![]() About Nuck Tuk, man of StoneNuck Tuck - Man of Stone PFS number: 9406-2
gem magic stuff:
Moonstones: increases magic stone spell range increment by 10’ Peridots: Meld into Stone can bring up to 200 pounds additional gear with me Tourmaline: Raging Rubble +1 damage and +1 on the distraction save DC Jade: Stone Shield opponents attacks that strike the stone shield has full damage applied to the weapon (unarmaed and natural are unaffected) Diamond dust: Stoneskin spell absorbs 15 damage per caster level instead of 10 Sapphire: Wall of Stone wall is 1” thick per three caster levels instead of 4 caster levels. available boons:
Training grounds: Emerald Spire land rush: +1 initative Goblin Bane: Emerald Spire tower ruins: +2 intimidate vs goblinoids Trap intuition: Emerald Spire The Cellars: When rolling a reflex save vs trap, can use boon to re-roll the save with a +6 (one time use) Splinter Slayer: Emerald Spire Splinterden: can negate 2 dice of sneak attack damage (one time use) Troglodyte foe: Emerald Spire Godhome: +1 attack rolls and intimidate checks vs. Trogledytes (can use once to add double this bonus vs all reptilian subtypes for 1 minute) Subterranean slayer: Emerald Spire Called to darkness: +2 bonus of attack rolls, damage rolls, and crit multiplier increases by one for 1 attack. (one time use) Touch of Planar Waters: Emerald Spire the drowned level: As a swift action can use the spell “touch of the Sea” (caster level 6) (one time use) Clockwork Engineer: Emerald Spire Clockwork Maze: +2 on Knwledge Arcana checks to identify constructs. can loose the boon to take 20 on a single check. Secrets of serpent Magic: Emerald Spire Shrine of the awakener: can either gain +5 insight bonus to caster level check to overcome SR or gain +4 insight bonus on any save vs a spell or spell-like ability (one time use) Sting of Serpent Magic: Emerald Spire The Circle of 0Vissk-Thar: can either gain +2 caster level when casting a spell, or gain evasion or stalwart class feature for a single save (one-time use) Slay the Hidden Beast: Pathfinder tales Volume V: gain blindsense to a range of 5’ or increase range by 5’ Temporal Acceleration: Emerald Spire the Tomb of Yarrix: can reduce the effects of all spells or spell-like abilities by 3 rounds or reduce the duration of a single spell effect by 3 rounds (one-time use) Time Dilation: Emerald Spire The tomb of Yarrix: can add either Lingering spell or extended spell metamagic feat to a single spell (one-time use) Automaton aided convalescence: Emerald Spire the Automaton forge: reduce the prestige cost by 5 for any healing spell use at the end of a scenario (one-time use) Healing Waters: Emerald Spire the pleasure gardens: gain a single use potion of heal (caster level 6th DC 19) Ally of Order: Emerald Spire Order and Chaos: gain the effects of Protection from Chaos and Shield spell for 2 rounds (CL 10th) (immediate action to use) (one-time use) completed chronicles:
Emerald Spire: The tower ruins Emerald Spire: The cellars Emerald Spire: Splinter den Emerald Spire: Godhome Emerald Spire: The Drowned level Emerald Spire: The clockwork maze Emerald Spire: Shrine of the Awakener Emerald Spire: The Circle of Vissk-thar Emerald Spire: The Spiral Axis (slow progression) Emerald Spire: The Magma Vault (slow progression) Emerald Spire Tomb of Yarix (slow progression) Emerald Spire: The Automaton Forge (slow Progression) Emerald Spire: The Pleasure Garden (slow progression) Emerald Spire: Throne of the Azlant (slow progression) Emerald Spire: Order and Chaos Eyes of the Ten parts 1 through 4 |