
Nevra's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Cleric or Inquisitor of Zon-Kuthon with a compulsive hatred for undead on the basis that they cannot feel suffering?

I don't think this one makes sense because undead can be backstabbed and feel pain (suffering) from lightbased spells.

Mistwalker wrote:
More details on the sandbox campaign would help to have more focused suggestions.

We're doing a fantasy setting, which may or may not be the default Pathfinder setting. We're not deadset on that either. I'm not looking for tailor made suggestions, just general ideas.

As players we do work well together, but have found that the characters can be enhanced by a unifying theme/experience. Those were the sort of ideas I was hoping for.

I think anything is contrived for starting out your adventure party. While individual character motives are great, having them unified is also great - and that is what I am looking for.

What are some of the strategies you use for unifying a party before the campaign even begins?

  • All characters are of the same race.
  • All characters worship the same deity.

What other traits/experiences are good for creating unity in an early adventure party without railroading characters too much? Race and deity may be too constricting for some players. My group is starting a new Pathfinder sandbox campaign, which we'd like to start with characters that have some sort of bond. We're not deadset on what that bond might be, so I'm looking forward to your ideas.