
Nigel Flit's page

592 posts. Organized Play character for vlaovich88.

Full Name

Nigel Flit III


| HP 38/38 | AC 16 T 12 FF 15 | CMB 1, CMD 13 | F: +5, R: +4, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +0


| Speed 20ft | Summon Monster 6/6 | Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2 | Active conditions:


Male CG Gnome Unchained Summoner 4





Special Abilities



Chaotic Good






Merchant (+9)

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Nigel Flit

A small (even by Gnome standards) summoner who generally wears clean but plain clothes. He is still young and has light brown hair. He has very charming green eyes, something that has helped him get his way most of his life. His favorite color is dark blue and most of his town clothes is that color.
When Nigel is out adventuring, he wears a chain shirt but he doesn't like how it feels. That is why he only wears it out of the town and even then seems uncomfortable. While he rarely uses it, he carries a dagger in case of emergency.
PFS # 263825-01
Experience 9
Faction The Exchange
Wealth 3266 GP, 12 PP 18 Fame

Name Nigel Flit
Unchained Summoner 3
CG Small humanoid (Gnome)
Init +2; Senses Perc +4, SM +0,

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
HP 38
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5

Speed 15 ft.
Melee Dagger + 3 (1d3-1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities

Str 8, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB 1; CMD 13
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning,
Traits Mentored (Profession (Merchant), Possessed
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Orc, Draconic, Terran
Spells 0th — acid splash, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, mage hand
1st — grease (DC 15), magic fang, summon monster I, shield
2nd — Create pit (DC 16), Glitterdust (DC 16)
Spell-like abilities Summon monster 6/day, mage hand, 1/day, open/close 1/day, prestidigitation 1/day, unseen servant 1/day
Skills Diplomacy +5 2 rank, 3 ability mod, Knowledge (planes) +9 4 ranks, 3 class skills, 2 ability mod Perception +4 2 ranks, 2 race Profession (Merchant) + 10 4 ranks, 3 class skill, 2 race, 1 trait Spellcraft + 9 4 ranks, 2 ability mod, 3 class skill
Combat Gear dagger, chain shirt, alchemical fire (x3), Alkali (Flask), Scroll (Restoration (Lesser)), cloak of resistance +1, wand of CLW (30/50)
Other Gear wayfinder, 50ft of hemp rope, smoked goggles, backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin, Traveler’s Any-tool

Special Abilities
Bond Senses (Su)
At 2nd level, a summoner can, as a standard action, share the senses of his eidolon, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon does. He can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his summoner level. There is no maximum range to this effect, but the eidolon and the summoner must be on the same plane. The summoner can end this effect as a free action.
Defensive Training (Ex)
Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant type.
A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who forever after summons an aspect of the same creature. Each eidolon has a subtype, chosen when the eidolon is first summoned, that determines its origin and many of its abilities. An eidolon must be within one alignment step of the summoner who calls it (so a neutral good summoner can call a neutral, lawful good, or chaotic good eidolon) and can speak all of his languages. An eidolon is treated as a summoned creature, except it is not sent back to its home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures. A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon's hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment function normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished. The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner's desires. The eidolon's Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the summoner's class level and increase as the summoner gains levels. In addition, each eidolon gains a pool of evolution points based on the summoner's class level that can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the summoner gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of summoner. The eidolon's physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature appropriate to its subtype. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner's forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).
Gnome Magic (Sp)
Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain spell-like abilities.
Hatred (Ex)
Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Illusion Resistance (Ex)
Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
Life Link (Su)
At 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, as a reaction to the damage, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points he has without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane. In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does climb to the levels indicated and eventually returns to normal.
Summon Monster I (Sp)
At 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing on this ability uses up the same power that the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can use this ability only when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate from this spell-like ability immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of the summoner's spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, the summoner can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.
Shield Ally
Whenever a summoner is within his eidolon’s reach, the summoner gains a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws. This bonus does not apply if the eidolon is grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious.


My Boons:

[] Elixir of Renewal: You gain a special elixir that you can consume as if it were a potion in order to
restore 2d8+5 hit points as well as 1d4 points of one type of ability damage. You can use the potion only once, even if the user is under the effects of alchemical allocation or a similar effect that would allow one to benefit from a potion multiple times.
Corruption Uncovered (Andoran): Honoring the request of Major Colson Maldris, you sought out and uncovered
corruption in Andoran. Discovering such immorality in the fledgling democracy has taught you to be increasingly
suspicious, and once per scenario before you make a Sense Motive check, you may add a +2 bonus to the check.
Earth Affinity: Your connection to elemental earth has grown stronger over the course of your recent adventures. This boon has no mechanical effect on its own, but it may interact with other boons or play a role in future adventures-especially those set on the elemental planes.
[][][]Ungounded Veteran: While your time in the Ungrounded was not easy, you rose to face the challenges that Captain Othis threw in your way. You may check a box before this boon to call upon
the skills you reinforced through your training, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on one of the following skill checks: an Acrobatics check to balance on a narrow or slippery surface, any Climb check, a Knowledge (planes) check to identify creatures or their weaknesses, or any Profession (soldier) check. If you are not trained in the skill, you may instead check a box to treat yourself as if you were trained in the skill. You must choose to apply this bonus before rolling.
[]Belkzen Veteran: You have crossed the Hold of Belkzen, negotiated with the orc representatives, and clashed with opportunistic raiders. You can spend 2 Prestige Points to learn Orc as a bonus language. In addition, you can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the benefits of the orc ferocity half-orc racial trait for 1 round. If you already have this racial trait and activate that ability, you can check the box to act normally as
though you did not have the disabled condition for 1 round.
[]Martyr’s Shard 1: The paladin Ivvora wielded a powerful dagger in service to her angelic patron, Vildeis. In helping recover and restore the hilt, you are able to begin imbuing a facsimile of the blade to combat evil on your own terms. As a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you
wield a +1 enhancement bonus (does not stack with other enhancement bonuses) and the ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute.
[]Scarred Champion: Vildeis grants the strength to endure pain to strike down evil, and in escorting Ivvora’s hilt back to the Twinhorn following, you now carry a spark of that empyreal lord’s divine resilience. When you would fail a saving throw against the spell or spell-like ability of an undead creature, you can check
the box that precedes this boon to roll 1d6 and increase the saving throw result by that amount. If the bonus is enough to turn the failure into a success, the saving throw succeeds. This near-death experience leaves you with a hand-sized scar somewhere on your body—a reminder of Vildeis’s assistance.
Prince of Wolves: Your experiences with the Sczarni of the Prince’s Wolves have given you insight into dealing with werewolves and other lycanthropes, and you are unphased by their bestial natures. You receive a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against lycanthropes. Additionally, the Intimdate DC for a lycanthrope to demoralize you is 2 higher than normal.
[]Distrust of Witches: Having been exposed to the curses of the jadwiga and winter witches of Irrisen once, you are mentally prepared to resist the hexes of others. You gain a one-time +4 bonus on a saving throw against a single witch hex, curse effect, or spell or effect with the pain descriptor. When this bonus is
used, cross it off your Chronicle.
[]Magical Scrivener: Your mastery of magical illustration allows you to empower other magical writings.
When casting a spell from a scroll, you may increase the scroll’s caster level by 2. When this boon is used,
cross it off your Chronicle.
[]Master of Shadows: You gain a one-time +5 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge check concerning the
Shadow Plane and shadow magic.
[]Revolutionary Bluster: You gain a one-time +5 circumstance bonus on any Disguise or Bluff check against someone from Galt.
Demonic Scholar: You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks when making checks regarding demons.
[]Dragon Empires Expert: Your travels in the Dragon Empires of Tian Xia have provided you with valuable tools when dealing with the lands’ varied natives. You receive a one-time +5 bonus on one of the following skill checks: Diplomacy or Sense Motive against a native of Tian Xia; Knowledge (geography, history, local, or nobility) regarding Tian Xia or its citizens; Linguistics to decipher or translate Dtang, Hon-la, Hwan, Minatan, Minkaian, or Tien.
[]Temple Trained: Your brief tenure at Dragon Temple in Quain has made you an expert in hand-to-hand combat. You may, as an immediate action, gain a one-time +4 competence bonus to your CMD. This bonus must be declared before the results of the attack are known.
[]Faithless: Your life in Rahadoum has instilled in you a fierce independence and indomitable selfconfidence. So long as you have no patron deity, you gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against divine spells for one scenario.
[]Supernatural Investigator: A history of solving mysteries and sniffing out renegades has trained you to look in all of the right places. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Knowledge, Perception, and Survival checks to find clues, locate hidden compartments, and identify tracks, lasting until the end of the scenario in which the boon is used.
[]Fugitive from Numeria: You spent time studying the secrets of the Silver Mount and have acquired both a rudimentary understanding of its cosmic technology and the enmity of a dangerous
organization. When you would be targeted or affected by an activated magical item, as a free action you gain a +2 bonus to AC and on saving throws against that item’s effects for 1d4 rounds.
[]Duplicitous Charm: As a confidence artist, you are adept at earning the trust of others and bending them to your needs. Choose a creature. Until the end of the scenario you gain a +2
competence bonus on Bluff checks to lie to the creature and Diplomacy checks to improve the creature’s attitude or request favors from it.
[]Nidalese Apostate: Years of training in Pangolais have inured you both to Zon-Kuthon’s rituals and to his servants. When you are affected by a magical effect with the pain or shadow descriptor, as a free action you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against the effect.
[]True Magic of the Shadowcaster: The purest expression of Zon-Kuthon’s power blends faith with mastery of the arcane. As a free action, you may take 1d6 points of bleed damage each round for
3 rounds. While bleeding, increase your caster level by +1 for all spells you cast. If you are able to cast both arcane and divine spells, increase this bonus to +2.
[]Desperate Bargain: Presented with a choice between damnation and domination, you chose the latter and might choose it again. As an immediate action when you are reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d10 + your character level that last for 3 rounds. During these 3 rounds, you are confused as per the confusion spell. Each round, you may attempt a DC 18 Will save to remove the condition. At the end of 3 rounds or when you successfully save against the confusion effect, all remaining temporary hit points are lost and you resume dying if your hit point total remains below 0.
[]Insights of the Shadowless Sword: Your exposure to the Shadowless Sword grants you a moment of peerless perception or incredible alacrity when you most need it. As an immediate action, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks to see through a disguise and a +2 bonus on Will saving throws to disbelieve illusions, both lasting 2 rounds. Alternatively, as a swift action, you gain the benefits of haste for 2 rounds (CL 10th). When you use either of these abilities, cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet.
[]Magnimarian Debt: The many wealthy and influential attendees of theauction for the Runecarved Key, among them some who actively bid against the Pathfinder Society for the ancient relic, owe you a debt of gratitude for dealing with the assault on the Temple of Abadar. In thanks for saving their lives from the rampaging cultists, the citizens of Magnimar can be called upon in the future to assist you when your life needs saving or restoring. When you would pay for the casting of a raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection, you may call upon this favor and reduce the price of the spellcasting service by half. This discount applies to spellcasting services paid for with either coins or Prestige Points.
Formidable Renoun: Word of your defeat of the cultists of Lissala and your tenacity in the face of the relentless onslaught of summoned outsiders has quickly spread through the ranks of the secretive cult. When facing a worshiper of Lissala, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimdate checks to demoralize them, and can make one such attempt per encounter as a move action instead of a standard action.

bot me:

Summon eagle is my go to and then acid splash

[dice=acid splash (ranged touch attack)] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d3 [/dice]

Back Story:
Nigel has always spent his whole life working at his father's store in Magnimar called "Flit's Hardware". The store sells simple tools and building materials. Nigel worked hard and was even left in charge of balancing the books.
His father told Nigel stories of Nigel's grandfather (Nigel Flit the first). The stories that he was told were of a grand illusionist who was a member of the Pathfinder Society. All the stories were fantastic and played up how amazing the Society is, but unfortunately they are not true. His father made up these stores to inspire Nigel to join the society as a of making important business connections and to bring fame to the Flit family. In reality Nigel's grandfather was a skilled con man who turned straight after a few years in jail and opened up a small store. Nigel has always believed his father's stories and now wants to be part of the Pathfinder Society.
Nigel discovered his talent in conjuration magic early on and used it to his advantage when working in the shop. It makes your job a lot easier when you can man the counter while the creature you created cleans the store. It was a mix of inspiration from his grandfather and his skills that he chose to move off to be part of the Pathfinder Society and his background in trade only makes sense for him to join The Exchange.

5-04 stolen heir (1 xp 2 pp)
4-18 veteran's vault (1xp 2 pp)
8-99 solstice scarA (1xp 2 pp)
8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken (1xp 2 pp)
4-00 Race for the runecarved key (1xp 2 pp)

After 5-04
spent 2 pp on CLW wand
After 4-00
spent 2 pp on boon to learn orc

For all Chronicles and loot tracker go HERE A small (even by Gnome standards) summoner who generally wears clean but plain clothes. He is still young and has light brown hair. He has very charming green eyes, something that has helped him get his way most of his life. His favorite color is dark blue and most of his town clothes is that color.
When Nigel is out adventuring, he wears a chain shirt but he doesn't like how it feels. That is why he only wears it out of the town and even then seems uncomfortable. While he rarely uses it, he carries a dagger in case of emergency.
PFS # 263825-01
Experience 6
Faction The Exchange
Wealth 748 GP, 6 PP 12 Fame

Name Nigel Flit
Unchained Summoner 3
CG Small humanoid (Gnome)
Init +2; Senses Perc +4, SM +0,

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
HP 30
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4

Speed 15 ft.
Melee Dagger + 2 (1d3-1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities

Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB 0; CMD 12
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning,
Traits Mentored (Profession (Merchant), Possessed
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Orc
Spells 0th — acid splash, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, mage hand
1st — grease (DC 15), magic fang, summon monster I, shield
Spell-like abilities Summon monster 6/day, mage hand, 1/day, open/close 1/day, prestidigitation 1/day, unseen servant 1/day
Skills Diplomacy +4 1 rank, 3 ability mod, Knowledge (planes) +8 3 ranks, 3 class skills, 2 ability mod Perception +4 2 ranks, 2 race Profession (Merchant) + 9 3 ranks, 3 class skill, 2 race, 1 trait Spellcraft + 8 3 ranks, 2 ability mod, 3 class skill
Combat Gear dagger, chain shirt, alchemical fire (x3), Alkali (Flask), Scroll (Restoration (Lesser)), cloak of resistance +1, wand of CLW (41/50)
Other Gear wayfinder, 50ft of hemp rope, smoked goggles, backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin, Traveler’s Any-tool

Special Abilities
Bond Senses (Su)
At 2nd level, a summoner can, as a standard action, share the senses of his eidolon, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon does. He can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his summoner level. There is no maximum range to this effect, but the eidolon and the summoner must be on the same plane. The summoner can end this effect as a free action.
Defensive Training (Ex)
Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant type.
A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who forever after summons an aspect of the same creature. Each eidolon has a subtype, chosen when the eidolon is first summoned, that determines its origin and many of its abilities. An eidolon must be within one alignment step of the summoner who calls it (so a neutral good summoner can call a neutral, lawful good, or chaotic good eidolon) and can speak all of his languages. An eidolon is treated as a summoned creature, except it is not sent back to its home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures. A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon's hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment function normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished. The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner's desires. The eidolon's Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the summoner's class level and increase as the summoner gains levels. In addition, each eidolon gains a pool of evolution points based on the summoner's class level that can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the summoner gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of summoner. The eidolon's physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature appropriate to its subtype. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner's forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).
Gnome Magic (Sp)
Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain spell-like abilities.
Hatred (Ex)
Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Illusion Resistance (Ex)
Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
Life Link (Su)
At 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, as a reaction to the damage, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points he has without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane. In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does climb to the levels indicated and eventually returns to normal.
Summon Monster I (Sp)
At 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing on this ability uses up the same power that the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can use this ability only when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate from this spell-like ability immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of the summoner's spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, the summoner can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.


My Boons:

[] Elixir of Renewal: You gain a special elixir that you can consume as if it were a potion in order to
restore 2d8+5 hit points as well as 1d4 points of one type of ability damage. You can use the potion only once, even if the user is under the effects of alchemical allocation or a similar effect that would allow one to benefit from a potion multiple times.
Corruption Uncovered (Andoran): Honoring the request of Major Colson Maldris, you sought out and uncovered
corruption in Andoran. Discovering such immorality in the fledgling democracy has taught you to be increasingly
suspicious, and once per scenario before you make a Sense Motive check, you may add a +2 bonus to the check.
Earth Affinity: Your connection to elemental earth has grown stronger over the course of your recent adventures. This boon has no mechanical effect on its own, but it may interact with other boons or play a role in future adventures-especially those set on the elemental planes.
[][][]Ungounded Veteran: While your time in the Ungrounded was not easy, you rose to face the challenges that Captain Othis threw in your way. You may check a box before this boon to call upon
the skills you reinforced through your training, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on one of the following skill checks: an Acrobatics check to balance on a narrow or slippery surface, any Climb check, a Knowledge (planes) check to identify creatures or their weaknesses, or any Profession (soldier) check. If you are not trained in the skill, you may instead check a box to treat yourself as if you were trained in the skill. You must choose to apply this bonus before rolling.
[]Belkzen Veteran: You have crossed the Hold of Belkzen, negotiated with the orc representatives, and clashed with opportunistic raiders. You can spend 2 Prestige Points to learn Orc as a bonus language. In addition, you can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the benefits of the orc ferocity half-orc racial trait for 1 round. If you already have this racial trait and activate that ability, you can check the box to act normally as
though you did not have the disabled condition for 1 round.
[]Martyr’s Shard 1: The paladin Ivvora wielded a powerful dagger in service to her angelic patron, Vildeis. In helping recover and restore the hilt, you are able to begin imbuing a facsimile of the blade to combat evil on your own terms. As a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you
wield a +1 enhancement bonus (does not stack with other enhancement bonuses) and the ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute.
[]Scarred Champion: Vildeis grants the strength to endure pain to strike down evil, and in escorting Ivvora’s hilt back to the Twinhorn following, you now carry a spark of that empyreal lord’s divine resilience. When you would fail a saving throw against the spell or spell-like ability of an undead creature, you can check
the box that precedes this boon to roll 1d6 and increase the saving throw result by that amount. If the bonus is enough to turn the failure into a success, the saving throw succeeds. This near-death experience leaves you with a hand-sized scar somewhere on your body—a reminder of Vildeis’s assistance.
Prince of Wolves: Your experiences with the Sczarni of the Prince’s Wolves have given you insight into dealing with werewolves and other lycanthropes, and you are unphased by their bestial natures. You receive a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against lycanthropes. Additionally, the Intimdate DC for a lycanthrope to demoralize you is 2 higher than normal.
[]Distrust of Witches: Having been exposed to the curses of the jadwiga and winter witches of Irrisen once, you are mentally prepared to resist the hexes of others. You gain a one-time +4 bonus on a saving throw against a single witch hex, curse effect, or spell or effect with the pain descriptor. When this bonus is
used, cross it off your Chronicle.
[]Magical Scrivener: Your mastery of magical illustration allows you to empower other magical writings.
When casting a spell from a scroll, you may increase the scroll’s caster level by 2. When this boon is used,
cross it off your Chronicle.
[]Master of Shadows: You gain a one-time +5 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge check concerning the
Shadow Plane and shadow magic.
[]Revolutionary Bluster: You gain a one-time +5 circumstance bonus on any Disguise or Bluff check against someone from Galt.
Demonic Scholar: You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks when making checks regarding demons.
[]Dragon Empires Expert: Your travels in the Dragon Empires of Tian Xia have provided you with valuable tools when dealing with the lands’ varied natives. You receive a one-time +5 bonus on one of the following skill checks: Diplomacy or Sense Motive against a native of Tian Xia; Knowledge (geography, history, local, or nobility) regarding Tian Xia or its citizens; Linguistics to decipher or translate Dtang, Hon-la, Hwan, Minatan, Minkaian, or Tien.
[]Temple Trained: Your brief tenure at Dragon Temple in Quain has made you an expert in hand-to-hand combat. You may, as an immediate action, gain a one-time +4 competence bonus to your CMD. This bonus must be declared before the results of the attack are known.
[]Faithless: Your life in Rahadoum has instilled in you a fierce independence and indomitable selfconfidence. So long as you have no patron deity, you gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against divine spells for one scenario.
[]Supernatural Investigator: A history of solving mysteries and sniffing out renegades has trained you to look in all of the right places. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Knowledge, Perception, and Survival checks to find clues, locate hidden compartments, and identify tracks, lasting until the end of the scenario in which the boon is used.
[]Fugitive from Numeria: You spent time studying the secrets of the Silver Mount and have acquired both a rudimentary understanding of its cosmic technology and the enmity of a dangerous
organization. When you would be targeted or affected by an activated magical item, as a free action you gain a +2 bonus to AC and on saving throws against that item’s effects for 1d4 rounds.
[]Duplicitous Charm: As a confidence artist, you are adept at earning the trust of others and bending them to your needs. Choose a creature. Until the end of the scenario you gain a +2
competence bonus on Bluff checks to lie to the creature and Diplomacy checks to improve the creature’s attitude or request favors from it.
[]Nidalese Apostate: Years of training in Pangolais have inured you both to Zon-Kuthon’s rituals and to his servants. When you are affected by a magical effect with the pain or shadow descriptor, as a free action you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against the effect.
[]True Magic of the Shadowcaster: The purest expression of Zon-Kuthon’s power blends faith with mastery of the arcane. As a free action, you may take 1d6 points of bleed damage each round for
3 rounds. While bleeding, increase your caster level by +1 for all spells you cast. If you are able to cast both arcane and divine spells, increase this bonus to +2.
[]Desperate Bargain: Presented with a choice between damnation and domination, you chose the latter and might choose it again. As an immediate action when you are reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d10 + your character level that last for 3 rounds. During these 3 rounds, you are confused as per the confusion spell. Each round, you may attempt a DC 18 Will save to remove the condition. At the end of 3 rounds or when you successfully save against the confusion effect, all remaining temporary hit points are lost and you resume dying if your hit point total remains below 0.
[]Insights of the Shadowless Sword: Your exposure to the Shadowless Sword grants you a moment of peerless perception or incredible alacrity when you most need it. As an immediate action, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks to see through a disguise and a +2 bonus on Will saving throws to disbelieve illusions, both lasting 2 rounds. Alternatively, as a swift action, you gain the benefits of haste for 2 rounds (CL 10th). When you use either of these abilities, cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet.
[]Magnimarian Debt: The many wealthy and influential attendees of theauction for the Runecarved Key, among them some who actively bid against the Pathfinder Society for the ancient relic, owe you a debt of gratitude for dealing with the assault on the Temple of Abadar. In thanks for saving their lives from the rampaging cultists, the citizens of Magnimar can be called upon in the future to assist you when your life needs saving or restoring. When you would pay for the casting of a raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection, you may call upon this favor and reduce the price of the spellcasting service by half. This discount applies to spellcasting services paid for with either coins or Prestige Points.
Formidable Renoun: Word of your defeat of the cultists of Lissala and your tenacity in the face of the relentless onslaught of summoned outsiders has quickly spread through the ranks of the secretive cult. When facing a worshiper of Lissala, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimdate checks to demoralize them, and can make one such attempt per encounter as a move action instead of a standard action.

bot me:

Summon eagle is my go to and then acid splash

[dice=acid splash (ranged touch attack)] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d3 [/dice]

Back Story:
Nigel has always spent his whole life working at his father's store in Magnimar called "Flit's Hardware". The store sells simple tools and building materials. Nigel worked hard and was even left in charge of balancing the books.
His father told Nigel stories of Nigel's grandfather (Nigel Flit the first). The stories that he was told were of a grand illusionist who was a member of the Pathfinder Society. All the stories were fantastic and played up how amazing the Society is, but unfortunately they are not true. His father made up these stores to inspire Nigel to join the society as a of making important business connections and to bring fame to the Flit family. In reality Nigel's grandfather was a skilled con man who turned straight after a few years in jail and opened up a small store. Nigel has always believed his father's stories and now wants to be part of the Pathfinder Society.
Nigel discovered his talent in conjuration magic early on and used it to his advantage when working in the shop. It makes your job a lot easier when you can man the counter while the creature you created cleans the store. It was a mix of inspiration from his grandfather and his skills that he chose to move off to be part of the Pathfinder Society and his background in trade only makes sense for him to join The Exchange.

5-04 stolen heir (1 xp 2 pp)
4-18 veteran's vault (1xp 2 pp)
8-99 solstice scarA (1xp 2 pp)
8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken (1xp 2 pp)
4-00 Race for the runecarved key (1xp 2 pp)

After 5-04
spent 2 pp on CLW wand
After 4-00
spent 2 pp on boon to learn orc

For all Chronicles and loot tracker go HERE A small (even by Gnome standards) summoner who generally wears clean but plain clothes. He is still young and has light brown hair. He has very charming green eyes, something that has helped him get his way most of his life. His favorite color is dark blue and most of his town clothes is that color.
When Nigel is out adventuring, he wears a chain shirt but he doesn't like how it feels. That is why he only wears it out of the town and even then seems uncomfortable. While he rarely uses it, he carries a dagger in case of emergency.
PFS # 263825-01
Experience 6
Faction The Exchange
Wealth 748 GP, 6 PP 12 Fame

Name Nigel Flit
Unchained Summoner 3
CG Small humanoid (Gnome)
Init +2; Senses Perc +4, SM +0,

AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15
HP 30
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4

Speed 15 ft.
Melee Dagger + 2 (1d3-1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities

Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB 0; CMD 12
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning,
Traits Mentored (Profession (Merchant), Possessed
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Orc
Spells 0th — acid splash, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, mage hand
1st — grease (DC 15), magic fang, summon monster I, shield
Spell-like abilities Summon monster 6/day, mage hand, 1/day, open/close 1/day, prestidigitation 1/day, unseen servant 1/day
Skills Diplomacy +4 1 rank, 3 ability mod, Knowledge (planes) +8 3 ranks, 3 class skills, 2 ability mod Perception +4 2 ranks, 2 race Profession (Merchant) + 9 3 ranks, 3 class skill, 2 race, 1 trait Spellcraft + 8 3 ranks, 2 ability mod, 3 class skill
Combat Gear dagger, chain shirt, alchemical fire (x3), Alkali (Flask), Scroll (Restoration (Lesser)), cloak of resistance +1, wand of CLW (50/50)
Other Gear wayfinder, 50ft of hemp rope, smoked goggles, backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin, Traveler’s Any-tool

Special Abilities
Bond Senses (Su)
At 2nd level, a summoner can, as a standard action, share the senses of his eidolon, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon does. He can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his summoner level. There is no maximum range to this effect, but the eidolon and the summoner must be on the same plane. The summoner can end this effect as a free action.
Defensive Training (Ex)
Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant type.
A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who forever after summons an aspect of the same creature. Each eidolon has a subtype, chosen when the eidolon is first summoned, that determines its origin and many of its abilities. An eidolon must be within one alignment step of the summoner who calls it (so a neutral good summoner can call a neutral, lawful good, or chaotic good eidolon) and can speak all of his languages. An eidolon is treated as a summoned creature, except it is not sent back to its home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures. A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon's hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment function normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished. The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner's desires. The eidolon's Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the summoner's class level and increase as the summoner gains levels. In addition, each eidolon gains a pool of evolution points based on the summoner's class level that can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the summoner gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of summoner. The eidolon's physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature appropriate to its subtype. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner's forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).
Gnome Magic (Sp)
Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain spell-like abilities.
Hatred (Ex)
Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.
Illusion Resistance (Ex)
Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.
Life Link (Su)
At 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, as a reaction to the damage, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points he has without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane. In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does climb to the levels indicated and eventually returns to normal.
Summon Monster I (Sp)
At 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing on this ability uses up the same power that the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can use this ability only when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate from this spell-like ability immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of the summoner's spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, the summoner can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.


My Boons:

[] Elixir of Renewal: You gain a special elixir that you can consume as if it were a potion in order to
restore 2d8+5 hit points as well as 1d4 points of one type of ability damage. You can use the potion only once, even if the user is under the effects of alchemical allocation or a similar effect that would allow one to benefit from a potion multiple times.
Corruption Uncovered (Andoran): Honoring the request of Major Colson Maldris, you sought out and uncovered
corruption in Andoran. Discovering such immorality in the fledgling democracy has taught you to be increasingly
suspicious, and once per scenario before you make a Sense Motive check, you may add a +2 bonus to the check.
Earth Affinity: Your connection to elemental earth has grown stronger over the course of your recent adventures. This boon has no mechanical effect on its own, but it may interact with other boons or play a role in future adventures-especially those set on the elemental planes.
[][][]Ungounded Veteran: While your time in the Ungrounded was not easy, you rose to face the challenges that Captain Othis threw in your way. You may check a box before this boon to call upon
the skills you reinforced through your training, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on one of the following skill checks: an Acrobatics check to balance on a narrow or slippery surface, any Climb check, a Knowledge (planes) check to identify creatures or their weaknesses, or any Profession (soldier) check. If you are not trained in the skill, you may instead check a box to treat yourself as if you were trained in the skill. You must choose to apply this bonus before rolling.
[]Belkzen Veteran: You have crossed the Hold of Belkzen, negotiated with the orc representatives, and clashed with opportunistic raiders. You can spend 2 Prestige Points to learn Orc as a bonus language. In addition, you can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the benefits of the orc ferocity half-orc racial trait for 1 round. If you already have this racial trait and activate that ability, you can check the box to act normally as
though you did not have the disabled condition for 1 round.
[]Martyr’s Shard 1: The paladin Ivvora wielded a powerful dagger in service to her angelic patron, Vildeis. In helping recover and restore the hilt, you are able to begin imbuing a facsimile of the blade to combat evil on your own terms. As a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you
wield a +1 enhancement bonus (does not stack with other enhancement bonuses) and the ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute.
[]Scarred Champion: Vildeis grants the strength to endure pain to strike down evil, and in escorting Ivvora’s hilt back to the Twinhorn following, you now carry a spark of that empyreal lord’s divine resilience. When you would fail a saving throw against the spell or spell-like ability of an undead creature, you can check
the box that precedes this boon to roll 1d6 and increase the saving throw result by that amount. If the bonus is enough to turn the failure into a success, the saving throw succeeds. This near-death experience leaves you with a hand-sized scar somewhere on your body—a reminder of Vildeis’s assistance.
Prince of Wolves: Your experiences with the Sczarni of the Prince’s Wolves have given you insight into dealing with werewolves and other lycanthropes, and you are unphased by their bestial natures. You receive a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks against lycanthropes. Additionally, the Intimdate DC for a lycanthrope to demoralize you is 2 higher than normal.
[]Distrust of Witches: Having been exposed to the curses of the jadwiga and winter witches of Irrisen once, you are mentally prepared to resist the hexes of others. You gain a one-time +4 bonus on a saving throw against a single witch hex, curse effect, or spell or effect with the pain descriptor. When this bonus is
used, cross it off your Chronicle.
[]Magical Scrivener: Your mastery of magical illustration allows you to empower other magical writings.
When casting a spell from a scroll, you may increase the scroll’s caster level by 2. When this boon is used,
cross it off your Chronicle.
[]Master of Shadows: You gain a one-time +5 circumstance bonus on any Knowledge check concerning the
Shadow Plane and shadow magic.
[]Revolutionary Bluster: You gain a one-time +5 circumstance bonus on any Disguise or Bluff check against someone from Galt.
Demonic Scholar: You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks when making checks regarding demons.
[]Dragon Empires Expert: Your travels in the Dragon Empires of Tian Xia have provided you with valuable tools when dealing with the lands’ varied natives. You receive a one-time +5 bonus on one of the following skill checks: Diplomacy or Sense Motive against a native of Tian Xia; Knowledge (geography, history, local, or nobility) regarding Tian Xia or its citizens; Linguistics to decipher or translate Dtang, Hon-la, Hwan, Minatan, Minkaian, or Tien.
[]Temple Trained: Your brief tenure at Dragon Temple in Quain has made you an expert in hand-to-hand combat. You may, as an immediate action, gain a one-time +4 competence bonus to your CMD. This bonus must be declared before the results of the attack are known.
[]Faithless: Your life in Rahadoum has instilled in you a fierce independence and indomitable selfconfidence. So long as you have no patron deity, you gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against divine spells for one scenario.
[]Supernatural Investigator: A history of solving mysteries and sniffing out renegades has trained you to look in all of the right places. You gain a +1 competence bonus on Knowledge, Perception, and Survival checks to find clues, locate hidden compartments, and identify tracks, lasting until the end of the scenario in which the boon is used.
[]Fugitive from Numeria: You spent time studying the secrets of the Silver Mount and have acquired both a rudimentary understanding of its cosmic technology and the enmity of a dangerous
organization. When you would be targeted or affected by an activated magical item, as a free action you gain a +2 bonus to AC and on saving throws against that item’s effects for 1d4 rounds.
[]Duplicitous Charm: As a confidence artist, you are adept at earning the trust of others and bending them to your needs. Choose a creature. Until the end of the scenario you gain a +2
competence bonus on Bluff checks to lie to the creature and Diplomacy checks to improve the creature’s attitude or request favors from it.
[]Nidalese Apostate: Years of training in Pangolais have inured you both to Zon-Kuthon’s rituals and to his servants. When you are affected by a magical effect with the pain or shadow descriptor, as a free action you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against the effect.
[]True Magic of the Shadowcaster: The purest expression of Zon-Kuthon’s power blends faith with mastery of the arcane. As a free action, you may take 1d6 points of bleed damage each round for
3 rounds. While bleeding, increase your caster level by +1 for all spells you cast. If you are able to cast both arcane and divine spells, increase this bonus to +2.
[]Desperate Bargain: Presented with a choice between damnation and domination, you chose the latter and might choose it again. As an immediate action when you are reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d10 + your character level that last for 3 rounds. During these 3 rounds, you are confused as per the confusion spell. Each round, you may attempt a DC 18 Will save to remove the condition. At the end of 3 rounds or when you successfully save against the confusion effect, all remaining temporary hit points are lost and you resume dying if your hit point total remains below 0.
[]Insights of the Shadowless Sword: Your exposure to the Shadowless Sword grants you a moment of peerless perception or incredible alacrity when you most need it. As an immediate action, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks to see through a disguise and a +2 bonus on Will saving throws to disbelieve illusions, both lasting 2 rounds. Alternatively, as a swift action, you gain the benefits of haste for 2 rounds (CL 10th). When you use either of these abilities, cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet.
[]Magnimarian Debt: The many wealthy and influential attendees of theauction for the Runecarved Key, among them some who actively bid against the Pathfinder Society for the ancient relic, owe you a debt of gratitude for dealing with the assault on the Temple of Abadar. In thanks for saving their lives from the rampaging cultists, the citizens of Magnimar can be called upon in the future to assist you when your life needs saving or restoring. When you would pay for the casting of a raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection, you may call upon this favor and reduce the price of the spellcasting service by half. This discount applies to spellcasting services paid for with either coins or Prestige Points.
Formidable Renoun: Word of your defeat of the cultists of Lissala and your tenacity in the face of the relentless onslaught of summoned outsiders has quickly spread through the ranks of the secretive cult. When facing a worshiper of Lissala, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimdate checks to demoralize them, and can make one such attempt per encounter as a move action instead of a standard action.
Blight BaneAs a swift action, you can challenge an animal, plant, or vermin creature that you can see, gaining special bonuses against that foe for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that foe, and your weapons and spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against it. The bonus on attacks and damage increase to +2 and 2d6 respectively if the creature also has the fiendish simple template. You can instead grant these benefits to an adjacent ally as a move action, using your Wisdom bonus to determine its duration. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
[]Fangwood PurifierYou can check the box that precedes this boon to attempt a wild empathy check to influence an animal or magical beast, treating your character level as your druid level for this purpose. If you already have the wild empathy class feature or a similar ability, you can instead check the box to roll the check twice and take the higher result.
Martyr’s Shard 3 The paladin Ivvora wielded a powerful dagger in service to her angelic patron, Vildeis. By helping cleanse the battlefield where she first earned Vildeis’s favor, you have secured that empyreal lord’s assistance in a time of need—particularly when battling evil. As a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you wield a +1 enhancement bonus (which does not stack with other enhancement bonuses), and it grants you a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of evil creatures for 1 minute. During this time, attacks with this weapon also ignore the first 5 points of damage reduction possessed by undead creatures.

bot me:

Summon eagle is my go to and then acid splash

[dice=acid splash (ranged touch attack)] 1d20 + 3 [/dice]
[dice=damage] 1d3 [/dice]

Back Story:
Nigel has always spent his whole life working at his father's store in Magnimar called "Flit's Hardware". The store sells simple tools and building materials. Nigel worked hard and was even left in charge of balancing the books.
His father told Nigel stories of Nigel's grandfather (Nigel Flit the first). The stories that he was told were of a grand illusionist who was a member of the Pathfinder Society. All the stories were fantastic and played up how amazing the Society is, but unfortunately they are not true. His father made up these stores to inspire Nigel to join the society as a of making important business connections and to bring fame to the Flit family. In reality Nigel's grandfather was a skilled con man who turned straight after a few years in jail and opened up a small store. Nigel has always believed his father's stories and now wants to be part of the Pathfinder Society.
Nigel discovered his talent in conjuration magic early on and used it to his advantage when working in the shop. It makes your job a lot easier when you can man the counter while the creature you created cleans the store. It was a mix of inspiration from his grandfather and his skills that he chose to move off to be part of the Pathfinder Society and his background in trade only makes sense for him to join The Exchange.

5-04 stolen heir (1 xp 2 pp)
4-18 veteran's vault (1xp 2 pp)
8-99 solstice scarA (1xp 2 pp)
8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken (1xp 2 pp)
4-00 Race for the runecarved key (1xp 2 pp)

After 5-04
spent 2 pp on CLW wand
After 4-00