Full Name |
Notos |
Race |
| HP 40/40 | AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 17 | F: +4, R: +8, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +13, SM: +13 |
Classes/Levels |
| Speed 30ft | Feather Fall: 1/1 Bardic Performance 21/21 | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4| Active conditions: None. |
Gender |
Female NG Sylph Bard (Flame Dancer) 6 |
About Notos Cyd
Female sylph bard (flame dancer) 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 81, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 258)
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp 40 (6d8+7)
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Resist electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk whip +7 (1d3 nonlethal) or
. . sap +6 (1d6 nonlethal)
Ranged darkwood shortbow +7 (1d6/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with masterwork whip)
Special Attacks bardic performance 21 rounds/day (distraction, fascinate [DC 17], countersong, countersong, inspire courage +2)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +10)
. . 1/day—feather fall
Bard (Flame Dancer) Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +10)
. . 2nd (4/day)—blistering invective[UC] (DC 16), gallant inspiration[APG] (DC 16), haunting mists[UM] (DC 16), mirror image, sound burst (DC 16)
. . 1st (5/day)—ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15), grease, hideous laughter (DC 15), windy escape[ARG]
. . 0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, mending, prestidigitation, read magic, unwitting ally[APG] (DC 14)
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 19
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Expanded Arcana[APG], Lingering Performance[APG], Weapon Finesse
Traits maestro of the society, planar savant
Skills Climb +1, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Knowledge (engineering) +9, Knowledge (geography) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (local) +11, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (nobility) +9, Knowledge (planes) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Linguistics +7, Perception +13, Perform (dance) +14 (+16 if tattoo is visible.), Perform (oratory) +13, Perform (sing) +9, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +6, Survival +0 (+2 to avoid becoming lost), Swim +2, Use Magic Device +13
Languages Auran, Common, Ignan, Infernal, Osiriani, Varisian
SQ bardic knowledge +3, lore master 1/day, versatile performances (dance, oratory)
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (30), cold iron arrows (19), hypnotic tattoo, scroll of ghostbane dirge, scroll of glitterdust, glitterdust, scroll of obscuring mist, obscuring mist, scroll of suppress charms and compulsions, scroll of tongues, wand of cure light wounds, wand of endure elements (50 charges), wand of ghostbane dirge (6 charges), wand of lesser restoration (6 charges), alchemist's fire, alkali flask[APG], holy water, liquid ice[APG], vermin repellent[UE]; Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, blunt arrows[APG] (20), dagger, darkwood shortbow, mwk whip, sap, cloak of resistance +1, cracked incandescent blue sphere ioun stone, cracked pale blue rhomboid ioun stone, cracked pale blue rhomboid ioun stone, cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone, cracked pink and green sphere ioun stone, eyes of the eagle, handy haversack, headband of alluring charisma +2, ring of protection +1, wayfinder[ISWG], artisan's outfit, blanket[APG], canteen[UE], flint and steel, haunt siphon, does 3d6 to haunt, chronicle 7 (worth 400 gp, 1 lb), ink, inkpen, journal[UE], mess kit[UE], mirror, signal whistle, skeleton key[UE], small tent, soap, trail rations (14), Ukelele, 552 gp, 5 sp, 8 cp
Tracked Resources
Alchemist's fire - 0/1
Alkali flask - 0/1
Bardic Performance (standard action, 21 rounds/day) - 0/21
Blunt arrows - 0/20
Cold iron arrows - 1/30
Cold iron arrows - 0/19
Dagger - 0/1
Feather Fall (1/day) - 0/1
Holy water - 0/1
Light (At will) - 0/0
Liquid ice - 0/1
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Trail rations - 0/14
Vermin repellent - 0/1
Wand of cure light wounds - 19/50
Wand of endure elements (50 charges) - 0/50
Wand of ghostbane dirge (6 charges) - 0/6
Wand of lesser restoration (6 charges) - 0/6
Special Abilities
Bardic Knowledge +3 (Ex) Add +3 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action, 21 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Can take 10 on any trained knowledge checks. Activate to take 20 as a standard action.
Versatile Performance (Dance) +14 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Dance skill for Acrobatics or Fly checks
Versatile Performance (Oratory) +13 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Oratory skill for Diplomacy or Sense Motive checks
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