
Nixios Barbosa's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Sovereign Court

Great story. I'd missed all the chapters and so read them all with this. I immediately then read "Certainty" and can't wait to read more of Ms Merciel's work

Sovereign Court

I'm interested in starting a regular Pathfinder game. I have very little role-play experience (I've only ever played Dark Heresy), but I've always wanted to get into D&D and Pathfinder intrigues me.

The amount of options are overwhelming (between sourcebooks, modules, campaign settings, adventure paths, gm screen, decks, flip maps, map packs, miniatures, etc). I wish I had two or three grand and could get everything I want. Realistically that's not possible. However, I want more than just the Beginner Box.

I'm looking for a checklist/wishlist of "must have" items to begin a long term campaign. I intend to add to the materials over time, certainly. I have a dinner table that seats six (counting the end seats) and want to present a game, give the participants what they need, and do everything in my power to provide the best experience possible.

Let's assume that I already have the core rule book, and will share it with the players. I want to spend $200 dollars on more books, accessories and supplies. How should I spend that $200? What would be a good "start up" list that not only I could use, but could perhaps serve as a "bundle" or standard list that others like me could follow going forward?

I apologize for the lengthy request, but I thank any and all for their time.

Sovereign Court

And if you can't think of the scariest, perhaps a top five? I'm looking for recommendations, and I thank you for your time.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
What are your favorite 3rd party rules supplements from the 3.0 and 3.5 eras? What parts of that product were best? What specific rule or mechanic saw the most use in your game (ie, spell, feat, magic item, piece of gear)?

The book over which I'm most obsessed is Liber Mysterium, the Netbook of Witches. So far as I can tell it's a PDF only product, but it's free and full of great fluff for witch characters. To quote from the site's description: "In its 200 pages you will find 13 new witchcraft traditions, 7 new prestige classes, and new skills and feats. A complete magic section that contains over 100 new spells, occult powers, ritual magic, coven spells and magic items. New challenges are presented to your witch characters with new monsters, NPCs, and adventure hooks."

Sovereign Court

What are some of the other ideas you have for the build? Maybe the Tattooed which could have a very specific patron, too?