this module, player characters who carry metal weapons will be exposed to yellow scythe either by handling yellow scythe-infused metal (notably the specially prepared coinage prepared by the Pallid Way cultists), or engaging in combat with characters wielding unsheathed weapons. While magic weapons are entitled to a save to resist corruption, mundane weapons are not, and due to the pervasive nature of the pathogen, it's very likely that some characters will have their weapons become unsheathed (which occurs within an hour of contact with corrupted metal). While break enchantment has a chance to cleanse this corruption, the possibility of recontamination is high. In the short term, having an unsheathed weapon can be seen as both a tactical advantage and a roleplaying opportunity. Many unsheathed weapons are neutral or good in alignment, and could help defeat the forces that created them.

Chapter 2: City without a Flag
Challenge types: combat, investigation
Entering Woodsedge, the party is immediately confronted with the results of the yellow scythe outbreak. Walking into the cobblestone marketplace littered with poorly-printed manifestos, the party witnesses a bohemian mob, arguing loudly with a small contingent of disheveled militiamen in shapeless blue wool caps. With a sudden crackling sound, beams of pure flame lance through the crowd, leaving two figures smoldering on the ground, one Bluecap, and one citizen. The marketplace erupts into chaos. While the bulk of the panicking mob flees into alleys or dives for cover, some freeze in terror or are trampled. In the crowd's midst, some figures wave gleaming blades crackling with electricity and charge into combat with the Bluecaps. Others launch indiscriminately targeted magical attacks.

The instigators, members of a criminal gang known as the "Lutins" seek revenge against the Bluecaps for the recent killings of some of their members, found mutilated and stacked in a public park (Their vengeance is misplaced, however, as will be revealed in Chapter Three). The Bluecaps are under-equipped to face the assault from the Lutin's unsheathed weapons, and will be killed if the party does not intervene.

Many of the Lutins are concealed within the roiling crowd of Woodsedge citizens, and are difficult to detect prior to using their weapons' spell-like abilities to sow destruction. Some Lutins take to the air or haste themselves to attack. Assuming the party defends the Bluecaps, care must be taken not to use deadly area effects within the crowd. Also, until the mob clears the marketplace, poorly-aimed ranged attacks have a chance to strike the panicking citizens as they run to and fro. Engaging the Lutins in melee combat exposes characters to yellow scythe.

If the Lutins meet significant resistance, they flee from combat. If one is captured and interrogated, he reveals that the Lutins staged a false charity food distribution for Woodsedge's hungry, and then scapegoated the Bluecaps when no food was distributed. Guy Vernaut, the one-eyed Bluecap militia captain, takes the wounded Lutins into custody. He confesses that they have no means to keep them off the streets until a trial that will likely not take place for months. Vernaut thanks the party for their help quelling the riot, and shares what little he knows about the yellow scythe outbreak.

The bodies of the fallen Lutins are examined, showing the telltale yellow-stained arms, and their weapons, now powerless, are of poor quality. As one of the Bluecaps crassly empties the pockets of one of the Lutin corpses, he tosses Vernaut a peculiar copper coin. He offers it to the party, saying that it's a peculiar counterfeit, similar to others found within the city. A cursory examination reveals that the coin is minted with strange symbol on one side, resembling a cross between a skull and a swollen-bodied fly (the symbol of Urgathoa, a distinctive flourish that Zaszmarkana could not resist). By investigating the leads provided by the Lutins and the coin, the party can locate the Pallid Way's underground minting facility, located in a disused municipal building.

Chapter 3: Filthy Lucre
Challenge types: combat, infiltration, investigation
The Thrune Revenue Annex was, at one time, a refined and elegant governmental building, dedicated to collecting taxes for Chelish landowners. It's now a cracked and sagging eyesore, overgrown with vines. Since being sacked in 4640, it has been occupied by various disreputable factions within Woodsedge. Recently, members of the Lutin gang successfully repaired some minting equipment found in a hidden basement and began trafficking in illicit coin. The gang's efforts netted them a modest profit until one of their own sold them out to the Pallid Way. The cult instituted a violent takeover, dumping their victims' remains in a nearby park.

The minting facility is a key element in Zaszmarkana's plans. Yellow scythe-infused lead is forged into coins for distribution here, and the cultists present are currently packaging corrupted coins for distribution across Galt. In order to confront and defeat the cultists, the party must first bypass (what appear to be) conventional mechanical traps. The traps were made unsheathed, allowing them to activate and reset themselves. The cultists are armed with necromantic magic, casks of leaden slag, and other virulent defenses, but the most dire threat in the facility is a group of local sellswords in the late stages of yellow scythe transformation. As they are confronted, they slash their own bodies open, and the first generation of risen blades are birthed to the world.

Risen Blade:

Nearly invisible, this spectral presence resembles a man-shaped hollow in the air, deftly wielding a pulsing magic weapon. Risen blades are incorporeal undead that wield the poisonous magic weapons that spawned them. Unlike the diversity in alignment that unsheathed weapons have, risen blades are always lawful evil. They are unflinchingly loyal to agents of Urgathoa, and exist to enforce her will.

Among the cultists' effects are documents detailing the process for creating yellow scythe, which requires samples of a dizzying array of existing supernatural diseases and arcane reagents. Most importantly, a stable source of disquiet souls must be used to create the template for each unsheathed weapon's personality. Interrogated cultists reveal that their high priestess, Zaszmarkana, has acquired such a source, and is hidden somewhere in Woodsedge. Characters can discern that this source is likely Woodsedge's final blade, Friar Sharpness.

Chapter 4: The Friar is Missing
Challenge types: puzzle, investigation
In previous years, Friar Sharpness was kept in front of the Woodsedge town hall, where it stood as intimidating symbol of Galt's violent strain of libertarianism. However, Pathfinder Society venture-captain Eliza Petulengro recently convinced the Gray Gardeners to remove the guillotine from public view, and now no one seems sure as to where it was taken. In its place stands a man-sized stone obelisk etched with a lengthy quote from the revolutionary treatise On Government, written in a peculiar script. The script contains a cipher used by the Gray Gardeners providing clues as to how to open the obelisk, which is used to covertly store equipment that any of them might need at short notice. The obelisk can also be forced open, although there are arcane defenses that make this a more dangerous proposition.

Opening the obelisk without force requires pressing certain letters in a prescribed order. The letters spell out "Maze of the Open Road," the location where Friar Sharpness has been taken. This famous landmark is one of Woodsedge's few remaining points of interest, and reportedly contains many magical portals within its overgrown thorny walls. Inside the obelisk is a satchel containing the traditional uniform of one of the Gray Gardeners, complete with mask, tricorn, coat, and baton. If the party chooses to open the obelisk by force (and couldn't decipher the script), examining the clothing inside reveals long thorns that can also help direct the party to where the Friar has been moved. The baton is, in fact, a device known as a rod of rebellion, a symbol of the Gray Gardeners.

Rod of Rebellion:

This rod functions as a magic light mace, and possesses abilities that enable its wielder (or his allies) to more readily escape magical compulsion and charm effects. In addition, by holding the rod in hand, a character can unerringly find the nearest final blade as if by locate object.

Chapter 5: Labyrinth
Challenge types: combat, infiltration
Located behind the ruined (and currently vacant) Woodsedge Lodge, the Maze of the Open Road is a sprawling labyrinth formed from a living, thorny hedge. While the twisting passages themselves are magically formed and maintained, the upper reaches of the hedge have grown together into a thick, tangled mass. It is within a hidden warren below the labyrinth that the Gray Gardeners secreted Friar Sharpness, and where Zaszmarkana currently crafts new batches of yellow scythe. While the rod of rebellion can make navigating the maze a simple matter (as can tracking the movements of the cultists in the loamy earth), The Pallid Way has placed a disgusting guardian within the maze. A unique plague-ridden otyugh Zaszmarkana named "the Incubator" roams throughout, attacking any creature that does not stink of rot. Its suppurating body exudes a powerful defoliant slime, enabling it to pass through the maze's walls without difficulty, even using its spade-like tentacles to topple huge sections of thorny growth onto intruders. Once the creature is defeated, the party can descend into the Pallid Way's lair.

Chapter 6: House of Blades
Challenge types: combat
Concealed below the thorny walls of the Maze of the Open Road is a complex of subterranean workshops built by the Gray Gardeners for the purpose of maintaining Friar Sharpness. Its walls are hung with the well-crafted tools and hardware required for the task. Friar Sharpness' caretaker, a sniveling tinker named Ivo Demas, has been coerced into allowing Zaszmarkana to experiment with the Friar. Upon entering the workshop, the two can be witnessed arguing. Demas, a whining, plaintive gnome, pleads with his companion to not "desecrate the artifact further." He is summarily ignored by Zaszmarkana, who appears to be an elven woman with the lower body of a great spider, draped in a tarp-like covering. If the conversation is allowed to continue, the priestess casually rears up on spindly legs and beheads her nattering underling, as her cloak slides to the ground.

Zaszmarkana is revealed! From the waist up, the high priestess of the Pallid Way is a striking, dark-skinned elf with thin, stringy white hair. From the waist down hang skeletally thin legs, emaciated from a wasting disease, and clearly incapable of supporting her weight. With her torso strapped to the fore of a spider-like construct known as a cutlass spider, she turns to adjust the nest of bubbling vials integrated into her construct body. At the rear of the "spider's" abdomen protrudes the silvery blade of a guillotine, affixed in place, and faintly thrumming with dark intent. Zaszmarkana has turned the Friar into a factory for producing yellow scythe, and only by removing the blade from her infernal device can the yellow curse be lifted from Woodsedge.

Zaszmarkana is a noble drow oracle of bones. Rendered lame by disease, her legs have completely atrophied. She can no longer walk, but telepathically commands her spiderlike "body" to move as a free action, although they have different initiative modifiers. Clambering over the walls and ceiling, Zaszmarkana attacks with spells as her Friar Sharpness-enhanced cutlass spider slashes with its vorpal sword-legs or launches threads of razor-sharp webbing. Concealed within the walls of the workshop are several risen blades, which Zaszmarkana calls upon to aid her in combat with the party. Should the party fail to stop Zaszmarkana, her risen blades will pacify Woodsedge within weeks. This is the final battle!

With the destruction of Zaszmarkana's cutlass spider, the arcane matrix for creating and maintaining yellow scythe is lost. All unsheathed weapons become powerless, although already-spawned risen blades will continue to cause trouble within the area. Several true magic weapons can be recovered from the cutlass spider's jumbled remains, and the Gray Gardeners, alerted by the disturbance of their cache, will pay greatly for the return of Friar Sharpness (or stop at nothing to recover him, should the party decide to keep the blade). Should Tadamori Yubi still live to see her daisho freed from the grip of yellow scythe, she gladly rewards the party with rare treasures from her homeland.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

1 person marked this as a favorite.

EDIT FROM THE JUDGES: Please read this information about playtesting these encounters. We've also added hyperlinks from the encounter's short stat blocks to the full stat blocks in the PRD so you have the information you need to run the encounter.

Mushti's Beguiling Oddities
Located in the city of Solku, Katapesh; Mushti's Beguiling Oddities was a premier destination for traders from across Garund. Designed to resemble an ornate Thuvian mausoleum, the shop was constructed of striking white stone, and covered in whimsical statuary and arcane symbols. Its windowless edifice and iron doors also helped keep its contents secure. During his shop's operative years, Abu Mushti collected exotic trophies from the Mwangi expanse, objets d'art from Jalmeray, and mysterious relics from Thuvia, keeping his shop stacked with treasures suited to occult tastes. However, in 4699, an explosion of blue-white fire destroyed the topmost floor of the shop, presumably killing its proprietor. Although Mushti's was looted, an assortment of brass lamps, shrunken heads, bone jewelry, and other curious artifacts still rest inside beneath a thick layer of dust.

Since Mushti's disappearance, his shop serves mostly as a waystation for a rotating assortment of gangs, smugglers, or other criminals needing a convenient place to hide from the forces of law. The shop's basement is currently inhabited by members of the Pallid Way, worshippers of Urgathoa that trade in exotic diseases. Their leader, Iriona, has acquired the "Red Fury of Segang," a terrible beast of Jalmeray which carries a maddening sickness from a faraway land.

Rooftop Entry (CR 3 or 6)
The second story of this tomblike building has been demolished by some unknown force. The roof is missing entirely; broken pillars, a partially fallen chimney, and other rubble litter the remaining housetop, which rises 20 feet above ground level. The still-standing sections of the second floor exterior wall are scarcely four feet high. A fallen tree leans against the building's east side.
The Pallid Way cultists have driven iron spikes into the fallen tree, creating a practical ladder to access the second floor. The floor, although sturdy, creaks and groans, causing Stealth checks upon it to be made at a -5 penalty. The giant spider lurking in the chimney is fat and complacent, and does not attack unless disturbed. However, if the cultists on the first floor detect invaders (Perception +8), either on the second floor or at the front door, they ignite a specially prepared smokestick within the fireplace. The smokestick, saturated with an oil of haste not only drives the spider out of the chimney, but affects it as if the oil had been applied directly.

Creatures: The smoke-irritated spider lunges out of the broken chimney in her displeasure attacking the closest character, whether on the second floor or at the front of the building. For high tier play, two advanced spiders emerge from the chimney, although only one receives the haste effect.

Low Tier (CR 3):
Giant Black Widow (1) CR 3 LINK
Giant Caveweaver
XP 800
hp 37 (Bestiary 2 256)

High Tier (CR 6):
Advanced Giant Black Widows (2) CR 4 LINK1 LINK2
Giant Caveweaver
XP 1,200
hp 47 each (Bestiary 2 256)

Sarcophagus Room (CR 4 or 7)
A red glow suffuses this morbidly decorated shop floor. Four fifteen foot stone pillars support the vaulted ceiling, each of them containing an alcove, approximately ten feet above the floor. These alcoves each contain a lifelike statue of a winged humanoid, glowering toward the center of the room. Two heavy iron doors stand at the building's southeast corner behind a makeshift barricade; they are locked, barred, and held in place with iron spikes driven into the walls. An oversized fireplace dominates the southern wall. Several decorative sarcophagi stand along the walls, along with some cobwebbed shelves. The room's most distinctive feature is an enormous sarcophagus, standing nearly thirteen feet high. The front of the massive coffin depicts an imperious fire giant in regal armor. The giant's eyes are the source of the rooms glow.
The front doors are secured with a good lock (DC 30 Disable Device), barred, and spiked shut by the cultists; unless exceptionally burdened they use the second floor to enter and exist the building. The giant sarcophagus (whose eyes are enhanced with continual flame) conceals an elevator to the basement, large enough to carry one large or four medium creatures, to a maximum of 2200 pounds. A lever inside causes the elevator to travel the thirty feet to whatever floor it is not currently on. Unfortunately, the lever itself is trapped; unless a secret catch is turned, poison needles spring out into the user's palm.

Creatures: The bulk of the cultists lair in this room. In preparation for intruders, they hide within the smaller sarcophagi. They wait until the glyph of warding is triggered (or they are discovered), at which point they attack. The low tier cultists begin by throwing their tanglefoot bags, and team up on entangled characters to maximize opportunities for sneak attack. The high tier cultists use similar tactics, trying to entangle targets, or tripping them with their guisarmes.

Low Tier (CR 4):
Cultist (4) CR 2 LINK
Human Rogue
XP 600 each
hp 16 each (Burglar, Gamemastery Guide 265)

High Tier (CR 7):
Cultist (5) CR 3 LINK
Human Rogue
XP 800 each
hp 30 each (Slaver, Gamemastery Guide 266)

Glyph of Warding CR 7 XP 3,200
Type magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger spell; Reset none
3d8 acid, all non Urgathoa worshippers within 5 ft, DC 18 Ref save half

Poisoned Needle lever CR 3 XP 800
Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger touch; Reset manual
Effect Atk +10 melee (4 needles; 1hp each, plus black adder venom)

The Red Fury's Lair (CR 6 or 9)
This large, dusty basement is completely dark, and has a harsh, chalky odor. Stacks of rotting crates are piled throughout, and a wall of iron bars turns the southern end into a sizable cage. A monstrous statue stands on the east side of the room, between two pillars. The ceiling is twenty-five feet high.

The cage is secured with a good lock (DC 30 Disable Device). For a low tier party, the statue is the leader of the Pallid Way, Iriona, gargoyle. The Red Fury is a mangy, balding manticore with sunburned pink skin. It slouches in the eastern corner of its cage in a drooling trance, having been heavily drugged for transport. However, if disturbed (even by the sounds of combat), its ferocity immediately surfaces.

Creatures: Iriona uses her freeze ability to lure targets close, then attacks, taking to the air to avoid flanking. The sounds of combat rouse the Red Fury, who fires spikes at the party from behind the cage bars (which provide partial cover). After the first round of combat, Iriona uses her chime of opening to release the Red Fury, so it can join the combat in melee.

Low Tier (CR 6):
Iriona, Gargoyle CR 4 LINK
XP 1,200
hp 42 (Bestiary 137)
In addition to her standard gear, Iriona carries a chime of opening with 5 charges remaining.

Red Fury, Drugged Diseased Manticore CR 4 LINK
XP 1,600
hp 57 (Bestiary 199)
Drugged (Ex) The Red Fury has been drugged, and is sickened.
Disease (Ex) Sikari Rage: Injury save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect as the spells confusion, rage cure 1 save. The save DC is constitution based.

For a high tier party, the statue is the petrified form of the Red Fury, a Chimera. Once it is restored to life, the Red Fury's flesh is revealed to be a nearly hairless pink, the color of a fresh welt. Its three mouths howl in agonized ire. The Pallid Way's leader, Iriona, is a medusa.

Creatures: Iriona, having locked herself within the cage, hides in its western corner until the party nears the Red Fury, at which point she fires her stone salve-tipped arrow to release the creature from its petrified state. She avoids affecting the Fury with her gaze (treating it as an ally), and supports the creature's attacks with poisoned arrow fire from within the cage. If forced into melee combat, Iriona primarily attacks with her gaze, trying to end the skirmish quickly.

High Tier (CR 9):
Iriona, Medusa CR 7 LINK
XP 3,200
hp 76 (Bestiary 201)
In addition to her standard gear, Iriona carries an arrow tipped with a glass bulb filled with an ounce of stone salve.

Red Fury, Diseased Chimera CR 7 LINK
XP 3,200
hp 85 (Bestiary 44)
Disease (Ex) Sikari Rage: Injury save Fort DC 17; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect as confusion, rage for 1 round cure 1 save. The save DC is constitution based.

Development:Both versions of the Red Fury of Segang are carriers of Sikari rage, a fast-acting disease from the distant land of Vudra that inflicts a livid madness on its victims. The disease is transmitted by each of the Red Fury's natural attacks. A successful casting of remove disease, heal, or other malady-curing ability upon the Red Fury removes the disease from its system, and leaves the beast exhausted. (Pathfinder AP 9)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

I tried to use the submission tool a moment ago to check the word count of the current draft of my Encounter, and couldn't make it to the submission page.

I got a red notification saying "Important: This round of the contest is closed."

Now, I'm not actually ready to submit, but if I were, I'd be freaking out. Can this be addressed, before tomorrow, hopefully?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

I've never played a single Pathfinder Society game, so one section of the sample template is confusing to me:

Round 4 sample template wrote:

Tier XX (CR YY): {For example, "Tier 1-2 (CR 3)"}

{list/stat your monsters for this tier's encounter here}
Tier WW (CR ZZ): {For example, "Tier 1-2 (CR 3)"}
{list/stat your monsters for this tier's encounter here}

For the purposes of this contest, what constitutes a "Tier?" I was working from the assumption that Tier 1 would simply be the lower CR encounter, and Tier 2 would be the higher, but I have a feeling there's more to it than that. What would be appropriate Tiers for each of the encounter CRs allowed by the round 4 rules (CR1-CR9)?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This bristly quadruped creeps silently along a cavern wall using long, dexterous forelimbs. Its grinning mouth is full of needle-like teeth, and ridged, oversized ears dominate its vulpine face.

Hushfoot Bocan CR 7
XP 3,200
CN Medium magical beast
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsense 120 ft.;
Perception +15

----- Defense -----
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural)
hp 90 (10d10+40)
Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +7
Defensive Abilities Immune sonic; SR 17
Weaknesses light sensitivity

----- Offense -----
Speed 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +15 (1d8+3 plus bleed and numbing saliva), 2 claws +15 (1d6+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks bleed (1d6), numbing saliva, vertigo pulse

----- Statistics -----
Str 17, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 28 (32 vs.trip)
Feats Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
SkillsClimb +19, Perception +15, Stealth +13; Racial Modifiers +8 Climb, +8 Stealth
Languages Aklo
SQ sonic shroud

----- Ecology -----
Environment any underground
Organization solitary, gang (2-5), or colony (6-15)
Treasure standard

----- Special Abilities -----
Sonic Shroud (Su) As a standard action, a hushfoot bocan can manipulate the vibrations within its body in order to conceal itself from non-visual senses. While shrouded, a hushfoot bocan makes no sound and cannot be detected using blindsense, blindsight, or tremorsense. It can maintain this effect as long as it takes only move actions.

Numbing Saliva (Ex) In addition to powerful anticoagulant properties, a hushfoot bocan's saliva contains a potent anesthetic. When an uninjured creature is bitten by a hushfoot bocan, he must make a DC 18 Fortitude save or fail to realize he has been injured (and is suffering bleed damage). Each round he is entitled to an additional save, in order to detect the subtle injury. An adjacent ally can detect the injury with a Perception check at the same DC. Suffering additional injury, from any source, also ends the effect. Once the effect has ended, he is immune to the effects of bocan numbing saliva for 24 hours. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Vertigo Pulse (Su) As a standard action, once every 1d4+1 rounds, a hushfoot bocan can project a 60' cone of disorienting sonic energy. Living creatures within the cone fall prone and are sickened for 1d6 rounds. DC 18 Fortitude save negates. A hushfoot bocan is immune to the vertigo pulses generated by other bocans. The save DC is Charisma-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Hushfoot bocans are fecund Darklands predators that thrive near any sizable underground population, attacking travelers and invading poorly-guarded communities to prey on the unwary. Bocans are opportunistic hunters that favor humanoid meat, although any creature is a potential meal. They have strong familial bonds, and live closely packed in well-hidden warrens or crevices, where they accumulate a communal hoard. These spoils, collected from their prey, are treated as objects of fetish worship. In a typical bocan colony, a well-crafted sword is revered as an icon of martial prowess, a holy symbol represents deceased ancestors, and coinage is symbolic of fertility. A colony spends its leisure hours carefully sorting and rearranging its hoard, or quietly regarding individual pieces. While hushfoot bocans are deathly quiet while hunting, a well-fed bocan can be rambunctious and talkative within its family or among allies. A typical hushfoot bocan is about 6 feet long, 4 feet high at the shoulder, and weighs 170 pounds. Although they cannot be domesticated, enterprising svirfneblin have achieved short-term alliances with bocans, and sometimes use them as sentries or mounts.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

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Cold Hearth Lodge
Headquarters: Cold Hearth Keep, Canterwall, Ustalav
Leader: Grand Huntmaster Janos Ceparyk
Structure: fraternal order
Scope: regional
Resources: fortified lodges, caches of magical weapons, and political contacts throughout Avistan

In the lonely corners of Avistan, where hook-clawed giants and acid-spewing dragons can raze a village overnight, it can be great comfort to know that the grim stone walls of a hunter's lodge stand nearby. The Cold Hearth Lodge, whose iron-thewed huntsmen protect the lives of provincial folk from threats hidden the wilderness. Too bad the protection the lodge offers is a fable. In truth, the Lodge seeks only the glory of a blood-soaked trophy hoisted overhead, and would sacrifice any number of "provincial folk" to gain it.

Structure and Leadership
In 4670 Ustalav, Vakliv Ceparyk was a noble-born huntsman who contentedly spent his days within the misty hills of his homeland. With the founding of the Palatinates, Ceparyk, bereft of his birthright, suddenly succumbed to madness and slaughtered his family. In his grief, he deluded himself that the butchery was committed by werewolves from the hills. It was upon this lie that Cold Hearth Lodge was founded. Now, across Avistan, lodges established by his "Huntmasters" purport to protect remote villages from raiding beasts. Recruiting from local populations, each lodge functions as a meritocracy, with slain beasts the currency for advancement.

To assuage the hidden ignominy of their founder, the brethren of Cold Hearth Lodge revel in the slaughter of giants, lycanthropes, and other monstrous creatures. While this can result in the accumulation of wealth in the form of hoarded gold and magical relics, profit is of secondary concern to the lodge brethren. It is the collection of trophies of the slain, grisly symbols of the lodge's aggrandizement, that drive their actions. Lodge Huntmasters pursue quarry based on how impressive a trophy the corpse will make, without any concern for innocents, environmental harm, or the creature's alignment.

Public Perception
Cold Hearth Lodges are established in frontier areas, where villagers view them as a protective element against marauding "savage" races. These villagers generally also know less about the "beasts" the brethren hunt, and view the murder of an noble lammasu as equivalent to the slaying of a bloodthirsty chimera.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

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Paizo's PFSRD wrote:

Some monsters and spells have the supernatural or spell-like ability to paralyze their victims, immobilizing them through magical means. Paralysis from poison is discussed in the Afflictions section.

A paralyzed character cannot move, speak, or take any physical action. He is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless. Not even friends can move his limbs. He may take purely mental actions, such as casting a spell with no components.

A winged creature flying in the air at the time that it becomes paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.

I just learned in another thread that a paralyzed character can cast spells while paralyzed, as long as they have no components. You know what else has no somatic or material or verbal components? Virtually every spell-like and supernatural monster ability.

Paizo's PFSRD wrote:
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) Spell-like abilities are magical and work just like spells (though they are not spells and so have no verbal, somatic, focus, or material components). They go away in an antimagic field and are subject to spell resistance if the spell the ability is based on would be subject to spell resistance.

So, spell-like abilities work just like spells, only without any pesky components. Supernatural abilities likewise have no components of any kind. This seems to mean that:

A paralyzed Efreet can create a Wall of fire followed by quickened Scorching Ray, targetting the effect as normal.

A paralyzed Ogre Mage can blast out a Cone of Cold, or assume gaseous form

A paralyzed Rakshasa can throw a Lightning bolt or a number of other effects.

A paralyzed Chimera can freely use it's breath weapon.

Does this seem wrong to anyone else?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

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Rajah's Silhouette

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot chest; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This knee-length silk achkan is tailored in an elegant Vudran style, and edged with delicate embroidery. At will, as a standard action, the wearer of a Rajah's Silhouette can flatten his body and become paper-thin while still able to move and act. This transformation can be reversed as a move action.

While a Rajah's Silhouette is activated, the wearer may roll, fold and twist his form in order to bypass obstacles that would be otherwise impassable. The transformed wearer of a Rajah's Silhouette can slither beneath doors or pass between bars, treating these gaps as difficult terrain. By making a DC 25 Escape Artist check to carefully fold his form, the wearer can even hide within exceptionally small spaces: inside bottles, within scroll cases, or between the pages of a book. The wearer is considered pinned by such small spaces but may exit these confines as a move action. While a Rajah's Silhouette is activated, the wearer can fall any distance as if under the effects of feather fall.

While transformed by a Rajah's Silhouette, the wearer weighs 1/32nd of his normal weight but maintains his normal space and reach. During the transformation, the wearer's weaponry and equipment function normally; however, the wearer's paper-like body is easier to cut than normal and becomes vulnerable to attacks that deal slashing damage. The transformed wearer also suffers a -4 size penalty to Strength and is treated as a creature two size categories smaller for purposes of CMB, CMD, and the effects of wind.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, reduce person, feather fall; Cost 7,500 gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

Ripper (Rogue)
Rogues kill. Some kill for profit, or in the defense of others, or to further a cause. Some rogues, however, kill without purpose, driven by an overwhelming desire for bloodshed. Secretive, paranoid, and invariably evil, these rogues are called rippers.

Blitz Attack (Ex): At 1st level, a ripper begins to excel at striking from ambush. If a ripper attacks a target in the surprise round, he gains a bonus on attack rolls equal to ½ his rogue level, minimum 1. In addition, a target damaged by a successful blitz attack takes a penalty on their next initiative check equal to the rogue's number of sneak attack dice. This ability replaces trapfinding.

Butchery (Ex): At 2nd level, a ripper’s expertise with blades increases. Whenever a ripper uses a light or one-handed slashing or piercing weapon to make a melee sneak attack, his sneak attack dice increase from D6’s to D8’s. At 16th level, they increase again, to d10’s. This ability replaces evasion.

Unbound (Ex): At 3rd level, a ripper can avoid effects that would restrain or impair him. Once per day, as an immediate action, he can gain a bonus to his CMD equal to his rogue level. At 13th level, a ripper can use this ability three times a day. This ability replaces trap sense.

Mental Vault(Su): At 8th level, a ripper develops superior resistance to magical attempts to reveal his true nature. When a ripper is targeted by any spell or spell-like ability that would pry information from his mind, including detect evil, detect thoughts, or discern lies, the caster must succeed on a caster level check, or the ripper becomes immune to that effect, from that caster, for 24 hours. The DC of the caster level check is equal to 10 + the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Charisma modifier. This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Inescapable Ambush (Ex): At 10th level a ripper may take an extra move action in a surprise round he initiates.

Improved Blitz Attack (Ex): At 16th level, a ripper’s blitz attack ability improves. During the first round of combat, whenever a ripper strikes a flat-footed target, it is considered a blitz attack, gaining the applicable bonus on attack rolls, although it does not affect the target’s initiative count. This ability replaces the rogue talent normally gained at this level.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4 aka OamuTheMonk

Erinyes Braid
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 12,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

This four-foot long braid is composed of dark, greasy hair, lashed together with bits of sinew. The prickly base of the erinyes braid can be pressed to the back of the skull, where it quickly attaches to the scalp, changing color and consistency to match the wearers natural hair. Once it is attached, an erinyes braid functions continually, and can only be removed by cutting it free. An erinyes braid has hardness 0 and 10 hit points.

When the wearer of an erinyes braid engages in combat, the braid animates, lashing at nearby foes with its iron-hard tip. Creatures flanking a character wearing an erinyes braid suffer a -2 penalty to their attack rolls against the wearer.

An erinyes braid helps its wearer press an advantage against weakened opponents. On a successful melee attack against a frightened, helpless, nauseated, panicked, stunned, or staggered creature, the braid rips at the target's face, dealing 2d4 points of slashing damage. Creatures that take damage from an erinyes braid must make a DC 13 Fortitude save, or be blinded permanently. Creatures larger than medium size, or having more than two eyes are immune to the blindness effect.

While anyone can wear an erinyes braid, good creatures do so at great risk. Each week a good character wears an erinyes braid, she must make a DC 20 Will save or the item becomes cursed. A cursed braid no longer functions, except to attack the wearer each time she is struck while weakened as described above, possibly blinding the wearer. A cursed braid cannot be removed without remove curse.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate rope, blindness/deafness;
Cost 6,000 gp

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

So a player in my ongoing Pathfinder game drew the "Marriage" card from a Harrow Deck of Many Things. As a result of the draw he has agreed to marry an Efreet princess, in one months (game) time.

Now, the card traditionally requires the groom-to-be to plan an opulent wedding, but I would prefer something less tedious for the player to prove his devotion to what I intend to be a very spoiled Efreet princess. An Efreet 'Bridezilla,' to use the common term.

I would like suggestions regarding what a spoiled Efreet princess would ask her betrothed to provide. Demands as to the ring, the cake--that sort of thing, spun through the Pathfinder centrifuge. Ideally, these would be interesting quest fuel, rather than things that are simply expensive. The other members of the part may be willing to help him hunt down an Ioborian Frost-Boar for the wedding feast, but they probably wouldn't be willing to turn over three adventure's worth of profits to finance an absurdly expensive ring.

So, any ideas?


Human Ranger (Trapper) 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | F +4 | R +5 | W +0 | Init +3 | Perc +5 | CMB +4 | CMD 18


| Earth breaker +4 (1d12+9 / x3)

About Henry the Red

Henry The Red
Male human ranger (trapper) 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
(Melee) Dagger +4 (1d4+6/19-20) or
(Range) Dagger +4 (1d4+6/19-20) or
(Melee) Earth breaker +4 (2d6+9/×3)
Special Attacks Favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 18

Feats Power Attack
Traits armor expert, besmara's blessing

Skills Acrobatics +3, Climb +7, Disable Device +7, Handle Animal +3, Perception +5, Profession (sailor) +5, Stealth +6, Swim +7

Languages Common

Gear alchemist's fire (2), oil (2), lamellar (leather) armor, dagger (2), earth breaker, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, flint and steel, grappling hook, sack (2), silk rope (50 ft.), thieves' tools, torch (4), trail rations (7), waterskin (4)

Coin 22 gp, 4 sp, 6 cp
Special Abilities
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. humans.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to Survival checks made to track.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Wild Empathy +0 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

The dark void outside the taverns window would occasionally erupt with a display of lightening that reflected briefly off the torrential down poor that never seemed to relent this time of year. The Eye of Abendago never allowed much time to pass between its assaults on the mainland, nor did it show any sign of mercy this night. While the shackles had never been a place of comfort, the freedom from governance more than made up for the hardship the locals were forced to endure from its harsh weather.

On this night, in particular, a young woman by the name of Yolanda Redington found herself at the mercy of the Shackles and its residents. Pregnant, strung out, and ready to give birth, the young woman laid bare upon a shoddy table within one of the many drinking halls that made up a majority of the Shackle’s business front. The foul weather, be it wat it may, was the least of her concerns while severe pain ignited throughout her entire body. Because of her past abuse of drugs, nothing seemed to dull the pain, which was beyond anything she had ever experienced. Her screams blended with the thunder as both continuously echoed in tandem. Soon the scrams stopped just as the storm passed, reveling in its wake a new life and then taking another. Yolanda gave what little life she had giving birth, which was in some small way a blessing. A child born to the Shackles, now a ward to those who witnessed the event. Some say the Eye of Abendago christened the birth, other say it was a curse. Either way, the child, who the locals named “Henry the Red”, was thought to have some sort of higher calling. A fate linked with the Eye of Abendago in some way.

Born to a life in the Shackles, Henry found himself beholden to a vast number of locals, who supported and raise him. No single father or mother, but a large community of family who continuously indulged in skullduggery. With a strong back and a sense of survival, Henry not only survived, he thrived. While growing stronger by the day, it didn’t take long before he found himself aboard one of the many ships that frequented the Cove. From ship to ship, whether it was out of loyalty to someone he knew or to simply earn some coin, Henry work diligently and earned a reputation of being a worth crewman. A crewman that didn’t seem to mind an occasional run in with piracy or theft. After all, life in the Shackles sometimes required one to step over normal moral boundaries to survive.

One night, after a long week at sea, Henry overheard a couple locals talking. One mentioned his childhood legacy, something about it being connected to a tavern called the “Formidable Maid”. After a long vouge, he felt a pint of ale and a good story might make for an interesting evening, so he sought out the tavern and ordered up a pint while he waited for this so-called destiny to present itself. Pint after pint, they kept coming as the night rolled on with nothing standing out as being significant or destined. Before long he lost track of how many pints he consumed, which brought about a night of swirling thoughts and vague memories.