
Nikola Vujičić's page

68 posts. Alias of Kazmanaught.


HP:12|BaB:1|AC: T: FF:|Fort:-2 Ref:0 Will:5|Init:0

About Nikola Vujičić

Nikola Vujičić, NG 18 year old human Expert 2
HP:12|BaB:1|AC: T: FF:|Fort:-2 Ref:0 Will:5|Init:0

- +2 Cha
- +1 SP/lvl
- +Skill focus at 1st, 8th, 16th

Rank Stat Class Misc Total:
Knowledge Arcana 2 3 Y - 8
Knowledge Religion 2 3 Y - 8
Perception 2 2 Y - 7
Sense Motive 2 3 Y - 7
Bluff 2 5 Y 2 12
Diplomacy 2 5 Y - 10
Intimidate 2 5 Y - 10
Athletics 2 -2 N - 0
Stealth 2 0 Y - 5/7
Craft(Traps) 2 3 Y - 8
Culture(Lingustics) 2 3 Y 3 11
Craft(Glassblowing) 2 3 Y - 8

Ancient Armaic

Human: Skill Focus Linguistics
Extra: Combat Advice: Move action, give +2 competance to hit
1st: Deceitful: +2 to bluff/disguise, +4 at 10 ranks
3rd: Esoteric Lingustics
5th: Feign Curse

Campaign: Infirm: +2 to stealth vs undead
Drawback: Oppressive Expectations: when I fail a skill check, -2 on that check until I succeed, or I fail a different check
Heirloom Weapon: Longbow proficiency
Power of Suggestion: Does Very Stupid Things
Forbidden Knowledge: Can use knowledge Religion instead of Knowledge Planes

Short Description:

Nikola is quite tall, towering over even the average Japanese male at a little over 5'7". Back home, she's only a few inches taller than the national average for women. She has long meticulously layered blonde hair that she usually wears in front of her face, eyes that are slightly too large for her, and is almost painfully thin. She favors dark eyeliners, which compliment her blue-grey eyes. Nikola gets winded from even mild exercise, such as going up a flight of stairs.

Short Personality:

Nikola cultivates an aura of being unaproachable. Her almost fanatical obsession with the supernatural coupled with her fierce glare caused some of her classmates to half-jokingly call her a witch, something that Nikola has done nothing to curb. Being familiar with many different forms of folklore, she carries in her wallet small pouches of salt, iron shavings, rice, and even a small omamori. Nikola's keen innate sense of what makes people tick make her invaluable for advice, further compounding her status as the local spiritualist.

Quirks and Flaws:

Nikola has a habit of glowering when focusing on something. Many think that she's constantly irritated, but that's more of her default expression. She is deeply asthmatic, and almost comically weak. It is one of her closest guarded secrets that she is dying.

Background Story:

Nikola is the firstborn child of Montenegran oligarchs. Being somewhat old fashioned in their views, she was viewed as a constant disappointment for not being a male heir to the family buisness. Nikola was outspoken, which sometimes brought the family disappointment, but was tolerated as long as she continued to excell in both athletics, school, and archery.
That all changed 2 years ago, at age 16, when Nikola was taken very ill. It turned out she had a form of muscular distrophy that manifested in her teen years. The change was shocking, the girl became more withdrawn, less brash, and within a few months completely unable to participate in sports. The medication that she was on further ravaged her body. When it she was finally given a prognosis of probably not making it much past 20, her parents decided to ship her off somewhere for her final years; as to avoid the embaressment of having to explain that their daughter had a congenitive disease, a sure sign of weakness. Best to have her death explained away by travel, or an accident abroad.
In Japan, Nikola lives with her caretakers. They provide far more company and support than her parents ever did. Faced with mortality at such a young age, Nikola turned to spiritualism. Her parents allow her a generous stipend, which she uses to buy large ammounts of esoterica from all around the globe.

Hooks: Nikola brought with her 2 items from Montenegro: her great to the umpteenth grandfathers hunting bow, something that gives her a great deal of pleasure to be able to relate to, and a book from her parents library written in a frustrating combination of several dead languages and cyphers that seem to detail apocrypha. She's been able to puzzle out the Latin and Aramaic parts, but several still elude her.

Why Japan? Nikola doesn't know exactly why her parents sent her here. Perhaps they have unsavory connections? She was never entirely sure what the family buisness exactly was, and was always a little too scared to ask.

Soulbound Unchained Summoner (Wasting Curse? Ghoul? Promethean?), Psychopomp (Shinigami) Eidolon
Consider Spiritualist/Mesmerist as well
Spirit Totem Skald(Bad)
VMC Wizard? Necromancy, Divination, Air

164 for shipping, 25 for packing
13+tax per box 20x20x20