Chrispey23's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


But in touch of serenity it only affects spells and attacks and SLAs say they are not spells even if they act like one. So wouldn't SLAs still work.

With all the new dragons that have come out do you think there will be a dragons revisited with all the true dragons?

Okay. Thank you!

My group and I are currently going through the LoF adventure path. We are starting the End of Eternity and I noticed that one of the authors had more information about the area. I thought that was great especially since my players like to do off quest, meet npcs, and find out info about a places history. I was wondering if anyone else knew of authors or publishers who were willing to email info to people or if there was already a thread for this.