The Rake

Nomi'not's page

4 posts. Alias of Dick G.


Nomin waves away the smoke curling up from the piles of burning humanoid bodies.

Nomin says to Sigeweard "I am not the most pious man, I hope you know that. I don't mean to give you that impression mistakenly. Just something about Vanya is so holy and right that I can't help but feel like a 5 year old boy in the presence of his mother. I don't know, now I'm just babbling."

"If you ask me, burning it too good for these pieces of filth" Nomin motions towards the pile of humanoids. "But I understand you don't need these corpses stinking up the forest."

Nomin asks Vanya "Lady Vanya, what are the burial rites of your people and how should we proceed?"

Nomin moves 1 square diagonally up and to the right, then four to the right and then commits a 5 square partial charge to goblin 1. Nomin's att & dmg: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 221d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5