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Dαedαlus wrote:i fought with several different kinds in my youth and i disagree with you its something you need to keep focus and pay attention to , certainly larger shields require less movement but you still need to actively fight with itjimthegray wrote:Have you.... ever fought with a sword and shield? Because that's really not true. Holding a shield is about as intuitive as it gets. Almost immediately after picking one up and learning proper shield stance, it becomes more of a subconscious thing. It required more effort to drop the thing than it is to block with it.Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:no in real life using a shield in a fight is normally an active activity that requires focusQuidEst wrote:Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:What if we don't want to use shields? Can we trade out the 8th and 14th level abilities for other abilites?Even levels are class feats, odd levels are fixed features. The blog was just describing when those feats become available- you'd only pick them if you wanted to focus on shields.That's not what it reads like to me.
And another thing, why do we have to raise our shields every turn? In a real fight people have their shields raised at all times, they don't lower and raise them over and over again.
This is a combat style issue, not a hard one-way-or-the-other, I've fought with shields that you hold in a specific position (close to the body, and re-position whole body to adjust blocks) and ones that you move constantly. So both of you are right, or wrong, depending on your training, and shield.
Which is why I argue against an action to "raise your shield" in combat. If you're simplifying combat, you want to abstract something like this, not take the most penalizing, and most complicated route. In PF1 a shield was a flat bonus, now its dependent on an action, that isn't simplification, it also nerf's melee again.
This does not bode well for PF2.