Laughing Elf

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Organized Play Member. 308 posts (316 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

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Path of War Expanded

Lightning Liz, human mystic 10


Material used: PoW, PoWEx, UPsi
Ability Scores:
STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 22 (+6) (15 base, +1 level, +2 racial, +4 belt)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 16 (+3) (13 base, +1 level, +2 headband)
CHA: 8 (-1)

HP: 68 HP (10d8+20)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +8 Ref: +12 Will: +13

AC: 35, 25ff, 22t

Attacks: +3 keen rapier +16/+11, 1d6+11+2d6, (15-20/x2)

Special Abilities:
Elemental Flux Stance (air): +2d6 electricity damage, +4 dodge AC, +4 init
Animus (4)

BAB: +7

1: Weapon Finesse
2B: Deadly Agility
3: Discipline Focus (Elemental Flux)
5: Craft Wondrous Items
7B: Craft Magic Arms and Armor

62000gp, up to 51500 of which can be used to craft, for 113500 total
32320 +3 keen rapier
10100 +3 mithral chain shirt
5000 +2 mithral light shield
16000 +4 belt of dex
4000 +2 headband of wis
9000 +3 cloak of resistance
8000 +2 ring of protection
8000 +2 amulet of natural armor
21080 left

Liz initiates Assay Resistance (Flux 4) as a swift action, adding 2d6 electricity damage, ignoring 25 points of electricity resistance and all DR with next attack;
activates Fire glyph as a move action, paying 1 point of animus, gaining +2 circumstance bonus to attack and +5 fire damage;
applies Anima Burn (2 animus, +5 damage) and Enhance Maneuver (1 animus, +2 insight to hit) to her next maneuver.
Her single attack becomes +20, 1d6+21+4d6, (15-20/x2). Hit chance is 0.85.

Standard attack (which she can't make, because Anima Burn and Enhance Maneuver only apply to maneuvers):

Elemental Vortex (Flux 5): +8d6 electricity damage:

Time Thief's Talons (Hourglass 5): +2*IL (20) damage:

Note that while Glyphs last multiple rounds, mystic can get only 2 animus per round, so his average DPR will be a bit lower. On other hand, strikes are standard actions.

What do we have here? POW OP OUTDAMAGES BARBARIAN NERF BAN CORE MONK initiator with almost double WBL deals the same damage as an archer while having to be in melee, and fails to outdamage a druid and his kittie, or blaster wizard.

Let's optimize a bit more, shall we?
Liz spends 18k more gp to make her rapier +1 keen shocking collision (UPsi, +5 damage for +2 bonus) one, and spends all the animus on Enhance Maneuver (3 animus, +6 insight to hit). Her single attack becomes
7 bab, 6 dex, 1 weapon, 6 insight, 2 circumstance = +22 to hit
1d6 weapon +6 dex +5 glyph +2 discipline focus +5 collision, +1d6 shocking +2d6 stance +2d6 boost = 1d6+18+5d6 damage

Standard attack:

Elemental Vortex:

Time Thief's Talons:

Still can't outdamage a druid. Synth deals TWICE as much damage. Can I have full spellcasting now?

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List of applications, newest first. Please forgive me if I missed someone.

Surasshu - Barbarian|Samurai
Zartana - Fighter|?
Roonfizzle Garnackle - Rogue|Aegis
Kree Dera - Ranger|Paladin
Jonathan Haykes - Swashbuckler|Slayer
Shi'Vatha - Unfettered Eidelon|?
Killari Nightshadow - Warder|Ranger
Ra'hl Rogarvia - Ranger|Bloodrager
Adolpho Fiel - Swashbuckler|Magus
(HighonHolyWater) - Gunslinger|Inquisitor
(Wondering_Monster) - Inquisitor|Shaman
Kaalik Coaltongue - Sorcerer|Oracle
(Gigar) - Mindchemist|Ranger
"Owl" - Slayer|Bard

Lineera Vonarc - Oracle|Witch
Ciana Andu - Cleric|Bard
Unnamed Hero - Oracle|Sorcerer

Alazendi Greysilk - Wizard|Bard

Are FCBs restricted to races as per RAW, or any race can take any FCB? How many favored classes does one select in gestalt, and how many boni per level does he get?

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I've read this s%%!storm discussion and have to agree Golden Lion Style should be limited in some way, probably once per round per ally.

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Guess I'll repost it here since it didn't get any love on giantitp.

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souldreamer wrote:
I've been trying to find ways to organize my information so I can easily reference it in game

I use the following method - I have "character spreadsheet" with "size" column for every relevant stat (str, dex, NA, attack, AC, etc). In these size cells, there is a formula that sums stats from different spells multiplied by a value of a cell unique to each spell. That cell, as you might have guessed, contains 0 if spell is not currently active on the character or 1 if it is active. I'm sure there are more elegant ways to do that, but I didn't want to dig into libreoffice scripting.

I also made a tool I hoped would replace that sheet, but didn't quite finish it.

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So I heard you like female STR-based characters who didn't dump CHA?
Note that if we go with "STR is a linear function of muscle mass" I won't give her more than 16. Unless we count steroids & Co. as alchemical bonus, which might bump her to 18 or even 20.

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Andostre wrote:
Guys, this is the sort of thread we never want non-RPGers to see.

We are already devil-worshipers who aim to roll 666 six times in a row as the very first thing in every campaign.

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&#8199 test

Looks like figure space works. You can either copy it from the article (Or from this post. Text editors might not work.) with ctrl+c, or use numeric keypad.

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Anyone can get animal companion, though it costs two feats, three for full strength one.

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mysticbelmont wrote:
but can't

Did Paizo threaten to shoot you in the face if you play something other than AP?

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She have 8 hit dice without casting. That calls for Swordsage! Everything's better with a level of swordsage. Or in PF succubus case, Warlord.
She can also teach fencing without any levels. +8 BAB, 17 dex, weapon finesse, combat reflexes.
She also has telepathy, detect thoughts and tongues, she can be secretary or psychologist.

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Psionics is Overpowered!

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Celanian wrote:
Single boss monsters

You might have been tricked into thinking Pathfinder is epic fantasy game about epic heroes fighting fantasy monsters. In fact, it's a game about managing limited resources, such as hitpoints and actions. Single boss monster have 20-25% actions of an average group, thus he invariably loses.

Instead of multiplying entities, consider designing encounters where the boss isn't a single CR+3 enemy, but CR to CR+2 one, with multiple minions.

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What's the point of alphabetical organization? You gain access to maneuvers by their levels, not name.

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Now that Warpaths are published not only on DSP forum, I must say their price looks off. Paladin loses 4th level spellcasting for maneuvers. Barbarian loses 5 feat equivalents for maneuvers. Inquisitor or warpriest lose... one 1/day power and one stat replacement for skills or two powers with limited uses per day for maneuvers and 4 feat equivalents?

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Anguish wrote:
Opuk0, you could recommend they play psionic manifesters... then they wouldn't have somatic or verbal components. Of course, every time they manifest, it snows dead butterflies around their heads for a moment, or smells intensely of mastadon farts, or everyone within a few feet thinks they've acquired tinnitus, but hey... you can't win 'em all.

Which they can suppress with a concentration check, which they can't fail if they expend their focus to take 15 on it.

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I'd say it's much better now. Less powerful and makes Vital Strike line somewhat viable option for reach lockdown builds.

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Aratrok wrote:
And the most powerful single target attacks in the game come from druid/barbrian

Martial Charge, Devastating Momentum and Descending Sunset Strike would like a word with them. Also works with (Greater) Psionic Weapon and deep crystal weapons. And if you happen to be in Iron Hide Stance, that's, uh, x12 STR to damage.

That being said, have you ever felt like your initiator is an overkill? I've built few of them recently and I'm liking utility disciplines like Golden Lion and Veiled Moon over straight damage ones more and more.

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Reebo Kesh wrote:

I'm disappointed that in 60 posts nobody mentioned Tempest Stormwind.

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Senko wrote:

1) No half of reasons to play PF

5) No another half of reasons to play PF

The answer is GURPS?

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Gambit wrote:
That said, I'm not sure a name change would be a horrible idea, if only so the class and system can maintain its own identity, otherwise I can see potential confusion on the horizon.

I completely agree with you that Paizo should change their Occultist name to something not currently used in Pathfinder, but it is (was?) better to post that suggestion on the Occult Adventures playtest forum.

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Now we can have Small murderous invisible fairy riding Medium prankster dragon riding Large amphibious poem-reciting whale!

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