Rosie Cusswell

Nurah Dendiwhar's page

10 posts. Alias of Neltji.


Party relationship: indifferent

Spitting in the dirt now that she has been made Nurah drops any pretense of playing the victim. What do you know of demons and their power. You see yourselves as beacons of light in the darkness trying to free the world from the shadow that is the Worldwound. I tell you the truth. For every demon on this plane there is another that lurks in the shadows manipulating people. In the heart of multitudes reside their own Worldwound as the demons seek to snare and enslave everyone.

You doubt me? she scoffs. I have but to close my eyes and look back on my master to tell you the truth. My master, Lord Axilar Trezbot, sought to bring fame and glory to his name by joining the 4th Crusade. As his slave I was brought along to record the deeds and accolades that he was to achieve. You know what I found. He was the same abusive master here that he was back in Cheliax. In fact it was worse here. His title and victories gave him greater leeway for his abuse towards me.

A look of legitimate sorrow passes over her as she talks. I was barely 20 years old when I was brought here. Too young to understand truly what was going on and fearful for my life at all times. When there was fighting I was scared of the demons, when there wasn't fighting I was scared of my master. It got to he point that I was more scared of him than the demons. The demons wanted to kill me or sacrifice me. The torture would have lasted mere moments. With Axilar it was torture every night without hope in sight.

Who would believe me if I said anything? No one. Her countenance changes as she carries on to one of vengeance and finally glee.Someone heard my pleas though. At first it was nothing more than the shadows in my dreams fulfilling my wishes to be free. Eventually it became more as I new that Axilar had to only make 1 wrong move while in the Worldwound. That moment came while out on patrol 1 day. I lead him down the wrong path as he and his entourage were returning from a battle. Already weary they were not prepared to by brought further into the Worldwound. A group of demons ambushed them killing Axilar and freeing myself. I threw myself at their commander's feet in homage to him for their service to me. Since that day they have freed me I have tried to return their favor to me by aiding their cause and doing his will. No longer have I to fear from some master or lie in the dark wondering when some Axilar will send for me for his deranged satisfaction. I am freer now than I ever was.

Profile updated if you want to see how nasty of a spy she is and why you haven't caught her till now. Even then I gave her a -10 to her bluff as you caught her red handed and she still almost pulled it off to make it seem as if she was under some spell of compulsion.

Party relationship: indifferent

Dont forget you can use a surge Melchar. That gives you a 50/50chance of making the DC.

Melchar your magical detection comes back with a faint illusion aura.

spellcraft DC 16:

There is an undetectable alignment spell upon her.

Will save 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Maelchar, how can y not trust me after all we have been through. The amount we have suffered together and the things we have done. Please let me go so we can out what is going on. The last thing I remember is heading into my tent last night.

new sense motive DC 25:

Bluff 1d20 + 18 - 5 ⇒ (12) + 18 - 5 = 25
She knows more than what she is letting on. The last thing she remembers is not going to bed last night but it sounds convincing and she is under the spell that Maelchar placed.

Party relationship: indifferent

Zeriax, since it was surprise round I had you activate your see invisibility ability. If you keep the action you can use it as an aid for Garith effectively meaning that Nurah can not escape with her paltry +3 CMB

Zeriax and grabs Nurah's left hand holding it in place allowing Garith to pin the other one back. Held motionless and unable to break free Nurah just glares at Zeriax first then Garith.

Ad lib a moment...

Zeriax lets go from Nurah and grabs a line nearby. Quickly tying her up she struggles quickly but to no avail. All anyone else could can see is the ropes twitching this way and that. Nurah refuses to answer you while struggling but once she knows she can't escape she hangs her head and quits moving.

Rounds are over and the invisibility spell will soon where off so if you want others to join in that is your prerogative. Plus that way others can hear and question as well. Nice job on the grapple option both of you.

Party relationship: indifferent

There likely are monsters dwelling in the ruins! Nurah pipes inThe chapel is a distraction at best and a deadly trap at worst. It is not necessary to investigate it for it will only waste time and resources.

Party relationship: indifferent

Will give Reiko and Zeriax a chance to respond if they are in the scout force before moving on.

Nurah watches Maelchar turn his face up to the light of the sun. I am glad to see that you enjoy the moment as well. If you will excuse me I will make some rounds in the army and see how morale is.

Nurah moves off and disappears shortly in the midst of the army. You would think being the only halfing that she would be noticeable but surrounded by larger folk she finds it easy to be out of sight.

Party relationship: indifferent

Nurah smiles back at you. Why it is a wonderful morning, the sun is rising in the sky. We are heading further into the Worldwound so we may not see the sun much so I am taking joys in the little things. Is there any reason I should not be happy this morning?

Party relationship: indifferent

Nurah seems quite chipper this morning and does a great job of motivating the troops which may be why they are so eager to press on this morning.

Party relationship: indifferent

Nurah reacts noncommittally to you gestures as she shrugs and says ,If that is what you command sir. I will see what the men are saying and if there seems to be trouble. she then heads off in what you hope is a manner that follows your requests.

Party relationship: indifferent

Without Samantha to listen to and not much for duties to worry about, Nurah flits in and around the army showing up in random spots from time to time.

Party relationship: indifferent

Nurah sits easily on her horse as she moves next to Samantha.


Nurah says little to you directly on the march but does break out into song for the army's behalf every once in a while. The few times that your duties aren't getting in the way and you are free to boost morale Nurah listens intently to your performance. It is almost like she is trying to learn your cadence and rhythm. Finally after a few hours of this she quietly joins in on one of your inspirations taking the part of the accompaniment. While still not initiating conversation with you she will respond to questions and comments you send her way.