Nilmojr's page

No posts. Organized Play character for R2D2.

I've just tried to register a new PFS character but I keep getting a stupidly annoying message about the avatar being taken. Well I've not selected an image it's just a name for the character and it's not letting me put the name in and use it. I just want to set it up so the session can be recorded properly by the GM.

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So I made a facebook group, it might not be for everyone but I figured I'd share it here and those that are interested can join.

It's aimed at neurodiverse people, so this means people that are Dyslexic/ASD/related cognitive difficulties, it's also open to those that have or are dealing with mental health issues.

The aim of the group is to have somewhere that we can geek out and get excited about all things geek/gamer, share coping strategies for dealing with challenging situations around games/conventions. It's membership is small at the moment but hopefully as it grows we can build it into a friendly and supportive group where we can mix geeking out and talking about other issues that are relavent to us in a positive environment.

Group membership is approved by admins, you'll need to message one and you'll have a quick chat where you can ask any questions before joining. It'll give you the chance to see if the group is for you and us to find out a little about you. It's open to all ages, I'm asking that we avoid excessive swearing and other adult content but there may be some, so if a prospective member is under 16 they will need a parent/guardian to join up with them.

Aside from the odd parent/guardian we will also have some other neurotypical members for support purposes, they will be limited to invite only and they are there to help support members with concerns about conventions. I also intend, if the needs of a group member change for the worse, to allow a partner/best friend into the group to help support them.

I do have other ideas about what I'd like to do, I'm hoping that between us the membership can be proactive and get some help/adivce sheets that we can give to GMs and convention organisers on how to support others with the same needs as us. As well as a possible parallel group that can be used more effectively as a safer environment if any member is feeling in crisis. As well as potentially opening the group up to a wider spread of geeky types (it's currently just Pathfinder) and maybe looking at helping memebers finding convention buddies or similar support.

The link for the group is here: Neurodiverse Pathfinders

I guess with all this I should say a little more about me, since this is actually my first time posting on the boards!! I'm a long time geek and have larped a lot longer than I've done table top, I've been playing PFS for about 3 years and it seems to have lead to me becoming the registered keeper of a boygeek (he's more active here than me)! And as you may have guessed I kinda like star wars a little, in fact when I signed up I was surprised no one else had taken it!!

Anyway, I need to go as it's very late here in the UK and I'm still only half way through my tea (I bet that will confused some of you ;) ).

*insert suitable bleeps and whistles here*


{Edited to add a link, my boygeek is handy to have around}