
Ninja who's totally not The Fox's page

6 posts. Alias of The Fox.



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CraziFuzzy wrote:

The character in question would not necessarily always be wielding dual thornblades if it was the light blades group, as then the combo of thornblades/leafblade would be more capable, with less penalties. And the problem with your proposed solution, nefreet, is that there is no "Thornblades" group. Just as many GMs will balk at that being on the sheet.


Nefreet is suggesting something a little different than what you think he is.

He is saying that at each table, just tell the GM that the weapon group is whichever one it is that contains thornblades.

Game 1.
GM1: Which weapon group are you referring to?
You: Whichever one that thornblades is in.
GM1: You mean "light blades?"
You: Sure.

Game 2.
GM2: Which weapon group are you referring to?
You: Whichever one that thornblades is in.
GM2: You mean "elven blades?"
You: Sure.

Quintin Verassi wrote:

Umm... how are multiclassing Martial Artist (monk)/ Urban Barbarian (Barbarian)?

Monk requires a lawful alignment, Barbarian requires a non-lawful alignment.

Martial Artist removes that alignment restriction.


Who is your deity?

Roleplaying Guild Guide, p. 10 wrote:
Clerics, inquisitors, paladins, cavaliers of the order of the star, and samurai of the order of the star must choose a deity as all classes in Golarion that receive spells and abilities from a specific divine source receive their powers from a deity.

Edit: if you want the Law and Trickery domains, and want to be LN, then Asmodeus works. But his holy symbol is a pentagram.


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Jessex wrote:

Why aren't variant skeletons and zombies legal right now?

Because the bestiary text is not included in the AR! If that text was in the CRB then sure you could make the variants but it isn't so you can't.

That is true.

John Compton indicated he was open to hearing discussion of whether or not to change that.

I think opening up only the variants that are in the Bestiary seems reasonable.


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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Having it in hebrew (how do you have AC if there are no vowels?) ...

אג 20


kinevon wrote:
Jeff Merola wrote:
The free rebuild can only be used to make a character that could have arisen organically via play. You'd need to use paid retraining to cover anything like swapping your first level feat to Power Attack if you're not a full BAB class.

Got a citation for that, Jeff?

It's right after the paragraph you quoted. :)

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play, p. 10 wrote:

At the start of a Pathfinder’s career, you are allowed to adjust your character before settling in for the long haul. Before you level up a character for the first time, you may change any aspect of it except its Pathfinder Society Number. Changes may only be made between adventures and before playing as a character above 1st level. Any exceptions will be noted in the Pathfinder Society FAQ. You are able to keep all treasure, Prestige Points, special boons, and XP that you have earned and apply them to the character once you retrain as long as the character meets the criteria above. You are only able to retrain into a legal race.

After 1st level, if you own a copy of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign, you may use the retraining rules that begin on page 188 to alter your character. Such changes must be made in the presence of a Pathfinder Society GM, the GM must initial each change, and each change must be noted on an official Pathfinder Society Chronicle sheet. If the GM wishes to audit your character before the changes are made, you must present the character to the GM. If time is a limiting factor, the GM may choose not to allow retraining during that session. When utilizing these retraining rules, you must expend wealth as outlined in the Retraining section of Ultimate Campaign, as well as 1 Prestige Point per day of retraining since time between scenarios is undefined.