I'm interested in starting a regular Pathfinder game. I have very little role-play experience (I've only ever played Dark Heresy), but I've always wanted to get into D&D and Pathfinder intrigues me.
The amount of options are overwhelming (between sourcebooks, modules, campaign settings, adventure paths, gm screen, decks, flip maps, map packs, miniatures, etc). I wish I had two or three grand and could get everything I want. Realistically that's not possible. However, I want more than just the Beginner Box.
I'm looking for a checklist/wishlist of "must have" items to begin a long term campaign. I intend to add to the materials over time, certainly. I have a dinner table that seats six (counting the end seats) and want to present a game, give the participants what they need, and do everything in my power to provide the best experience possible.
Let's assume that I already have the core rule book, and will share it with the players. I want to spend $200 dollars on more books, accessories and supplies. How should I spend that $200? What would be a good "start up" list that not only I could use, but could perhaps serve as a "bundle" or standard list that others like me could follow going forward?
I apologize for the lengthy request, but I thank any and all for their time.