
Nixis Dra'nor's page

80 posts. Alias of william Nightmoon.

Full Name

Nixis Ven Dra'Nor


Tower Elf


Psychic/Tattooed Sorcerer 1

HP:6/6 AC:=10+(2Dex) Fort:0 Refl:2 Will:3 CMB:-1 CMD:11 Perception:+5(3 w. Goggles) Init:+2








Neutral Good




Common, Elven, Celestial, Sylvan, Draconic, Goblin, Thassilonian(Read and Write Only), Giant

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Nixis Dra'nor


HP:6/6 AC:=10+(2Dex)
Fort:0 Refl:2 Will:3
CMB:-1 CMD:11
Perception:+5 Init:+2

Elf Traits:

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution: Elves are nimble, both in body and mind, but their form is frail.

Medium: Elves are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Elves have a base speed of 30 feet.

Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Source Horror Adventures pg. 38
For some elves, their long, slender limbs and large pupils evoke not attraction, but unease in other humanoids. Non-elf humanoids take a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells these elves cast that cause confusion or fear. In addition, elves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize. This racial trait replaces elven magic

Illustrious Urbanite
Source Heroes of the Streets pg. 8
City elves have a remarkable ability to combine magic harmoniously with their surroundings. They gain Spell Focus with conjuration, illusion, or transmutation spells as a bonus feat. When casting spells of this school, the elves can choose to have the spell leave undamaged any building or structure that would normally be affected. This racial trait replaces keen senses(Illusion)

Arcane Focus
Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 1
Some elven families have such long traditions of producing wizards (and other arcane spellcasters) that they raise their children with the assumption each is destined to be a powerful magic-user, with little need for mundane concerns such as skill with weapons. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.

Languages: Elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.

Sorcerer Traits:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sorcerers are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a sorcerer's gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail (see Arcane Spells and Armor).

Spells: A sorcerer casts arcane spells drawn primarily from the sorcerer/wizard spell list presented in Spell Lists. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a sorcerer must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a sorcerer's spell is 10 + the spell level + the sorcerer's Charisma modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a sorcerer can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Sorcerer. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).

A sorcerer's selection of spells is extremely limited. A sorcerer begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of her choice. At each new sorcerer level, she gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a sorcerer knows is not affected by her Charisma score; the numbers on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known are fixed.) These new spells can be common spells chosen from the sorcerer/wizard spell list, or they can be unusual spells that the sorcerer has gained some understanding of through study.

Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even-numbered sorcerer level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), a sorcerer can choose to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the sorcerer loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged. A sorcerer may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level.

Unlike a wizard or a cleric, a sorcerer need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level.

Bloodline: Each sorcerer has a source of magic somewhere in her heritage that grants her spells, bonus feats, an additional class skill, and other special abilities. This source can represent a blood relation or an extreme event involving a creature somewhere in the family's past. For example, a sorcerer might have a dragon as a distant relative or her grandfather might have signed a terrible contract with a devil. Regardless of the source, this influence manifests in a number of ways as the sorcerer gains levels. A sorcerer must pick one bloodline upon taking her first level of sorcerer. Once made, this choice cannot be changed.

At 3rd level, and every two levels thereafter, a sorcerer learns an additional spell, derived from her bloodline. These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known. These spells cannot be exchanged for different spells at higher levels.

At 7th level, and every six levels thereafter, a sorcerer receives one bonus feat, chosen from a list specific to each bloodline. The sorcerer must meet the prerequisites for these bonus feats.

Cantrips: Sorcerers learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known under “Spells Known.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

Varisian Tattoo (Ex): At 1st level, the tattooed sorcerer gains Varisian Tattoo (see the Inner Sea World Guide) as a bonus feat. If she doesn’t have Spell Focus, she may choose which school of magic her Varisian Tattoo enhances. This ability replaces her Eschew Materials bonus feat.

Bloodline Tattoos (Ex): Whenever a tattooed sorcerer gains a bloodline spell, a new tattoo manifests on her body to represent this spell. Her bloodline spells are always enhanced by her Varisian Tattoo feat, even if they don’t match the school to which her Varisian Tattoo belongs.

Create Spell Tattoo (Su): At 7th level, a tattooed sorcerer can create a spell tattoo (see page 16) once per day with a single touch as a standard action. The recipient of the spell tattoo must be willing to receive the spell tattoo. If she gives the spell tattoo to herself, it does not count against the regular limit of magic tattoos she can have. The spell tattoo must be of a spell that she knows that has no material or focus component. She can maintain one spell tattoo created by this ability at a time—if she uses this ability again, the previous spell tattoo she created fades away. Spell tattoos she creates with Inscribe Magic Tattoo do not count against this limit. She can use this ability twice per day at 11th level, and three times per day at 15th level. This ability replaces the bloodline feat gained at 7th level.

Psychic Traits:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A psychic is proficient with all simple weapons, but not with any type of armor or shield.

Spells: A psychic casts psychic spells drawn from the psychic class’s spell list (see page 69). She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a psychic must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a psychic’s spell is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the psychic’s Intelligence modifier.

A psychic can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–7: Psychic. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1–3 on page 17 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

The psychic’s selection of spells is limited. A psychic begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the psychic’s choice. At each new psychic level, she learns one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 1–8: Psychic Spells Known. Unlike a psychic’s spells per day, the number of spells a psychic knows isn’t affected by her Intelligence score; the numbers on Table 1–8 are fixed.

At 4th level and every even-numbered level thereafter (6th, 8th, and so on), a psychic can choose to learn a single new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the psychic loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell from the psychic’s class list that the psychic can cast. A psychic can swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level.

A psychic need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any psychic spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.

Knacks: Psychics learn a number of knacks, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table 1–8. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they don’t consume any slots and can be used again. Knacks cast using other spell slots (due to metamagic feats, for example) consume spell slots as normal.

Phrenic Pool (Su): A psychic has a pool of supernatural mental energy that she can draw upon to manipulate psychic spells as she casts them. The maximum number of points in a psychic’s phrenic pool is equal to 1/2 her psychic level + her Wisdom or Charisma modifier, as determined by her psychic discipline. The phrenic pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours don’t need to be consecutive. The psychic might be able to recharge points in her phrenic pool in additional circumstances dictated by her psychic discipline. Points gained in excess of the pool’s maximum are lost.

Phrenic Amplifications: A psychic develops particular techniques to empower her spellcasting, called phrenic amplifications. The psychic can activate a phrenic amplification only while casting a spell using psychic magic, and the amplification modifies either the spell’s effects or the process of casting it. The spell being cast is called the linked spell. The psychic can activate only one amplification each time she casts a spell, and doing so is part of the action used to cast the spell. She can use any amplification she knows with any psychic spell, unless the amplification’s description states that it can be linked only to certain types of spells. A psychic learns one phrenic amplification at 1st level, selected from the list below. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the psychic learns a new phrenic amplification. A phrenic amplification can’t be selected more than once. Once a phrenic amplification has been selected, it can’t be changed. Phrenic amplifications require the psychic to expend 1 or more points from her phrenic pool to function.

Note from Nethys: The full list of phrenic amplifications is available here.

Psychic Discipline (Ex or Sp): Each psychic accesses and improves her mental powers through a particular method, such as rigorous study or attaining a particular mental state. This is called her psychic discipline. She gains additional spells known based on her selected discipline. The choice of discipline must be made at 1st level; once made, it can’t be changed. Each psychic discipline gives the psychic a number of discipline powers (at 1st, 5th, and 13th levels), and grants her additional spells known. In addition, the discipline determines which ability score the psychic uses for her phrenic pool and phrenic amplifications abilities. The DC of a saving throw against a psychic discipline ability equals 10 + 1/2 the psychic’s level + the psychic’s Intelligence modifier.

At 1st level, a psychic learns an additional spell determined by her discipline. She learns another additional spell at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, until learning the final one at 18th level. These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Table 1–8. Spells learned from a discipline can’t be exchanged for different spells at higher levels.

Specific psychic disciplines are further described starting on page 64.

Detect Thoughts (Sp): At 2nd level, a psychic can use detect thoughts as a spell-like ability once per day. She can also expend any unused spell slot of 1st level or higher to cast detect thoughts. If she does so, she uses the level of the spell slot expended to determine the Will save DC. When a psychic gains this ability, if she knows detect thoughts, she can learn a different 1st-level spell in place of detect thoughts, losing the old spell in exchange for the new one.

Telepathic Bond (Sp): At 9th level, a psychic can use telepathic bond as a spell-like ability once per day, using her psychic level as her caster level. She can’t leave herself out of a bond created in this way. She can also expend any unused spell slot of 4th level or higher to cast telepathic bond. Casting the spell using a higher-level spell slot gives no benefit on its own, but the psychic can apply metamagic feats that would increase the spell level to the appropriate level. For instance, if the psychic knows Extend Spell, she can use a 5th-level spell slot to cast extended telepathic bond as a full-round action. When a psychic who knows telepathic bond gains this ability, she can learn a different 4th-level spell in place of telepathic bond, losing the old spell in exchange for the new one.

Major Amplifications: At 11th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a psychic can choose one of the following major amplifications in place of a phrenic amplification.

Note from Nethys: The full list of major amplifications is available here.

Telepathy (Su): At 17th level, the psychic can mentally communicate with any other creature within 100 feet that has a language. It is possible to address multiple creatures at once telepathically, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as both speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time. When a psychic who knows telepathy (see page 189) gains this ability, she can learn a different 5th-level spell in place of telepathy, losing the old spell in exchange for the new one.

Remade Self (Sp): At 20th level, the psychic is affected by one of the following spells as a constant spell-like ability: arcane sight, fly, haste, heroism, nondetection, or tongues. This ability is chosen when the psychic reaches 20th level and can’t be changed. While the psychic is under the effects of this spell-like ability, each time she casts a psychic spell, she can link one phrenic amplification or major amplification she knows that has a point cost of 1 to that spell without spending any points from her phrenic pool. This amplification is in addition to the normal maximum of one amplification per spell

Phrenic Amplifications:

Overpowering Mind (Ex) (Occult Adventures pg. 62): The psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to increase the Will save DC of the linked spell by 1. At 8th level, she can choose to instead spend 4 points to increase the DC by 2. At 15th level, she can choose to instead spend 6 points to increase the DC by 3. This amplification can be linked only to spells that have the mind-affecting descriptor and require a Will saving throw

Sorcerer Bloodline(arcane-Sage Wild blood):

Class Skill: Knowledge (any one).

Bonus Spells: identify (3rd), invisibility (5th), dispel magic (7th), dimension door (9th), overland flight (11th), true seeing (13th), greater teleport (15th), power word stun (17th), wish (19th).

Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell Focus, Still Spell.

Bloodline Arcana: Unlike most sorcerers, whose innate magic is powered by force of personality, you use your intellect to understand and master your mystic powers. You use your Intelligence, rather than your Charisma, to determine all class features and effects relating to your sorcerer class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level you can cast, the save DCs of your spells, and the number of daily uses of your bloodline powers. You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft checks.

Bloodline Powers: Magic comes naturally to you, but as you gain levels you must take care to prevent the power from overwhelming you.

Familiar Tattoo (Su): A tattooed sorcerer gains a familiar as an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to her sorcerer level. Her sorcerer levels stack with any wizard or witch levels she possesses when determining the powers of her familiar—this ability does not allow her to have both a familiar and a bonded item.

Unlike most familiars, her familiar can transform itself into a tattoo that she carries in her flesh. Transforming into a tattoo or back to normal familiar form is a move action for her familiar. In tattoo form, the familiar looks like a stylized version of itself, but does not count as a creature separate from the tattooed sorcerer. In tattoo form it continues to grant its special familiar ability (Core Rulebook 82), but otherwise has no abilities and can take no actions except to transform from tattoo into creature. A familiar tattoo cannot be erased or dispelled. This ability replaces her 1st-level bloodline power.

Metamagic Adept (Ex): At 3rd level, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell you are about to cast without increasing the casting time. You must still expend a higher-level spell slot to cast this spell. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. At 20th level, this ability is replaced by arcane apotheosis.

Enhanced Varisian Tattoo (Su): At 9th level, the tattooed sorcerer can pick any one spell she knows for which she has a Varisian Tattoo feat. This spell must be one that lacks focus components and costly material components. She can now use that spell as a spell-like ability once per day. This spell-like ability is not enhanced by her Varisian Tattoo, but it functions at +2 caster levels above her sorcerer caster level. Whenever she gains a bloodline power at a later date, she may change this spell-like ability to another qualifying spell. This ability replaces the 9th-level bloodline power.

School Power (Ex): At 15th level, pick one school of magic. The DC for any spells you cast from that school increases by +2. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Spell Focus.

Arcane Apotheosis (Ex): At 20th level, your body surges with arcane power. You can add any metamagic feats that you know to your spells without increasing their casting time, although you must still expend higher-level spell slots. Whenever you use magic items that require charges, you can instead expend spell slots to power the item. For every three levels of spell slots that you expend, you consume one less charge when using a magic item that expends charges.

Psychic Discipline: Abomination:

Source Occult Adventures pg. 64
Your mind is impure, tainted by outside forces. These might be monstrous ancestors whose blood still flows within you, or powerful and unknowable psychic forces that intrude upon your mind. Like a psychic disease, this influence consumes part of your brain, creating a dark counterpart to your normal self. Every time you call forth a psychic spell, you’re drawing on this dangerous force—and potentially giving it a greater hold on you. This malign influence might stem from creatures like rakshasas and aboleths, or perhaps malign entities that dwell in the voids between the stars.

Phrenic Pool Ability: Charisma

Bonus Spells: ray of enfeeblement (1st), alter self (4th), excruciating deformation (6th), black tentacles (8th), explode head (10th), repulsion (12th), insanity (14th), orb of the void (16th), telekinetic storm (18th).

Discipline Powers: Your powers allow the dark influences to take over, and it can be difficult to come back from the brink.

Dark Half (Su): By allowing the dark forces to overcome you, you can enter a state of instinctual cruelty as a swift action. While you’re manifesting your dark half, you increase the DCs of your psychic spells by 1, gain a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, and become immune to fear effects. Whenever you cast a spell that deals damage while manifesting your dark half, you can cause one creature that took damage from the spell to also take 1 point of bleed damage. The amount of bleed damage increases to 2 points at 5th level and to 1d6 points at 13th level. While manifesting your dark half, you can’t use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration other than casting spells using psychic magic, using phrenic amplifications, or attempting to return to normal. You can attempt to return to your normal self as a free action, but must succeed at a concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + your caster level. If you fail, you continue to manifest your dark half and can’t attempt to change back for 1 round. You can manifest your dark half for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + 1/2 your psychic level + your Charisma modifier; when these rounds are expended, you return to your normal self without requiring a concentration check.

Morphic Form (Ex): At 5th level, while manifesting your dark half, you gain DR 5. This damage reduction can be overcome by a random type of damage each time you manifest your dark half, determined by rolling on the table below.

d% Damage Reduction
1–35 DR 5/bludgeoning
36–60 DR 5/cold iron
61–100 DR 5/magic

Psychic Safeguard (Su): At 13th level, you project constant mental defenses, gaining spell resistance equal to 8 + your caster level. While manifesting your dark half, this spell resistance increases to 16 + your caster level


0-Detect Magic, Haunted Fey Aspect, Prestigitaion, Read Magic

1-(4/day):Silent Image, Ear-piercing Scream,

0-Telekinetic Projectile, Light, Mage Hand

1-(4/day):Color Spray, Mind Thrust I,+ Ray of enfeeblement


Appraise (Int),
Bluff (Cha),
Craft (Tattoo)(Int),4/4/0
Diplomacy (Cha),4/3/3
Fly (Dex),
Intimidate (Cha),4/3/0(2 Demoralize)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int),4/4/1
Knowledge (History) (Int),4/4/1
Linguistics (Int),4/4/0
Perception (Wis),4/1/0
Profession (Wis),
Sense Motive (Wis),
Spellcraft (Int),4/4/0
Use Magical Device (Cha),

*Spell Focus(Illusion)
*Varisian Tattoo(Illusion)
Scribe Scroll

*Bonus Feats

Scholar of the Ancients
Source Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide pg. 4
Growing up with your nose in books, you’ve had a great interest in past cultures and ancient history. Furthermore, having grown up in Varisia, you know the monuments dotting the landscape belong to an ancient civilization known as Thassilon. From your life of study and dogged research, you’ve pieced together the language and partial history of this once-great empire. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks, and begin play able to speak and read Thassilonian.

Distance Aptitude
Source Quests and Campaigns pg. 19
You were exposed to the magic of an elf gate, portal, or some other form of distance-spanning magic when you were young. This contact with ancient world-spanning magic has granted you insight into means to extend the range of your own spells. Treat your caster level as 1 higher for the purposes of determining the range of spells and spell-like abilities.

Source Quests and Campaigns pg. 22
Living under constant threat of death or worse from your oppressive government, your nerves have frayed terribly. Whenever you take 10 on an ability check or skill check that imparts any penalty for failure (aside from wasted time), you treat your check as if you had rolled an 8 instead of a 10, even if you are able to take your time.

Insular (Elf)
Source Inner Sea Races pg. 194
Category Race
Requirement(s) Elf
After living among non-elves for a time, you developed a dismissive attitude toward rash, shorter-lived races. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear effects created by humanoids other than elves

a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin, Quarterstaff, Aura Goggles, Prismatic crystal, Spell component pouch, masterwork Fortune-teller's deck, Traveller's outfit,

Familiar:Willow Feather:

Tiny animal(Augmented), Thrush
HP:(half PC), AC:18=10+(2dex, 4size, 1Natural, 1Dodge)
Fort:0 Refl:4 Will:4

Language: Sylvan

Str 1,
Dex 15,
Con 6,
Int 6,
Wis 15,
Cha 6,

Feats: *Alertness, Dodge,

Stealth (Dex):4/3/12

Qualities:Share spells, Empathetic Link, improved Evasion, Tattoo Familiar*

Attacks: Bite:+2 (1d2-5[min 1])

Granted Power:+3 Diplomacy

The Fluffy Stuff:

Nixis is a strange-looking elf, tall and gangly, even for a tower elf! Her arms and legs are long and thin, her neck is just as proportioned, and her long ears droop at the ends. She often wears strange Violet goggles over her large eyes and rarely takes them off. Those that meet her often talk about how disturbing she was, even if she did nothing to bring those feelings. Most don't know about the strange alien entity changing her, but then again, so does she...

She stands 6'7" tall, her skin is abnormally pale, and her hair is a Sandy blond. Her body is covered in tattoos, she keeps them hidden most of the time, to spare those who see her from her creepy body. Although she still retains her beautiful stature and voice despite being so strange.

Nixis is shy, Nervous, and utterly devoted to her work, those that know her say she has an obession with magic, and that her blood is filled to the brim with it. So much so that it almost literally seeps from her skin in the form of those tattoos.

However, that is only her real Personality, there is a darker self, deep inside. Her internal rage, a dark desire to kill, main, and destroy. It rarely emerges, mostly because there has never been a reason for it to emerge. Nixis hardly ever is angered, and when she is she usually keeps her desires inside.

Nixis was born into a proud Tower Elf Family of Wizards. Her mother and father both eager mages, her father an Illusionist and her mother a Diviner. They where both happy and suprized when their daughter almost instantly showed great arcane power. As she grew though it became more and more apparent that her magic was Sorcerer in nature, and with the Wizard stigmatism​ about the spontaneous casters, they where hesitant. However they loved their daughter and continued to teach her. The more they did the more they realized the nature of her magic, that it wasn't truly innate, infact she till had to train and study, just like any other wizard. So they helped her

During her training, Nixis was in the midst of a research session on the nature of magic when she attracted the attention of an ancient spirit. It found her interest in magic all that it needed to crawl into her mind, and she never realized it. Slowly her body changed, her arms became thin and long, her body seemed to wither yet keep it's beautiful appearance.

When her new powers emerged, her parents strove to hide them, for Psychic magic was far more dangerous than Sorcery. They let her test her limits with them, and train herself to use them. They figured that if she could perfect her Psychic magic, then she could be the strongest of their Bloodline. But they needed someone to protect her...

Her parents Hired a Bodyguard, in return they would teach him basic magic. Nixis at first just thought the man a simple guard, but as she met him and became friends with him she slowly grew closer. Her shy personality however keeps her from mentioning her crush... And her longevity gives her plenty of reason to hold it off.

Nixis was 78 when she became curious about Thassilon, the ancient Empire that stood where Varisia now stands. She began intensive research and even was able to create a good translation of the ancient language of the old lands. She left her family's Home in search of more information on the ancient lands. It led her to almost everywhere in Varisia, and her most recent venture has put her in Sandpoint only a few days before the festival,