Mind Flayer

Ninja Dog's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists.


I don't mind the wait- thanks for the help!!!

Would it be possible at this time to combine my two pending orders (2582242 & 2502511)? It's fine if you can't, but I would appreciate it.

Thanks, I'm sure it will. I'm thinking about using partial rune images that get combined on the floor panels to unlock a way forward and out. While mildly stressful, the "puzzle" should be a lot harder to solve by trial-and-error when the players are being chased by the animated dead of those who never made it out alive...

While noting the complaints, I think I'll be picking this one up for my existing game. I need a mind- wrecking portal labyrinth within about 6 or 7 sessions and with the colors represented here, it's basic enough to look logical and still confuse players with some hidden complexity. This should work perfectly if I add some bizarre runes with the magic if wet-erase.

ALL of this looks amazing!

The quality of some of these books are getting insane. While I usually go digital with Pathfinder, I picked up the hardcover for the Advanced Race Guide. The color illustrations in that book can really get a player psyched to try a new race.
Even still, I really do miss the days of 20$ core rulebooks with awesome black and white artwork. In fantasy RPGs, those days are long gone ( no offense to Palladium Fantasy players).

I see two things happening at once.

In a way, tabletop RPG marathons have never been more affordable. With free retro clones, classic gaming books sold as low or no cost PDFs and huge wikis on most campaign settings, the main cost is the internet bill and some dice.

In another way, tabletop games have never been more expensive. Full-color hardcover books cost some serious cheddar... and virtually every publisher has trended to that. You can lose yourself in maps, tokens, minis and supplemental publications to a financial magnitude previously unheard-of. Many of us will buy a physical rulebook only to later buy the PDF, and vice-versa.

Honestly, I think each of us needs to find our own middle-ground in the current environment. I know neither of these extremes suit my taste or play style. For example, I settle on cardboard tokens and minis (word up to Pathfinder Pawns) and tend to only buy physical copies of core rulebooks and books with art content that's a good example of the setting.

Cool. They should make a cavalier order out of that.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Now can we get PFS pregens for Seoni and Harsk? It would be nice to eventually have PSF pregens and minis for all the iconics.
I believe that, shortly after the release of the NPC Codex, we plan to publish PFS-legal pregens for all of the Core Rulebook iconics, at three different levels each.

Excellent idea! That Wayne Reynolds artwork really "pops" and tells a bit of a story about the character's attitude. This will save me the time of having to do the exact same thing, which was on my list for future DM tasks.

What are "Gray Maidens?"

Differing waves of race options seem to make more sense, depending on adventure region. For example, a season set in the Shackles including merfolk, undines and gillmen makes sense, but not for a story arc set in the lands of the Linnorm Kings.
If this were true, I would not want to bring my merfolk character to a convention game taking place in Qadira or something like that. I love the new races... provided they fit in the region or geography if the story somehow.

Please pardon my ignorance, having never played a Pathfinder monk, but Ive always believed the monk, across editions, has been harder to play by design and is more of a choice for PCs who want a tactical challenge.
That being said, there's clearly a problem here, based on what I've been reading in this thread. I get the sense that you guys know the game and have realistic expectations, but wind up dissappointed with your characters. Is it simply a BaB issue, or more an issue of failing to transition beyond monk weapons?
If this helps, I'll offer up a houserule that attempts to " fix" the lack of power and customization you experience with mid-level unarmed monks. This could be a feat or even a class feature (Id recommend it at level 3 and only for single-classed monks).

By laying hands on a magic weapon, the monk can adopt some of the qualities of that weapon for 1 hour. The monk can choose either a macical attack and damage bonus or unique magical properties (such as "vorpal"). The weapon still functions normally while the quality is being borrowed. The process requires one round of uninterrupted concentration on the part of the monk.

Aside from the base game, Ive hesitantly branched out to Cthulhu and Conan. I love them both, so I'll certainly give Munchkin Pathfinder a try when it comes out!

This is a fantastic idea! Paizo, you just figured out a new way to take my money in November...

I don't think that a new edition is what will ultimately keep the "Pathfinder brand" fresh. In fact, this brand is built on the opposite principle. There's no reason these rules will need revision in 5, 10 ir even 20 years. Heck, some groups still play 1E.
Instead, I would imagine that the Pathfinder brand will eventually need to go beyond Golarion. A new world with new races, classes and adventure types should keep a lot of the old rules material relevant without the company falling under the weight of its own writing.
This being said, it will have to be something truly original. Something that uses the monsters, spells and races of the brand in a totally different context.

Paizo, if ever you are in need of such a product, I'll be happy to write and illustrate it for you. ;)

Well-deserved, the site really raises the bar!

Well done, indeed!

Gotta be a landslide. Best starter fantasy gaming product Ive seen in decades. I buy these as gifts left and right.

Looks like thus was addressed with precision in the second stickied thread in this subforum. My bad; not knowing the distinction between Paizo and non-Paizo ( minis and comics), I didn't know it applied. Case closed!

So, it sounds like I only have this option after purchasing the subscription; it something I manage under "my subscriptions."

Just to add to the feedback... thanks, Paizo. I've already bought two Beginner Boxes; one for myself and one for a friend as a B-Day present. I plan on getting more of them as presents, as the value and ease of understanding is the best I've seen in my two decades of fantasy gaming. This product deserves to win the Ennie Award for Best Product this year. By a landslide.

Taking a look at the forthcoming comics, one feature offered to subscribing is the ability to "bundle" it with anither subscription. I have some questions on how to accomplish this by adding it to my AP subscription:
1. Comic issue #1 isn't out yet, but its an August release. My August AP has already shipped, so how do I get #1 while avoiding a separate shipment?
2. When adding to the Shopping Cart, it looks like I'm simply creating a new order with separate shipping. How does one indicate the intention to bundle a monthy AP release alongside a comics release?
3. Once bundled, can I becertain I will get only 1 monthy charge with a reliable charge date?

Thanks for the help!

Thanks for the info!

Gary Teter wrote:

The main reason we don't have an offline PRD is that we haven't been able to find the time to do it right. The process we use to generate the PRD assumes it'll be hosted on our servers.

I suppose we could just point a command-line utility at the webserver and create a .zip archive of all the files and that might be good enough. Search wouldn't work, or it'd have to point at paizo.com.

Going forward I'd love to have an actual official Paizo mobile app that you could install, but our plates are pretty full right now....

I'd seriously recommend it, whenever possible. One of the larger challenges with running and adjudicating a game is managing the rules crunch that comes with spells and monster abilities. Having something as either a smartphone app or epub would pay dividends... and as a regular gamemaster, I'd pay for it, no doubt!

I noticed in a current subscription order (still in pending status) that the 6th and final Skull and Shackles book is listed as backordered.
Is this something I should be concerned about? FYI, I'm not waiting on it to run a game or abything, I'm mainly just curious if it's going to be a long wait or merely a blip in the Matrix.

Thanks for the great service and outstanding products!

I consider the underlying alignment problem in a new party to be more about Lawfulness than Goodness in the alignment axis. A good character can bide their time, working toward the greater good. The inherent lawlessness of this campaign itself, though, will most likely shift any character to neutral or chaotic as they progress through encounters and levels. I would want my characters to understand that going into it. Sure, the society of the Shackles has a "code," but beneath the surface of all that is raiding and plunder, which is, in essence, chaotic.
This being the case, I can see a Ranger maintaining a Good alignment, but any character trying to hold a Lawful alignment will be facing a steep challenge.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Regardless of evil alignment (LE, NE, or CE), a good player knows that an evil character should be:
1. Cruel, vicious or dishonest to the outside world, BUT
2. Protective of his/her allies (aka the party)AND
3. Deals with party conflicts in subtler ways that open combat or total betrayal.

A good player running an evil character will confront and attempt to defeat a good-aligned player through philosophy, not bushwhacking. Many gaming groups can have excellent cohesion between the philosophical arguments and conflicts that would erupt between a LG paladin and a NE necromancer. Both may unite for a common goal in defeating a dungeon or villain, but they may go out of each other's way to point out flaws in on another's strategies on the roleplaying end of things.

Personally, I don't have much patience for players that don't understand this. If I think one of my players isn't understanding that cooperation between players comes before roleplaying a character, I'll have a rather in-depth "coaching" session with that player. This kind of "etiquette" should be a well-known expectation for each game session!

I have very similar concerns as many do here. This being my first PF Adventure path, I'm going to ease my gaming group into it. They tend not to take well to captivity and their characters can be a bit loudmouthed when they should otherwise play it cool.
I think the opening days and suggested punishments that are written are very well done, indeed. This being the case, I'm looking for any tricks or techniques possible to ensure that my players take advantage of all the roleplaying and exploration opportunities aboard the Wormwood.
If any of you GMS find something that keep the players focused on the exploration of the ship, I'd be much obliged!

Keep the impressions coming! While I plan on waiting a bit, I've subscribed to this adventure path with plans to bring my current gaming group into Pathfinder. I am a bit concerned that the players won't take to being indentured very long, though. Any tricks a GM can discover will prove helpful!

The "RPGlite" phenomenon is a huge, new market, but I can respect why the designers wouldn't want to fragment their efforts. After reading through all of the Beginner Box, I love it and intend to use it... but if any of my players can make it to 3 rd, 4th or 5th level in BB, they will be ready for the transition to the full rules and options.