
Nighthorror888's page

87 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

My order has been pending for a couple of weeks now and was wondering if something was wrong. Thank you for your time.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

A non-core iconic?? Be still my heart! Thank you so much. And a wonderful story to complement her.

Starfinder Adventure Path #36: Professional Courtesy (Fly Free or Die 3 of 6) was in my upcoming orders queue, then it disappeared and skipped to issue #4 of Fly Free or Die.

Starfinder Adventure Path #31: Waking the Worldseed (Devastation Ark 1 of 3) has been removed from my upcoming subscriptions, but nothing updated/generated in my order history.

Just checking on the status of my subscriptions, considering it is two days until street date.

My two Starfinder Adventure Path Subscription items that I have been waiting for switched from "expected to ship in 11 to 20 days" to "Expected to ship in an unknown time frame." Just wanted to know if an issue came up or if something can be done to resolve it.

Hello, just checking on the status of my order and making sure everything is okay with it when the warehouse opens back up. It is still pending and I don't believe payment went through yet. Thank you for your time.

I started my Starfinder Adventure Path subscription with The Chimera Mystery (The Threefold Conspiracy 1 of 6) last month, but when I check my subscription status, it seems to completely skip Flight of the Sleepers (The Threefold Conspiracy 2 of 6) and the next product to be shipped is Deceivers’ Moon (The Threefold Conspiracy 3 of 6)

Am I missing something?

Order 2894468

I am a huge fan of the Locust from the Gears of War video games, and I have been thinking that they could be amazing(albeit odd) creatures in a fantasy setting, almost akin to a subterranean orc or similar creature. I have been so excited about this, that I'm going to run a Pathfinder session involving the Locust along with many of their creatures but scaled down to the less-technologically-advanced world of the typical Dungeons and Dragons/Pathfinder setting, as soon as I stat them all up.

My mind is running rampant with ideas at this point, but does anyone have any suggestions or input?