NikolaiAB's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Silver Crusade

Good thoughts; I appreciate your openness and I look forward to see what you guys have coming next.

Again, please don't get me wrong- you've come out with some great, well-written scenarios and the world of Golarion in general is an excellent setting; I just hope there will be more of a place for us good heroes in it as the campaign expands- which it sounds like you're trying to make, so thank you. =)


Silver Crusade

My only complaint with "Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible" is that it is yet another mission that is heinously challenging for good aligned PCs, as your options from the Society are either "Kill the big bad" or "Make him work for us- and we'd really rather he worked for us."

For those of us who left Living Greyhawk and migrated to Pathfinder Society hoping for a new harbor instead of 4th Edition D&D, this is once again one of those mods that reinforces my belief that campaign HQ isn't making it a priority for good characters to have the opportunity to be genuinely heroic. The situation almost came to blows at my table when a PC who was passing himself off as neutral (because you're not allowed to be Evil, so you write Neutral on your character sheet and then act however you want...) started doing really despicable things and another started making deals with slavers...I had to make my Good-aligned Andoran character walk on the mission because there was no way in character I could allow those things to happen without trying to stop them.

All in all, the WRITING in this module is fantastic, I just wish Paizo had more stuff out there for those of us who actually want to play good guys.

That and I'm adding this module to my checklist of mods not to run if there's a Paladin on the table- I don't want to be responsible for taking someone's powers away, and if you're really adhering to the Lawful Good is Lawful Good thing and not watering it down, there's almost no way to avoid that in this scenario unless you're at a table of all Good PCs who decide that the Pathfinder Society is a little too mercenary for its own good and you're going to resolve the situation as YOU see fit. Unfortunately, there are precious few such PCs in my area.

Just my two cents.