NewDM's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

My paladin follows a strict paladin code and would follow the law when he can, but will always choose to follow his paladin code or to do the "right and moral thing" if it conflicts with a law (thus, breaking the law).

Does that make him neutral good? Can a paladin be neutral good?

Can I damage lycanthropes with magic spells (acid arrow) or a weapon enchanted with the "magic weapon" spell, or do I have to have silver items?
What's the cheapest way to get a silver morningstar or dagger that can damage lycanthropes?

Just hit level 4 with this cleric:

Not really sure how to build him since I've never had a cleric past levels 1-2. Should I put a point in wisdom (to 19), just to put myself in a situation where at 8th level I can get up to 20 wisdom?
Or should I go up to 12 dex now so I can take advantage of the 1 AC + Initiative it will give me (my Full-Plate gives me 1 AC bonus). I am the team's tank.

Or I could go up to 16 strength for an extra +1 damage and +1 to hit on my morning star...

Not really sure where to go with this. How do clerics do most of their damage at mid-high levels? With spells? Or will I be swinging my mace around?

Hey, I'm a new DM and am bout to run the "Crypt of the Everflame" path for a group. I've never DM'd before, and after reading the adventure, I thought of a scenario that could actually be quite common at low levels and I'm not sure how to deal with it.

Here's the hypothetical: The group of 4 gets to the tomb and quickly discovers the slaughtered animals, bodies, and skeletons at the entrance. "Oh crap", they realize "People are dead and the tomb is overrun by skeletons." But what if instead of entering the tomb to defeat the enemies, they just go "Let's trek back to town, tell them what happened, and come back with reinforcements." The small town, upon hearing of this slaughter of their townsfolk, would undoubtedly send every able bodied man and whatever higher levels they have to quickly stamp out this undead problem.
How do I handle this if my characters just immediately want to turn back, and go grab a bunch of help at town instead of entering on their own with their weak level 1 asses? Even getting a couple of NPC helpers would make the adventure super easy, and if they came back with a dozen level 2s with pitchforks and axes, it would be trivial. Their decision to run back to town for a ton of reinforcements would actually make sense and be the most practical solution to the problem. And the town would never ignore the request...

What to do if this comes up?

I'm going to first time DM for a group of players that has a bit of D&D/tabletop RP experience. They aren't super experienced Pathfinder players, but since they have a general gaming background, I figure the "Beginner's Box" might not be the best place to start (correct me if I'm wrong).

What is the single best campaign/adventure path (not sure of the exact name for it) there is? I want to start a 3-4 person group at level 1, and I'm not limiting this to "free" adventures. Thanks for your advice!

Hey guys, I only have a little bit of experience with D&D in general (played maybe 5 or 6 times) and am about to DM a group where most people have a lot more experience than me since no one else wanted to DM. It is my FIRST time DM'ing. Here are the character creation rules I am going to use, please let me know if I should add or edit these. Thanks!

Character Creation:
Create your character and send it to me at least 3 days before the first session. The sooner the better.

Choose any “Core” or “Base” class from here:

Choose any race from here: I suggest using one of the “Core” races. Some of the “Other” races are fine too, but you must first get my approval.

You should communicate with the rest of the players and determine together who will play what class, so you don’t end up with 4 of the same class.

Create a background for your character. Where does he come from? Describe what he looks like and what his most important life experience was. Doesn’t have to be more than a couple of paragraphs.

Create a “life goal” for your character. “Kill the king!” “Become the king!” “Win the annual tournament!” - Whatever - it could be literally anything.

Use a 20 point ability buy:

Choose two traits. Don’t just choose the best two traits for combat. Please keep your character’s backstory in mind and choose two that actually would pertain to him/her. A list of traits can be found here:

No hero points.

Use the average starting gold for your class found here: (Paragraph 8 under “Get Equipped”).

Try to avoid “min-maxing” and pure optimization for your character that does not take in to account story and roleplay. The game is balanced assuming you aren’t 100% perfectly optimized, and you don’t need to be to survive.

All of the rules of the game can be found here: