
Noelle the Spellslinger's page

4 posts. Alias of Kelsey MacAilbert.


Game Master wrote:

Oh, I see. You should post this in the Suggestions/House Rules/Homebrew forum - the Advice forum is generally for build advice using the printed rules. The Homebrew forum is all about writing your own content, such as an Arcane Gunner class.

I've flagged your post so a moderator might be able to move it there for you.

I would argue that, with such a minor adjustment, that isn't really the right place at all. The only thing that changed is a prerequisite and what weapon abilities are applying to, so by and large RAW is in effect.

Eltacolibre wrote:
right now pretty much out of luck. Might as well go all the way spellslinger if you want to keep getting good magic bullets.

Is the Spellslinger much good with straight progression in a 1/2 BAB class?

I kinda do want that area-of-effect though the gun ability from the Arcane Archer.

Game Master wrote:
Noelle the Spellslinger wrote:
I made this character assuming you could qualify for the prestige class with Weapon Focus (Musket) instead of Weapon Focus (Longbow),

You were wrong.

Noelle the Spellslinger wrote:
and apply all the abilities to bullets instead of arrows.

You can't.

Noelle the Spellslinger wrote:
I qualified with 5 levels of Gunslinger (Musket Master),

No you didn't.

Noelle the Spellslinger wrote:
What could I do to be better at doing arcane gunslinger things?
Not being an Arcane Archer might help.

I meant assume in the manner that I was intentionally modifying that part of the class to facilitate this build. It's not an unreasonable change to make, and is highly unlikely to be overpowered. What I'm more interested in is how effectively the concept can be written if the bow requirement for the PrC is handwaived for a gun wielder.

I made this character assuming you could qualify for the prestige class with Weapon Focus (Musket) instead of Weapon Focus (Longbow), and apply all the abilities to bullets instead of arrows. I qualified with 5 levels of Gunslinger (Musket Master), so I could get dex to damage, and 3 levels of Wizard (Spellslinger), because I want that ability to shoot spells through my gun. My character sheet is on my profile. What could I do to be better at doing arcane gunslinger things?