Northeman's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

The Exchange

I'm playing in a Strange Aeons game that's operating under some pretty strict parameters, turning it into an almost roguelike difficulty level. And my damn fool self decided to try and run an Arcane Trickster.

First, the parameters:
15pt Buy - This has made for some pretty rough choices. But not insurmountable on it's own, we just have to work with a tighter budget.

Automatic Bonus Progression - This is even rougher. On paper it sounds nice, but in practice it's truly terrible for casters, doubly so for those who have to build a spell book. Also, having the support items that casters need to function is way harder, since you can't save up and buy your headband. To say nothing of the lack of scroll and wand funds.

No Magic Merchants- All right, now, I know I should trust my GM, but this is just getting ridiculous. We're, at the moment, one session into book 2. Thus far, there have been no places to buy scrolls or even copy spell books via spellcasting services. I've got a pretty decent Know(Local), and Thrushmoor appears to be a good sized city, and yet no wizards anywhere. There's a subplot we stumbled onto involving a bookseller who skipped town that I intend to focus on next session, but it's starting to feel like overkill to hobble the wizard at this point.

And this is the minor spoiler I warned about, but the ENTIRETY of the first book has no option to expand a spellbook since you're in the asylum the whole time. We've not been able to buy any gear of any kind until recently.

Ok, those were the circumstances. Now onto the build I have so far:

Wizard3 (æther school, pact wizard)URogue1(Snoop archetype)
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 19
Wis 12
Cha 7

1 extra traits
H Improved Initiative
3 Accomplished Sneak

Methodical Mind (campaign)
Student of Philosophy
Pragmatic Activator

Familiar (Figment) Flying Fox

Skills are pretty broad, so I won't bother to list them here. Suffice to say I have a little of everything, and plenty of stealth, perception and Spellcraft. I'm also taking up the Face role, as our paladin didn't make it out of book one alive, and our Oracle is deaf and not much for negotiation. Having an inspiration pool of 5 makes it way easier to cover the skill role.

Actually, that's a good segue into party composition:
Invulnerable Rager 4
Heavens Oracle 4
Wolf Shaman Druid 4

So our front line is well tended. Though without the archery feats it makes lasers... ineffective. I'm thinking the best thing to do would be to act as a support and control wizard for a while. Buffs and glitterdust galore. But I can't find someone to learn anything from. So for now, have to make due with....

1- Detect Undead (P)
Expeditious Retreat
Floating Disc (S)
Mage Armor
Magic Missile (S)
Protection vs Evil
Unseen Servant (S)

2nd - Blur (S)
Command Undead (P)
Scorching Ray

S=School Spell
P=Patron (occult)

Typical Loadout:
0 - Acid Splash
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

1 - Mage Armor
Protection vs Evil
Vanish x2

2 - Blur
Scorching Ray x2

I can spontaneously cast Patron spells using any nonschool slot. Giving me a little versatility to lean into, and being able to detect Haunts has been super handy.

If I ever manage to find a mentor or some scrolls I intend to adjust my tactics some. Pyrotechnics and giving alchemist fire to my familiar for one thing. Or failing that glitterdust as I already discussed.

Here's my conundrum other than what I've listed above:

It's clear to me that I'm not going to be able to lean into blasting; I've missed with every Scorching Ray I've managed to cast so far. So I think I have to abandon that path and go for heavy versatility and support. Which says to me next level is Craft Wondrous Item, as I fully expect the super rarity on magic to continue.

And I'm fine with all that if it's the only path forward. But I'm wondering if anyone else has made the laser trickster work, since the class features seem to favor it as a build.

The Exchange

I cannot check out with my shopping cart! It gets to the last screen and then just hangs

The Exchange

If you're so inclined, we're booking table's for this Friday's evening game at Zulu's on The NorthWest PFS Website.

At the moment, Wardstone Patrol is shaping up to be the first table, with the second table a wild card. We could always use more bodies for muster, folks!

The Exchange

Hello all! I'm extremely late to the Internet Party of Pathfinder Society, but I'm looking to catch up in a hurry. Starting with putting up a thread about the upcoming Social at Zulu's Board Game Cafe in Bothell, WA this Saturday, starting at noon and going until we close the place!

The notion was to do a meet and greet and demo for the upcoming regular Friday games that I'll be organizing as a brand spanking new Venture Agent at the same venue. I put it up on the NorthWest PFS boards, but neglected to mention anything here! Apologies, my forum etiquette has practically rusted away to nothing at this point.

At any rate, anyone who would like to pop by and say hello in a freeform social environment is more than welcome. There will be several well equipped DMs there to demo, we'll be signing up newcomers, making characters, running a couple scenarios should people be so inclined, and generally helping people get themselves set up as PFS members.

Also, I am bringing homemade tiny pies!

So come join us, make new friends, reacquaint yourself with old ones, and swap stories of the time your character did that one AWESOME antic that they never that they'd get away with.